The suppression of scientific and technological equipment by the magnetic field environment in the sub level specific region has reached a very exaggerated degree.

However, modern deep diving equipment is basically inseparable from submarines. To give up this equipment and wear ordinary diving clothes instead, how to find the undersea city in the deep sea with very low visibility has become a new problem.

At this time, the benefits of being attached to the great power will appear.

"The organization has prepared usable deep diving equipment for you in advance. As the old rule, these equipment will be converted into contribution points. After completing the exploration, you must hand in equivalent intelligence or items as compensation."

I don't know when the old woman had a remote control in her hand. When she pressed the front button, the two metal boxes in the center of the empty boat immediately unfolded, showing five sets of heavy diving suits.

Different from Xu Jiu's impression of the lightest diving suit as possible, the five sets in front of him are more like steel armor used in the deep sea. If not for the precise structure highlighted in its details and the attachment devices everywhere, Xu Jiu even suspects that these are iron lumps made for the wearer to sink to the bottom as soon as possible.

"These are deep diving equipment driven by Yuanshi. The operation methods are here. At present, it is nearly three hours before reaching the destination. You can get familiar with it during this time."

The bound manual was distributed to the public, and the old woman's eyes finally rested on Xu Jiu,

"You temporarily belong to non staff personnel and rely on the opportunity of this action in exchange for your previous credit. These are free."

"Sounds good."

Xu Jiu thought the other party wanted him to submit twice. Unexpectedly, it was free.

For a moment, I didn't know whether it was really equal to the previous credit, or whether I took advantage of this to show him the ability of lead core and wanted to lay the foundation for subsequent solicitation

Well, Xu Jiu didn't think much about the above problems at all. In his opinion, this is the last cooperation between himself and lead core. After that, he will take the initiative to break the relationship between the two sides.

Since you said it was the credit before, I believe it!

Although all the people present were smart, they were ready to sharpen their guns, so everyone focused on the deep diving equipment, and the empty boat cabin returned to the previous quiet atmosphere for a while.

It was not until more than two hours later that the old woman's reminder made everyone come back from thinking.

At this time, Xu Jiu's eyes noticed the other two empty boats hovering not far away through the window of the empty boat cabin. Like the one with lead core, there was no external sign, and it was obvious that he was deliberately hiding his identity.

Below them are the special area barriers with strange luster.

"There are ten minutes to start landing. Good luck."

For the sake of fairness, the three parties involved in the operation agreed on a time.

Quickly put on his equipment. Under the heavy helmet cover, Xu jiulue twisted his neck. His long knife and backpack had been put into a bullet shaped mechanical propeller next to him.


The hatch doors on both sides were opened, and the wind and rain poured in in an instant. In order to prevent collision between each other, the pedestrian landed at an interval, and Xu Jiu was in the middle.

When it was his turn, he took a step forward and jumped down without hesitation.

To tell you the truth, this feeling of weightlessness during rapid landing is not easy.

However, at the moment of passing through the barrier, Xu Jiu's falling speed changed from extremely fast to extremely slow due to the buffer of sea water. The two extreme contrasts even gave him the illusion of time slowing down the flow.

Darkness filled his vision, and the "hum ~" sound of the sea surging on his side made people uneasy.

However, Xu Jiu is not an ordinary person in the end. His confidence in his own strength made him quickly adjust his state. First, he turned on the propeller light that has been tightly held in his hand. At the same time, he looked around and soon found that there was an extremely dazzling light of light green in the surrounding sea water.

That is the signal light agreed before coming down, which is controlled by Shi Yang.

He was the first to jump.

Xu Jiu quickly opened the propeller on the deep diving suit and leaned over and stabilized his body around Shi Yang. Soon, others began to move closer to this side.

In the process, Xu Jiu found two signal lights nearby. Obviously, the other two organizations had the same idea.

When all gathered, Shi Yang directly opened another device he brought down.

