Fast travel to start the koi luck

Chapter 507 The First Beauty 19

Lan Zongli nodded: "Sure, if I'm right, this should be the recipe. Cough, that guy Wuxin loves delicious food, and he will give away the recipe when he eats something good."

Ning Yue poked through the little *book but didn't find a monk named Wuxin, so she stopped thinking about it and flipped through the book in her hand.

This is indeed a cookbook called "Food Treasures", of course it is not the original version, did not listen to what Lan Zongli said, it was mass-produced unintentionally, and given away for free as a thank you gift.

When she saw the recipes of some of the famous dishes, she was suddenly startled. No wonder she thought the title of the book sounded familiar. Isn't this "Food Treasures" handed down from later generations with only 200 characters left? Monk Wuxin gave her the whole book?

"Are you familiar with this Master Wuxin?"

Lan Zongli thought for a while and said, "He's an idler, he doesn't care about anything, the only thing he cares about is eating. When he was young, there was a famine at home, and his family couldn't eat, so his father exchanged him with another child... Fortunately, Fortunately, he was rescued by his master, and later he became a monk in Shaolin.

It's a pity that although he is a martial arts prodigy, he doesn't mind his appetite. He was expelled from the school by his master, and then he became what he is now. By the way, he loves to eat but can't cook it, so he smells of meat I will never let it go! "

Ning Yue: This co-author is a foodie!

After chatting for a while, Lan Zongli asked about something serious: "You really have no other plans to stay here all day?"

Ning Yue: "Don't say it, there really are. Aren't those righteous people in the martial arts always trying to destroy the Demon Cult? I think we should help them."

Thinking that she had almost trampled all over the Devil's Cult in the past few days, Lan Zongli said calmly, "What do you need me to do?"

Ning Yue's eyes turned slightly, "The future daughter-in-law of the leader of the martial arts was kidnapped by the demon sect, shouldn't he send his hands to rescue her?

Wait for me to draw the map, and you can run for me..."

Lan Zongli: Yes, he is just an errand runner!

"Okay, but I need errand fees!"

Ning Yue suddenly turned her face: "You are endless, why do you want to blackmail me every time?"

Lan Zongli looked wronged and said wronged: "I didn't ask for money. I said errand fee because I want you to cook me bamboo rat meat next time."

It was just cooking a meal, so Ning Yue naturally agreed.

It took half an hour to carefully draw the map of the Devil's Cult and hand it to Lan Zongli: "Be careful, and make sure to send the map to Leader Xiao."

Lan Zongli couldn't help but said, "It will take at least six days to go back and forth."

Ning Yue: "Go, go, at worst, I'll cook you more delicious food when you come back."

After all, Lan Zongli left. After she left, Ning Yue began to concentrate on making troubles in the Demon Cult.

that night.

Ning Yue quietly touched the Devil's Cult again.

The Demon Cult has been rampant for many years, and they have done many bad things. Such things as destroying people all over the house are common, and there will certainly be many good things that have been snatched back, so her goal tonight is to find those treasures!

Through these few days of observation, she discovered that the most heavily guarded place in the entire Demon Cult should be their dungeon.

The second is the cave in the back mountain.

She always likes to get some wild game to eat when she has nothing to do. After all, wild animals are protected in modern people.

Inadvertently found that there were people standing guard outside a cave that was not very eye-catching, and there were patrols patrolling.

A cave~ It’s not a caveman, there is a gorgeous palace, who would live there? Therefore, Ning Yue felt that all the good things of the Devil's Cult must be there.

On the back mountain, this is not known how many times the patrol team came over. It was midnight, and the guard had just changed outside the cave. Ning Yue had already figured out the pattern, the guards on duty at night were changed every half an hour.

Another patrol passed, and Ning Yue quickly threw two stones at the two guards. The two men were about to fall to the ground after being hit in the sleeping hole. At the door, she stepped into the cave one by one.

It was dark inside, and Ning Yue's eyesight was not bad, and she could barely see things after a little adaptation.

But before she had gone a few meters away, she was stopped by a big iron gate with eight big locks hanging on it.

Ning Yue was immediately overjoyed, her lockpicking skills finally found a real use.

She pulled out a silver hairpin from her head, and started to unlock the first lock. Within a second, there was a light and crisp sound of clicking in the silent cave, and the lock was unlocked!

Next is the second and third... The whole process didn't take more than a minute. Ning Yue gently took off the lock and put it in her own space, then gently pushed open the big iron door.

There was a squeak, and the sound of the door shaft running out of oil was heard. Fortunately, the sound was not too loud, and Ning Yue's body was petite enough, so she only pushed open the gap that allowed her to enter and then stopped, and stepped in.

The road in the cave made seven turns and turns, and she encountered seven of the same door. After opening the seventh door, she turned another corner, and her eyes suddenly opened up.

A very large open space, with lights still burning inside, surrounded by eight doors, with numbers written in capital letters on each door.

Ning Yue knew that behind these eight doors must be the place where all the treasures of the Demon Cult are kept.

But she didn't think she could get those things so easily.

He took out a set of defensive robes from the space and put them on, then took out a few stones from his body, and threw them towards the ground.

"Puff puff puff..." Countless arrows shot out, including the place where Ning Yue was standing. Fortunately, she dodged quickly and didn't get hit. She could see clearly that the arrowheads of those arrows were all blue. Clearly smeared with poison!

After finally waiting for no arrows to come out again, Ning Yue moved again, found a wooden box from the space, and collected all the poisonous arrows.

Walking out of the area covered by arrows, she took out stones to test around again, not even letting go of the top of her head, but with a bang, a big cage fell from the sky and hit Ning Yue less than a foot in front of her.

Ning Yue couldn't help but patted her big breasts: "Oh my god, there is no defense left. Sure enough, money is hard to earn and shit is hard to eat. The more you want, the greater the danger!"

But it doesn't matter, she is the most patient, the treasure here will be hers sooner or later!

After finally getting to the No. 1 door, the door was guarded by General Tie. Ning Yue was already familiar with this routine. Anyway, her lockpicking technology was the top in the world, and she was not afraid of many more locks.

The brass lock was quickly opened. Fortunately, there was no hidden weapon popping out from behind the door this time. With the light from outside, Ning Yue could see clearly what was inside.

She turned around and opened the No. 2 door. She came here to find gold and silver treasures, not weapons. Don't tell her that the eight doors are full of weapons!

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