Fast travel to start the koi luck

Chapter 163 Seven Zero Fortune 88

Ning Yue didn't even have any interest in chatting, and after a while, she finished the last two papers.

The paper was divided into points, four out of four in mathematics, twelve people with scores above 90, only four people with scores between 60 and 80, and eight people with scores between 80 and 90.

Except for 18 Chinese scores above 90, two failed, and the rest were between 60 and 90. "You are busy, I will go to the classroom and hand out the papers."

After she left, Lin Qiaoyu glanced at her back, "She is the only one who can toss and take the exam all day long. The students can knock off the roof of the house when they hear her howling for the exam!"

It made her have to give some questions to the students from time to time, and every time her hands were dirty and rough.

Xu Yansheng couldn't help chuckling. The students were howling, but after the exam, those children studied more seriously. This cannot be pretended, and it is also the biggest difference between the fourth grade students and the students in other classes.

No student likes to take exams, but you can ask those parents, if such a teacher is changed for them, will they do it?

The answer is definitely no!

Everyone understands the reason, because she teaches well and is responsible!

This alone is enough!

What's more, in the fourth grade, I have never heard of any classmate being beaten or punished by the teacher, let alone talking back to the teacher.

Two days ago, he also saw a male student in the fourth grade stuff the boiled eggs he brought from home into her pocket, saying it was his mother's order.

What is the child's name? It seems to be... By the way, it's called Hong Tie.

Even the children at home are reluctant to eat, but the parents of the students let the students give it to the teacher, which shows the status of Ning Yue in the hearts of the parents of the students.

In the fourth grade classroom, Ning Yue came to the classroom early, and the students were all obediently sitting in their seats, reading books, or doing problems, and no one was naughty in the class.

"Okay, there are still ten minutes to class. Let's hand out the papers first, and the Chinese papers first. Hong Tie scored 97 points. This test is not bad, and we must continue to work hard."

Hong Tie, the boy who secretly stuffed eggs into Ning Yue, immediately walked up to the podium and took the paper back.

"Du Xiaohua scored 96 points, ... Li Yusheng scored 92 points, ... Zhang Xingxing scored 68 points, and Cai Youfu scored 42 points."

The test papers were handed out one by one, and the expressions of the students were all different: "Look at where you are all wrong, and copy the wrong questions fifty times later, the words~trace~need~work~correct!"

Suddenly there was an explosion in the classroom, and the howling sound really spread far and wide.

Ning Yue picked up the eraser and slapped it vigorously on the podium, "Calm down, don't write wrong questions if you don't want to be punished, this time the test paper questions are relatively simple, and all of them have been covered in class, so there are still people who fail, It is to punish you with less punishment, just write, and you are not allowed to go home if you can't finish writing, so as not to slow down your memory.

Cai Youfu, Du Hongjun, come out with me. "

These two were the only ones in the class who failed in Chinese.

Especially Cai Youfu, although he usually listens carefully, but he gave her more than 40 points in the test.

With their heads down, the two slowly followed Ning Yue out of the classroom.

"Tell me, what's the situation with you two? Why do you both fail in such a simple question?"

Du Hongjun opened his mouth first: "Teacher, I have studied hard, but my reading ability is poor. Most of the mistakes are in the latter questions. I have never done it before..."

Ning Yue nodded. The first two exams were for the knowledge points of the first half of the year, and there were almost no reading questions. Moreover, Du Hongjun's math score is not bad, with a score of 92, it's not like he didn't study hard.

"Okay, your explaining teacher accepts it, copy those questions carefully, and hand them in to me after copying, and wait for the teacher to find some reading comprehension questions for you, and you can do it at home at night, is there any problem?"

Du Hongjun said: "No problem."

"Then you go in and write well."

Du Hongjun let out a "hey" and ran away quickly. There was no other way. Fifty times, math is easy to copy, and it is basically numbers. After the teacher finishes speaking, just write down the correct answer, or just ask the students who got the answer right. It won't work, all his mistakes are the questions with too many words in the back, if you don't write quickly, you will probably have to live in school at night.

After he left, Ning Yue asked Cai Youfu again: "What about you? What's the situation?"

Cai Youfu remained silent for a long time before he took a deep breath and said, "Teacher, I don't want to do it anymore."

Ning Yue frowned, "What's the matter, suddenly I don't want to go to school anymore? Is there any difficulty at home? If you have any difficulties, tell the teacher and see if the teacher can help you."

Cai Youfu moved his body, glanced at Ning Yue, then lowered his head without saying a word.

The class bell rang, but Ning Yue didn't take another word out of the child's mouth, and let people in.

This class is naturally about the papers. Others talk about the questions one by one. She is like this, "Who made a mistake in the first question? Raise your hand?"

When it came to the second multiple-choice question, someone finally raised his hand, "The answer is B, do you still need me to tell you? Those who don't understand why they chose B raised their hands?" The student shouted: "You don't need to tell if you understand."

Then came the next one, "Several students got this question wrong, let's talk about it carefully, after the lecture is over, next time there is a similar question and whoever gets it wrong again, they will be fined to copy it a hundred times."

After Kakaka gave a lecture, it took more than 30 minutes to finish the paper, and in the rest of the time, the students copied the wrong questions.

According to Hong Tie, who was admitted to university many years later, no matter how good their studies are, all of their students have a good writing speed, which was trained by Teacher Du back then, because she really dared to punish students The one who copied the papers fifty times and one hundred times.

Ning Yue didn't want to do this either, but there was nothing she could do. Why did they have poor foundations? The reason why several students got low scores was because they had a lot of typos when writing the reading questions, in other words, they wrote less, so, She had to make it up for them.

In the next class, the math papers were taught again, this one was faster, it only took 20 minutes, and then the last two self-study classes were for the students to copy the papers, Xu Yansheng said that the fourth grade students would not be shocked after class And San, they want to go to the small playground to play, but is there a way to go? Who will copy homework for them fifty times?

When school was over in the afternoon, Dajiang and the others waited for Ning Yue at the school gate as usual, but Ning Yue sent her away, "Go back first, sister-in-law is going to visit the students' homes today."

"Oh, sister-in-law, hurry up and wait for your dinner."

Ning Yue nodded and watched her children leave before heading towards the north of the village.

Cai Youfu’s family belongs to the third brigade and lives in the north of the village. There are seven people in his family. His parents are simple farmers. Work within one's power.

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