Fast travel to start the koi luck

Chapter 720 Spies and Shadows 59

The leaders were all sitting in the front row, and Ning Yue was pulled by Director He to sit in the back. Looking over, her eyes were really red, light red, light red, pink, purple, red, deep red, there is no red you can't find!

Therefore, when so many people gather together, the occasional colorless or black person becomes extremely obvious.

Ning Yue turned her head and said, "Director He, who is that person sitting next to Li Dazhu? Why haven't I seen him before?"

Director He glanced at where Ning Yue was pointing, and then smiled and said: "He, he is Lu Jingrong from the archives office. This man, after his wife disappeared, he became a bit of an introvert, and he didn't come out very often. It’s normal if you haven’t seen it.”

Ning Yue: "Then is there anyone else in his family?"

"Hey, it's pitiful to say the least. His first wife died in childbirth, killing two people. His parents died early, so there's no one left at home."

"Then how old is he this year? Doesn't he think about marrying another one?"

"You're really asking this. My sister-in-law is not a women's director for nothing. Lu Jinrong is twenty-seven this year. He wants to find someone, but he has never met the right one."

Ning Yue: "Then it's probably because he's too angry, right?"

When she said this, Director He also recalled that she had been the matchmaker for Lu Jingrong several times. Indeed, he immediately rejected the woman every time he heard that she was an ordinary woman. However, every time he came back from the hospital with the director, he would Will take the initiative to join in.

It would be okay if he only paid attention to the dean, but she also heard that Lu Jingrong had given things to Captain Wang's daughter, and also the eldest daughter of Master Qi's family, whose husband also died, but With two sons...

This, this, this, this, why does this keep getting more and more wrong the more I think about it!

Director He pursed his lips and looked at Lu Jinrong, who was sitting upright in front of him and watching the show seriously.

In the past, she thought that this man was too introverted to find a woman. Now it seems that this man is introverted. He is obviously very thoughtful. No matter how good he is at work, she will not look down on him!

"It's not as high as high. Climbing a high branch is about the same."

Ning Yue's lips curled up, but she didn't say anything related to Lu Jingrong. Instead, she asked about Dean Sui.

"Dean, you have never seen her. She came back from studying abroad. She is amazing. She is also gentle and beautiful. But there is one thing. She is in her thirties. She has never started a family and only focuses on work. , but she has rarely come back in the past six months, mainly because she is afraid that the chief will force the marriage."

Director He kept talking and talked a lot about Dean Sui, and Ning Yue listened with a smile.

As for what the people on the stage performed, Ning Yue didn't pay attention at all.

But the others were watching with great joy. As the show was about to end, suddenly the air-raid siren sounded, and the sound was extremely harsh. Director He immediately pulled Ning Yue and ran away: "Run, little devil's bomber." Here we go again, damn it, this is the Chinese New Year and it won’t let anyone stop.”

Ning Yue looked back while running. Everyone behind her was looking for a place to hide. After a while, the entire venue was empty. Soon, Director He took Ning Yue and hid in a deep ditch. The Japanese bombers were buzzing. It flew over, maybe because it couldn't find the target, dropped two bombs on the open space, and flew away in a buzzing manner.

Director He raised his head from the ditch, made two noises, and spat out a mouthful of sand. The two men were hiding not far from where the first bomb fell, and the sand covered their heads and bodies.

"Damn it, if I have a gun in my hand, I have to shoot down the plane."

When she turned around, she found that the girl beside her had long disappeared. When she looked up, she saw a thin figure moving through the flying dust in front of her. She finally made it out, "Ning Yue, where are you going?"

Ning Yue didn't reply, and quickly disappeared from Director He's sight with a twist of her body. She found a deserted place and took out the elite high-explosive sniper rifle from the space. At this time, the second Japs bomber flew over. Ning Yue Yue raised the muzzle of his gun and pointed it at the nose of the plane, "Bang"!

The bomber exploded into pieces in the air, and a fireball ignited in the air. Then the fireball fell, falling with a fleshy sound and turning into a big ball of iron.

Then she turned her gun and fired another shot at the second bomber flying towards the head!


The plane flew too low and the pilot was shot in the head. Then the plane lost control and fell to the ground with a loud noise.

Seeing that the situation was not good, another bomber cursed and immediately raised its fuselage: "Baga!"

In the past, whenever he came back, he wouldn't leave after unleashing all the bombs to his heart's content, but today, damn, he had to run for his life!

Unfortunately, he thought he could escape the shooting range of the sniper machine gun, but what he encountered was Ning Yue's bug. Her five senses were super strong, and with the high-explosive sniper rifle in her hand, with a bang, those who had not had time to throw were The bomb went to the west together with the pilot.

The large iron block hit the ground with extremely high heat.

The soldiers who had been secretly looking at the sky no longer hid, they all ran out from their hiding places and cheered and jumped.

"Ouch! The plane exploded!"

"All the Japs' bombers have been shot down!"

"Which great god is this? His marksmanship is so good?"

"Let's go over and have a look!"

A bunch of people huffed and ran to the place where the bomber crashed.

When Secretary Luo saw this scene, he thought it was his soldiers who had just acquired sniper rifles who shot down the plane. However, after asking for a long time, everyone only came to the conclusion that it was not them!

Here, Ning Yue had already put away her gun, and after listening to it for a while, she returned home alone.

I had better luck today. After the bomber blew up, it only damaged one cave dwelling. Xiuxiu could still live in it, and no one was injured. Because Ning Yue took action too quickly. Before they started bombing, they destroyed all the existing aircraft. Came down.

He dug out some food from the space, held Ning Yue in his hand and walked out the door.

Secretary Luo, who had just returned, knew that something was wrong as soon as she came in.

"Come in quickly, I'm about to bring the chief some food. You can accompany him."

"I just happened to bring some snacks and drinks over here. Chief, can we have some drinks?"

The chief took a look and saw that this girl was actually holding wine in her hand.

"Then have a drink."

Ning Yue not only brought wine, but also several side dishes.

Braised pig's trotters, peanuts, beef jerky, and fried dried fish are placed one by one.

"You are in trouble again."

Ning Yue used chopsticks to disassemble the pig's trotters and put the deboned parts into the chief's bowl. "You use your brain every day and eat more nutritious food, otherwise you won't be able to keep up with your energy."

The chief paused: "Hey, what you are going to say is quite confusing."

"Chief, tell me, we have never been able to find this Miss Zhuzi. Is there a possibility that Miss Zhuzi is Mr. Zhuzi?"

Chief: ...

"I remember that the news about the Japanese spy Zhuzi lurking in the base area was brought back by me, but why did Zhuzi become Miss Zhuzi after I came here this time?"

The last chapter was blocked and couldn’t be released, so I had to let everyone skip ahead and read it.

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