Fast travel to start the koi luck

Chapter 652 The Ninth Planet 41 (reward plus 2)

In addition to being scolded or scolded, I heard that the second prince was scolded for a full hour. After an hour, the news that the second prince was assigned to Ju Lanxing spread.

Ju Lanxing, a planet rich in resources but without seas, changed its owner three times, but all returned without success. Later, no one came to claim it.

It is conceivable how many difficult alien beasts there will be on that star. Now, the emperor actually asked the second prince to develop Ju Lanxing. This is really a great punishment.

Not only that, but the unlucky talisman Ning Yue pasted on him also played a role. Not to mention such trivial things as running out of paper in the toilet in the morning, when he left the palace, the top-equipped suspension car unexpectedly had a problem. Suddenly, he fell from the air with a bang.

The second prince is a level nine supernatural being, and his reaction was quick. He jumped out of the levitating car. He had just left the palace at that time, so his levitating car did not fly very high. A height of more than ten meters is not considered high for a supernatural being. What happened, however, he turned his foot abruptly, and the ankle bone was misaligned.

After a period of turmoil, the second prince who had just left the palace was carried back to the palace for treatment. Even if the bones were dislocated, drinking medicine would not automatically reset them, so the doctor had to come.

All the attendants were fine, but he, the master, was injured. The second prince was very depressed. Thinking of the two hovercars that exploded yesterday, he didn't dare to take the hovercar when he went back. He was carried back by several attendants.

As a result, when I got to my door, I couldn't get in!

The protective cover in the mansion broke down, and the guard guarding the gate was sweating profusely, "Forgive me, the second prince, the alarm in the mansion rang twice last night, but we didn't find out the problem after searching for a long time. There is a glitch, but we didn't expect this side to be there.

Just hold on a minute, we'll start overhauling it, and it'll be over soon. "

The second prince sat on the stretcher and scolded angrily, "A bunch of trash, hurry up and fix it!"

The guards said wait a minute, it took more than an hour, and the second prince was exposed to the sun for more than an hour at the door of his house.

After entering the mansion, the second concubine and Mu Wanying who got the news came over, one Zhang Luo poured water for him, and the other Zhang Luo fed him food, both of them were too enthusiastic, accidentally bumped into each other, and the hot chicken soup splashed The face of the second prince!

The two women were dumbfounded, the soup was too skillful, it could be said that it was poured on the second prince's face.

The chicken soup was delivered in an insulated box as soon as it came out of the pot. The temperature was so high that the second prince's face turned red like shrimp.

Another burst of chaos!

Fortunately, the scald can be healed by drinking medicine, but the second prince is going to take a bath, and the two women will not let the other go to the bathroom with him.

However, the three of them belatedly discovered that the second prince didn't "respond" to such fiddling!

Mu Wanying didn't think much about it, after all, yesterday she was messing with the second prince in the study, and the second prince responded very well!

However, the second concubine didn't think so.

The man of his age didn't react at all when he was touched by two women. In addition to what happened in bed yesterday, she had to suspect that there might be something wrong with the second prince's function.

And the second prince immediately panicked!

As for a man, he has a very active mind, and his wives serve him together. Does he have any other ideas?

After all, both of them were delivered to the door!

But he just thought about it, but his body didn't react at all. Not only was he panicked, he was panicked to death!

But he hasn't let his two women see it yet.

"You all, go out, I want to rest for a while, tell the housekeeper to help me pack my luggage, and I will go to Ju Lanxing tomorrow."

Now he suddenly felt that his father's punishment for him was really timely, and he could go to Ju Lanxing to hide for a while.

The strike of something made the second prince ignore his bad luck today.

The second prince, who also claimed to be smart, didn't realize until now that he had been tricked by the person he wanted to kill.

Ning Yue was enjoying watching, and when she was happy, she wanted to spend money. It happened that 009 issued her a daily task, and she drove out of the house in a hover car.

In the best and most luxurious shopping mall in Central Star, Ning Yue started to scan the goods from the first floor. Interstellar technology is advanced, and there are many things that Ning Yue has never seen before, so Ning Yue buys these without hesitation.

Especially those robots that are the same as real people. Except for an extra energy supplement on the body, they are no different from real people. Ning Yue likes them. She bought four bodyguard robots that can pinch faces and put them in the space. Not sure which world will be able to use it.

She was busy sweeping the goods here, and a large group of people rushed into the mall.

Oh, isn't this the big princess?

The royal princess is really different. It's just a shopping mall. It's a big show, and there are nearly a hundred people around it.

She glanced at it, then retracted her gaze and planned to continue to look again, but the mall began to clear the scene in the next second.

Ning Yue: ...

Seeing her standing still, two staff members from the shopping mall came over to push her: "Didn't you hear that the eldest princess said to clear the venue? Why don't you hurry up and make the eldest princess unhappy, but you won't have any good fruit to eat. "

Full of malice and strength, Ning Yue was almost pushed down. After standing still, she exhaled, and then walked out along with the force of the staff. Not low, he is a supervisor.

Being pushed out of the shopping mall, Ning Yue had no choice but to get on her hover car and return to the Canglan Courtyard. However, not a second after entering the room, she immediately pasted an invisibility talisman, stepped on the Feihong Sword and flew out again.

After finally waiting for the eldest princess to leave the mansion, she didn't want to miss such an opportunity.

At this time, the eldest princess had already reached the seventh floor of the shopping mall, and the women who followed her were probably handed over by her handkerchief, and their identities were not bad after all.

These people have been together, and after waiting for a while, they didn't find a chance to make a move.

Until, the eldest princess was tired from walking and wanted to find a place to sit and drink something. A woman with hair dyed blonde smiled and said: "I saw Mu Wanying yesterday, and she said that she would open a few more restaurants in Central Star." The milk tea shop, unfortunately, all the shops under her name have accidents today, and it is estimated that her milk tea shop will not be able to open."

"Although that woman is petty, I have to say that the food she cooks up is really delicious. It's a pity not to be able to drink her so-called milk tea."

The eldest princess ordered a drink and two snacks for herself while listening, and the attendants who served her immediately stepped forward to squeeze her shoulders and slap her back. Originally, someone was responsible for the princess's clothes, so she didn't have to go shopping at all.

But she has a habit, as long as she encounters something that makes her happy, she loves to go out shopping. Today, the second prince had such a big misfortune, she was naturally very happy, and friends who knew her well also came to ask her out, so she naturally left the mansion .

Seeing that the princess's drink was ready, Ning Yue walked over and poured the foolish potion into the cup.

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