Fast travel to start the koi luck

Chapter 178 Seventy Fubao 103

"That's not cost-effective. People in the city have no land, and the chickens can only eat grain. Unlike our village, where the chickens can scatter casually, it can eat enough by itself. Even if it is enclosed, it will be fed with some grass and some bran. can grow up.”

blah blah blah blah blah...

Ning Yue went in and listened, this guy really didn't blink, no matter how boring his old man was, he would never raise chickens, but what he said seemed to be true!

"Big brother, second brother, third brother, eat, and chat after eating."

Du Guoxing stood up and wrapped his arms around Xu Yansheng's shoulders: "Let's go, brother-in-law, let's eat first.

I used to think that the educated youths from your city were superior, but I didn't expect that to be the case at all. You are so angry with me! "

Du Guosheng said: "Hey, brother, you are wrong, that is because our brother-in-law is different from those educated youths, he should be our uncle!"

Xu Yansheng glanced sideways at Ning Yue, and Ning Yue quietly gave him a thumbs up, buddy, it's yours!

Xu Yansheng couldn't help laughing silently, it turned out that she was like this in front of her family.

I had a meal at the old man's house again, and before leaving, the brothers of the Du family kept asking three times, "You will eat at home from now on, don't be too polite, anyway, you will get married in a few days, why are you so polite?

What delicious food can the educated youth spot make? Besides, it's a waste of time, you can eat ready-made ones when you come to our house. "

Xu Yansheng liked the sincerity of the three elder brothers, but he knew in his heart that before marriage, Ning Yue could no longer call him.

Du Qiaoyu went to find Du Taohua after dinner. On the way, she brought back Dayong, who was spreading flowers outside, and called for her. Dayong didn't like their class teacher at all, and he didn't want to go to school recently.

So, his grades don't matter much, and of course he doesn't like studying very much. His mother beat him several times because of this.

When Du Taohua came out, she was still a little surprised, "What do you want me for?"

"What are you talking about? I did what you asked me to do..."

Du Taohua quickly pulled her arm, looked around nervously, and after confirming that there was no one on the street, she lowered her voice and said, "Can you keep your voice down, what good is it for you to be heard?"

"Benefits? Why do I want benefits? As long as you are not good, I will be fine!

You used me as a messenger, now that you have achieved your goal, Xu Yansheng and Du Ningyue are not so easy to deal with, they want me to pay for medical expenses now, what do you think about this matter? "

Du Taohua saw that she was acting so generous again, and calmly withdrew the hand holding her arm, "Use you as a messenger? You should be lucky that you can still be used as a spear by me! Otherwise, your job will be ruined." Yes, it was you who pushed the person, so shouldn’t it be right for them to ask you to pay for the medical expenses?”

Du Qiaoyu's face was flushed with anger, she put one hand on her hip, pointed at Du Taohua's nose, and cursed: "But you asked me to do this, you should pay for the medical expenses, if you don't pay, I don't mind Let's fight to the death!

I thought I would be afraid of you if I held my short son, my aunt could not be this teacher at worst, it's not like I haven't planted land before!

But I'm going to be unlucky, you Du Taohua don't want to have a good life, my aunt doesn't believe that I can't kill you little bitch! "

Du Taohua gritted her teeth angrily, and Du Qiaoyu showed such a generous attitude, there was really nothing she could do about her!

She thought she could hold onto her and keep threatening her to do things for her. Unexpectedly, this bitch planned to kill her. If the bitch sent another report letter and sent it to the commune or the county, Then she would be finished.

"Okay, I'll pay the medical expenses!"

Ten minutes later, Du Qiaoyu returned home proudly with 100 yuan, and handed the money to Xu Yansheng in front of Ning Yue before class the next morning.

Ning Yue knew it in her heart, but she looked surprised on her face, "Hey, it's enough so quickly, we didn't rush you."

I didn't expect Du Taohua to give money so happily, Du Qiaoyu's mouth is still very powerful!

Du Qiaoyu hurriedly said: "Sooner or later, I have to pay it back. I feel uncomfortable because I always owe foreign debts. If I have one, I will pay it first. You can put it away quickly. I have something to do in class, so I will go first."

After saying that, he hurried away.

Ning Yue took out her watch from her pocket and glanced at it. There are still fifteen minutes before class starts. This one never prepares for lessons. What can she do in the classroom?

"Why don't you wear your watch?"

Xu Yansheng has noticed that this girl seems to have kept her watch in her pocket since she came to school to work, and she only took it out occasionally to check the time. He can guarantee that even Teacher Wen, who is closest to her, has not seen her watch clearly. What does it look like.

"Good guy, I'm fine, I'm wearing a big gold watch worth more than a thousand dollars, how can I explain it when people see you?"

Xu Yanchang: ... This seems to be really inexplicable!

Said he sent it? Why did he send it? There were a lot of rumors about the two in the village before, and with such a watch, it was even more inexplicable.

Said she bought it herself? Her family's conditions are considered to be relatively poor in the village. Well, they are quite poor, and they spend more than 1,000 yuan to buy a watch. Let me first talk about where the money came from!

"That can be worn when we get married. It's my fault. I should have paid you directly at that time. What kind of watch should I buy?"

"That's not the case. I fell in love with this watch before, but unfortunately I didn't have enough money so I bought a Shanghai one. After the wedding, I will give the Shanghai one to my mother."

Xu Yansheng: ...So, the only use of your marriage with me is that no matter what good things you come up with, there will be a source, right?


Du Taohua may have achieved her goal and lost a large sum of money, so she returned to the city the next day, but it started to rain as soon as she walked out of the village, as if God was crying for her to practice.

Du Taohua, who returned home, was not having an easy time at this time.

Jiang's father disliked Du Taohua's reputation and forced his son to divorce him, but Jiang Longsheng disagreed.

The atmosphere in Jiang's family is really not very good recently, Jiang's mother discussed it with Jiang's father, Jiang's father took a step back the next day, and let the two move back home, no one's daughter-in-law does not take care of her parents-in-law Yes, Du Taohua is the daughter of which family can be an exception?

Jiang Longsheng only thought that as long as his father stopped fighting with him, he would go home. As long as Taohua knew something, he would naturally develop feelings for him after getting along for a long time.

When she gave birth to another big fat boy, his father would not be able to say anything more.

In addition, Du Taohua had been fired from the factory, so they were naturally not eligible to live in that apartment anymore, so he agreed to his father's request.

So, as soon as Du Taohua came home, she saw her open the door of her room! No! open! up!

She frantically opened the lock forcefully, the key was about to be twisted off by her, but the door was still motionless!

She raised her foot and kicked towards the door.

At this time, there was movement inside the door: "Who? Who kicked the door?"

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