A translucent seahorse appeared from the open device. First, it swam in the sea for a while, and then with a swing of its tail, it swam quickly under everyone.

Deep sea guide worm.

This is what Xu Jiugang knew. Only then did he know that there are creatures that can navigate in the deep sea, and this is not a natural creature in the special area, but specially cultivated by human beings.

The thruster started at full speed, and more than a dozen light columns chased the luminous seahorses, sinking in the dark deep sea.

When the source stone is activated, the spilled energy lingers in the propeller. The sound made by the rotation of the propeller does not make people feel noisy, but makes the surrounding more and more silent.

The dark environment is very easy for people to lose the concept of time, and this continuous fall no longer challenges everyone's psychological defense all the time.

At this time, the role of collective action is reflected. Although we can't communicate with each other, there are people walking beside us, which alleviates the tension to a great extent.

Until the towering seabed rock pillars began to appear in the sea ahead, the moving track of Yingguang seahorse also changed from vertical to oblique. Everyone knows that they are not far from their destination.

The shape is gradually close to the hills and stone pillars at the bottom of the sea, and the light of the propeller inevitably covers it. Xu Jiuzheng is interested in observing the surrounding strange coral reefs and the shuttle marine organisms, but there is a sudden change next to him.

Looking away, I saw the stone sheep at the front of the team waving his arms quickly, as if to attract everyone's attention, and then turned off the searchlight directly.

Naturally, there were no fools present. They knew that Shiyang was asking them to do so. At that time, they chose to turn off the lights one after another, and even the propeller was adjusted to the lowest gear. At this time, everyone noticed that such a big dark shadow was rising on the undersea hill in front of Shiyang!

On the premise of turning off the searchlight, everyone only felt that the sea water in front of them suddenly rolled. Then in the dark, a pair of dark brown eyes about the size of an adult elephant suddenly opened from the dark and stared at the people

At this moment, including Xu Jiu, all subconsciously held their breath.

There is no doubt that they met a giant beast living at the bottom of this sub level special area. If they conflict with each other in this state, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Fortunately, in each other's eyes, Xu Jiu and others were just a little bigger than ants. After a short look, the eye moved away, and the huge body gradually disappeared.

Mutation? intrusion?

Xu Jiu guessed the strength of the monster, but he didn't dare to try, because it was easy to die.

However, when Shiyang started the propeller again and was ready to move on, everyone heard a dull roar from the rear.

The next second, the tide surged!

Xu Jiu just glanced back, and without thinking about it, he directly pulled the propeller full and began to approach quickly. The response of Shi Yang and others was almost the same... No, not only them, but also the people of the other two organizations in the distance were pushing frantically.

The reason is very simple. On the track that the giant beast left just now, another monster with the same size as the former rushed out.

The battle broke out almost without warning.

No one dared to stop. Everyone just made every effort to rush forward. At the same time, a large number of sea animals rushed out of the quiet seabed.

Obviously, they are also creatures affected by the battle between the two giants.

You know, the tide caused by the collision of deep-sea giants at this level is very terrible. If you are careless, you may be involved. It goes without saying.

The crowd mingled with the fish.

In order not to have an accident, Xu Jiu simply used the shock step. Anyway, no matter how big the movement is now, it can't be compared with the back.

The sudden soaring speed made him quickly stand out from the team and catch up with the Yingguang seahorse that has swam out for a long distance.

Just as Xu Jiu shuttled through the hills with Yingguang seahorse to avoid all kinds of sundries, he suddenly found several extremely abrupt "rock pillars" in the sea water in front of him.

When the distance was closer, Xu Jiu suddenly found that these were mechanical columns standing on the deep seabed, with a height of at least 200 meters, and a number of giant crystal balls with a diameter of more than six meters were embedded at the top.

Street lamp post?

Xu Jiu's mind gave birth to this more or less inexplicable idea. However, after he followed Yingguang Haima to turn over a coral reef and pushed forward for a distance, everything in front of him clearly told him that his idea was probably correct

At the bottom of the sea ahead, a huge relic is sleeping!

