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Chapter 1085 Chitose Chitose 17 (reward plus 1 more)

Ning Yue was still retching, and the people around the old emperor were also experienced, so they quietly reminded him in the emperor's ear.

The old emperor lost his voice in surprise: "What? Pregnant?"

The eunuch bowed and saluted: "I feel that Concubine Zhao's condition does not seem to be due to poisoning."

After all, it is rare to see someone in the palace vomiting after being poisoned. The key is that Concubine Zhao just took a sip of fish soup.

"Quickly, pass on my instructions and ask all the imperial doctors to come to Yong'an Palace to diagnose Concubine Zhao's pulse."

A group of people started to move. When the imperial concubine heard the commotion, she thought that Concubine Zhao was in trouble. She was so happy that she ate two more bowls of rice in the evening.

The emperor was also happy, because after more than a dozen imperial doctors diagnosed Ning Yue's pulse, they congratulated the emperor in unison, "Concubine Zhao is pregnant, exactly one month ago. Congratulations to the emperor, congratulations to the emperor, concubine Zhao is pregnant!"

"Reward! There is a reward for everyone! Concubine Zhao is conferred the title of..."

Originally, I wanted to make her a virtuous concubine or a good concubine, but then I thought about it, this is my only biological mother, and she will be a queen in the future. Is it possible that she should be allowed to pay tribute to others?

Let's just raise the topic a little bit and say, "She will be named Imperial Concubine. The canonization ceremony will be held in one month."

The entire Yong'an Palace immediately heard shouts of long live the emperor.

It was rare for the emperor not to be carried away by the joy, so he took the imperial concubine to the hospital and asked: "How is the imperial concubine's health? How is the child? Do you need to raise the fetus? Do you need to take a few doses of anti-fetal medicine?"

The imperial doctor replied cheerfully, "Your Majesty is in very good health, better than an adult man's body, and the fetus in her belly has a strong pulse. The medicine is three-part poison. It is best not to take the anti-fetal medicine."

The first three months of pregnancy is a dangerous period. You should avoid sexual intercourse and pay attention to your diet..."

The imperial doctor was talking a lot, but the emperor was not impatient and listened happily. Finally, he sent the imperial doctor Zhang, who was good at gynecology, and two female doctors to the Yong'an Palace to ensure that the imperial concubine's baby could be delivered safely.

After making these arrangements, he rarely thought of the imperial doctor's words that pregnant women should always be in a good mood, so he picked a bunch of gold and silver jewelry from his private treasury and had them sent to Yong'an Palace.

When Ning Yue saw the pile of rewards, she pretended to be happy and thanked the emperor for the reward. This was really a rarity after having a child. The emperor didn't even let her salute, "You are pregnant, be well." Please take good care of yourself, and you don’t need to salute when you see me in the future.”

Ning Yue was really happy this time. She smiled lightly and said, "I would like to thank you, Your Majesty. However, I am pregnant and cannot sleep with you at night. Why don't you go and see Concubine Su?"

The old emperor was in a good mood and didn't want to leave at first, but he was afraid of bumping into the child in the belly of the imperial concubine, so he said happily: "Okay, I will go back to Changtai Hall tonight, and my beloved concubine will also rest early, waiting for your safe birth." I will reward you greatly for my dragon son."

Ning Yue responded softly: "I obey the order and will definitely protect the child in my belly. I am still waiting to receive the reward from the emperor."

She didn't want to talk nonsense with the emperor, so let's just let the dragon be the dragon. Anyway, she was pregnant with twins, a son and a daughter, and the dragon and the phoenix became auspicious, and she was planning for a good fortune.

The emperor walked away with a smile. He left with his front foot, and then Chief Ling came with his back foot.

At that time, Ning Yue had just finished taking a bath, and Qing'er helped her dry her hair. Seeing him coming, the little girl bowed and left silently.

The man looked at Ning Yue with burning eyes, as if he was looking at some rare treasure without blinking.

Ning Yue sat in front of the dressing mirror and turned to glare at him, "Why don't you say anything? Are you here to be used as a pile of wood?"

Ling Xuazhi walked over slowly, stood next to her, then knelt down on one knee, put one hand on her abdomen and stroked it gently.

Ning Yue put her hand on the man's hand, and the two of them were silent for a moment.

Ling Xuazhi moved his head over and pressed it against Ning Yue's hand. After a while, Ning Yue felt that the back of her hand was a little wet.

She retracted her hand as if she was electrocuted.

Tsk~ It’s just that she has a child, and she has been treated so badly that she doesn’t even dare to speak casually.

It felt like his crying had softened his heart.

Fortunately, Ling Xuazhi quickly returned to normal, "We have a child."

Ning Yue: "Yeah."

"We're having a baby."

Ning Yue: "Yeah."

"We're having a baby."

Ning Yue: This is still not normal, what should I do?

In the end, she just stopped talking. It was her first time being pregnant and she had little experience, so she fell asleep while being held by the man.

After Ling Xuazhi noticed it, he carefully placed the person on the bed and covered him with a thin quilt.

The early autumn wind carried a hint of coolness. Ling Xuazhi walked over and gently closed the window. Then he took off his clothes and lay on the bed.

This little woman loves to cling to him when sleeping, touching and rubbing against him. She likes to stick to him even when the weather is hot. She said that his body is cool and his skin is smooth and smooth. Comfortable.

Therefore, every time he got into her bed, he would habitually take off his shirt. Sure enough, she quickly came over and rubbed her head against him. She found a comfortable position for herself and stopped moving.

Ling Xuazhi took a good look at her little action, with a little smile in his eyes.

He had heard her say before that she already had a child in her belly, but he believed it but it didn't feel real.

When he heard the news from the imperial doctor in the evening, he wanted to come here, but it didn't work. If the emperor felt that he paid too much attention to Yong'an Palace, it would not be a good thing for them, so he endured it.

Now, he is finally at ease.

Can't sleep, can't sleep at all!

He was so excited that he couldn't sleep all night!

Then he just stared at the person next to him all night. If it weren't for the time to go to court, he would probably continue to stare.

Today's morning meeting, the Emperor Long Yan was overjoyed and announced in a high-profile manner that the Imperial Concubine was pregnant. All the ministers in the court congratulated the Emperor publicly, but secretly they had various thoughts, especially the Prince of Kangyang, who had a dark face but still pretended to be pregnant. He looked happy and said a lot of things.

Ling Xuazhi was secretly annoyed that the emperor was so loud and had spread the news so early. The danger around Ning Yue had increased countless times. It seemed that he had to send more people to Yong'an Palace to guard it.

When the emperor was happy, he also thought of the imperial concubine's natal family, "Wen Aiqing, I remember that the eldest son in your house doesn't have any official position, right?"

"Replying to the emperor, I am now the deputy commander of the Five Cities Military and Horse Department."

The deputy commander of the Five Cities Military and Horse Department of the Great Xia Dynasty was only a seventh-rank official.

When the emperor heard this, he realized that Wen Zhe was now his father-in-law, and the prince of the Hou family was his brother-in-law. How could his brother-in-law only be a seventh-grade official?

"I remember that there is still a shortage of one person for the position of Young Minister in Dali Temple, so let Wen Qing go to Dali Temple to serve."

When all the officials heard this, it was true that one person could ascend to heaven. With the emperor's words, the seventh-grade official became a fourth-grade official. What would happen to the Wen family when the imperial concubine really gave birth to a child?

The dark-minded ones are extremely hateful, and of course there are also smart ones who are already thinking about how to curry favor with the Wen family. (End of chapter)

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