Fast travel to start the koi luck

Chapter 60 True and False Daughter

Afterwards, Fang Weisheng, the president of Zhixing, also posted on Weibo: Ning Xuemei, do you have to worry about our company's affairs? The company has you too! Don't bother with brats, if you really want to find a boyfriend, you can consider me @Ning Yue.

Then Xingyue Clothing also @Ning Yue: Girl, listen to Dad, you are still young, don't worry about finding a partner.

Now, the Internet is full of excitement. Sheng Shi has been made public under the name of Ning Yue. No one is surprised. Some people even found out that Sheng Shi was originally a small entertainment company. How much money was collected into the pocket, and now only two or three years later, Shengshi Entertainment's valuation has exceeded one billion.

Zhi Xing also @Ning Yue, what happened to them?

An insider broke the news that Ning Yue is a shareholder of Zhixing. When Fang Weisheng was forced to close the studio, Ning Yue invested a large sum of money in Fang Weisheng and became a big shareholder like Fang Weisheng, who held 45% of the shares. shareholder.

Someone estimated Zhixing's annual income. Last year alone, Ningyue's dividend income exceeded 600 million. This year, eight countries have already represented Zhixing's game. This year's income is estimated to be several times higher. Fan.

There is also that Xingyue clothing, someone checked it out, the clothing company registered only the year before last, and its factory is located in the suburbs of Beijing. His family neither invites big-name endorsements nor expands production. The Xingyue clothing brand is really not well-known.

As a result, at the beginning of the year, the land on the outskirts of Beijing was included in the planning scope of the capital this year, and the value of that land has more than doubled, and as the first company to respond to the government's call to relocate, the state not only gave a large A sum of cash compensation, and a new piece of land was selected for the garment factory, which was more than double the original area.

Although the clothing factory was moved farther away, the value did not drop but rose. It is said that the original owner of the clothing factory was still working in Xingyue. When he heard the news, he fainted from crying in the office and walked away one by one. It was shit luck, but he got it home.

Then someone said that Ning Yue's assets combined may be more than the assets of Yan's family. She is a proper rich woman. Most importantly, her investment vision is amazing. Investments can make her assets double. Ning Yue's Weibo, which is still hot not long after she opened it, is full of people shouting to give her a monkey.

Qing University also @took a look at Ning Yue: I am proud of our school for having such outstanding students!

Yan Qingqing looked at the waves of news on the Internet, her eyes were full of disbelief, and in the end she fainted because of the comment that Ning Yue's assets might have surpassed the Yan family's.

However, the matter did not end because of Yan Qingqing's fainting, and something happened to Yan's company.

The Yan family started out as a real estate company. There was an accident in the early days, and no one knew exactly how many people were killed or injured. At that time, they only said that they had paid a large sum of money to settle the matter, and the matter was over.

The post on the Internet now says that at that time, eleven people died on the construction site.

Now that this matter has been uncovered again, someone has reported to the police, and the higher-ups have already sent people to investigate this matter.

Ning Yue immediately called Li Zhengmin.

The phone was answered quickly: "Uncle Li, something happened to the Yan family, will it affect the project in Nancheng?"

Li Zhengmin was immediately happy, "Don't worry, it's okay, Uncle Li won't suffer. If this news hadn't been posted on the Internet, I would have someone report it, otherwise the Yan family really thought that Uncle Li had no temper. "

Good guy, out of nowhere, a big pot of dog blood was poured on his head. If he didn't have some sense, he would have wanted to put a sack on Yan!

Ning Yue only needed to turn her head around a little bit to understand Li Zhengmin's meaning. If something happened, the Yan family would be thrown into the pit. Whether they could still manage the Nancheng project was another matter.

Keli's family didn't invest much money, and the funds would not be locked up, nor would it affect the company. If this dragged on for a year or two, the house price might rise again, and he would earn even more by then. .

If, if the Yan family never recovers from this fall, he will probably have to eat all the meat of Nancheng.

"That's really great. Uncle Li must let me know when the house in Nancheng is available for pre-sale."

Even if Li Zhengmin agreed, what he was thinking in his heart was that Nancheng had built more than a dozen villas this time, and he would choose the two most suitable ones, one for his own living and one for Ning Yue. Well, the first month, maybe the son can coax people back to his own home.

"No problem. By the way, some seafood has been airlifted from abroad in the past two days. I will send someone to take it to your home later, and you tell your family to keep someone to receive it."

Ning Yue hasn't told her relatives and friends about her move, so she quickly said, "Uncle Li, I've moved, and I'll send you the new address later."

Li Zhengmin responded with a smile, "You didn't tell me earlier when you moved, uncle will let you live comfortably."

"Hey, don't you know? There was a lot of trouble a few days ago. Our neighborhood was surrounded by paparazzi. We couldn't go home, so we had to move. The place hasn't been tidied up yet. Wait for it to be cleaned up." Alright, please come to my house for dinner."

The three of Ning's family ate a seafood dinner that night. After the meal, Ning Yue was thinking about hiring two more people in the family, otherwise Ning's mother would be too hard.

The next morning Ning Yue rode her bicycle back to school, but within a few minutes she realized she was going the wrong way again.

009 looked at his host and sighed. Wouldn't it be irritating for such a smart and powerful person to go out and not even know the way?

【Host, if you continue to ride further, you will be late today. Hurry up and turn left, go back along this path, and then turn north is the right way. 】

Ning Yue: ...【Which side is North? 】

009: Okay! She can't tell the difference between south, east and north when she turns around by herself!

Seeing that it was getting late, 009 had no choice but to accept his fate and guide the way. What can he do? Fortunately, the host is taking this road for the first time today, and she will get used to it after walking a few more times, so don't worry about getting lost again.

Ning Yue has good physical strength, and now she is riding a bicycle faster. When she rushed to the big classroom, the professor hadn't arrived yet, and Lin Zheng was sitting at the back of the classroom and desperately gesturing to her.

Ning Yue walked over quickly, Lin Zheng moved a seat outside, vacating the seat between her and Ma Lishan, Ning Yue sat between them, Lin Zheng pushed the book towards her, "Here, I brought you all the textbooks, but luckily you took two days off, you don’t know, our school has been infiltrated by paparazzi these days.”

Ning Yue: "...and ran into the school?"

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