Different from the planning method of land-based cities, in order to ensure the normal operation on the seabed, this submarine City obviously adopts the form of large settlement, and there are basically no scattered buildings.

The whole site presents a very standard diamond, with a large building at its four ends, and the corridor bridge protected by a cover made of something that looks like glass is connected.

Through the intelligence obtained from the early exploration, Xu Jiu knew that what they were going to now was the "diamond" facing their end corner.

The buildings there are the smallest.

In fact, it is not a residential area, but a "parking lot" or the entrance and exit of the whole undersea city.

Xu Jiu, who had already known how to get in on the empty boat, naturally wouldn't stay. He didn't want to act with the lead core people from the beginning.

It's not that we don't look down on their strength, but we must face the problem of booty distribution when we act together. At that time, there will inevitably be another conspiracy.

Xu Jiu is not familiar with them at all. This multi person benefit distribution can only suffer losses. It's better to act alone and find everything for himself.

By the light in front of the propeller, Xu Jiu also roughly saw the appearance of the building at this time.

Steel, stone and possibly special glass form the entrance and exit of the building.

The bottom of the arch bridge is estimated to reduce the current impulse and share the pressure for medium and high-rise buildings.

The middle layer is the main part of the entrance and exit. Among them are various "holes" of different sizes. In Xu Jiu's opinion, it is somewhat like a cabin. Submarines arriving here need to enter it first and then drain and float up. There are also several passages on the left and right sides that are significantly smaller than the former. That's where Xu Jiu will go later.

As for the high-rise, it is more like a waiting platform. While the glass is shrouded, crystal balls similar to those on the top of the stone pillars just seen are also installed around it.

While traveling and watching, Xu Jiu was shocked by the undersea city, but he was also surprised at how they did it and built the city in this environment.

Through these days of online classes, Xu Jiu probably knows that although the relics in the special area have different shapes, the technology adopted or existing in them is completely incomparable with the current era.

Note that the incompatibility here is not to say how backward the relics in the special area are, but that their science and technology tree has completely moved to the other extreme.

The simplest example is the existence of the refining array. Modern science and technology may require multiple processes. With the assistance of the refining array, it is likely that it can be completed in just a few seconds by providing some raw materials and source stones.

This makes the development of special area relics extremely backward in intelligent technology, but it has reached the peak in mystics and mechanical creation.

This undersea city is the best proof!

Thinking, Xu Jiu is already close to the entrance and exit buildings.

Looking at the light entangled with the fish, Xu Jiu immediately decided to rush into the nearest channel.

Just about to dive again, Xu Jiu's line of sight suddenly solidified when he unconsciously swept through the high-rise waiting platform.

At the edge of the platform just a few tens of meters away from him, I don't know when a short figure suddenly appeared

At first, Xu Jiu only thought of some sundries on the platform, such as garbage cans and stop signs, but just as he approached, the thing began to move towards this side!

When he turned the searchlight on the propeller, he found that there was nothing there

This sudden discovery made Xu Jiu feel a thrill.

Although outside the special area, the old woman said that there might be some creatures in the undersea city, he didn't expect to meet him before he went in.

Did he come here to observe the situation after he heard something outside?

Will you be directly attacked when you go in later?

What is the strength of creatures who don't know how long they exist in this ghost place?

The various ideas in his mind made Xu Jiu tangle for a time, but his action was not slow and rushed directly into the nearest channel.

Then he swam about ten meters forward, and a ladder appeared in the searchlight.

When Xu Jiu and others were almost close, he turned off the propeller, turned on the overhead light, turned on the internal oxygen supply device, adjusted the position of his body, and stepped up.

The light shines through the water to illuminate the building environment above. The top of the helmet is gradually close to the water, but Xu Jiu's footsteps suddenly stagnate at the moment.

Separated by a thin layer of sea water.

He clearly saw a vague figure staring here!

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