Fast travel to start the koi luck

Chapter 85 Seven Zero Fortune 10

Although what the girl said was unrealistic, Zhang Damei and Du Ermin listened to it, and it was sweeter than eating honey!

Now that she has money in her hands, she doesn't panic. Although the money has not been fully repaid, her mentality is completely different.

Zhang Damei continued to organize those things, and when she took out the piece of real fabric, she touched it with her hand cherishingly: "Just a piece of cloth like this costs more than ten yuan, right? Mom will use this piece of cloth to make you a coat in two days." , my daughter will definitely look good in it."

Zhang Damei was beautiful when she was young, and the old man she was looking for was a good-looking man from ten miles and eight villages. None of the four children they had was ugly, especially the only daughter, and there was no one in the whole Hongguo production team who was more beautiful than her.

It's just a pity that the original owner's reputation is not very good. She is an eighteen-year-old girl who has never worked a day after school. , her mother regards her as a treasure, and many people on the team don't feel very good about her.

Obviously she is one year older than Da Ya, but someone has been a matchmaker for Da Ya since last year, but the original owner, who is one year older, has not been cared about so far. After all, no one wants to marry back a lazy person who is not good at anything. young married woman.

In fact, the conditions of Du's second family are there. The original owner also helps with the work at home, and eats whatever is available at home. The rumor that she is lazy and lazy is really a bit untrue.

Ning Yue quickly refused: "Don't, I bought that fabric for you. You haven't added new clothes for several years? How can you give it to me? You can rest assured that you can make clothes and wear them. If I want to wear new clothes, I can wear them at any time. You can buy it!"

After speaking, he squeezed Zhang Damei's hand.

Zhang Damei understood: "Do you still have money?"

"A little bit. It's enough for me to buy a few feet of cloth to make clothes. As I said, just spend the money in your hand. If it's gone, I'll find a way to earn it."

Zhang Damei was happy now, and she said cheerfully: "Okay, then your mother, I will follow the fashion this year and make some really good clothes to wear!"

The old man lay on the kang and couldn't help but "tsk". The girl bought fabrics for the old woman, but she didn't buy anything for him. The status of him as a father in the girl's heart seems to be a bit low!

This can't be done, how come he and the old woman spoiled the daughter together, so he should have half of the credit, right?

Either he was envious of that nice dress, or he just felt weird when he was ignored by his daughter.

Seeing that her father was watching helplessly, Ning Yue directly opened a small bag, grabbed a handful of dried meat from it, stuffed a piece into Zhang Damei's mouth, and gave the rest to Du Ermin, but the bag was It was for Zhang Damei, "Put your stomach first."

Du Ermin was happy when he saw the jerky in his hand, picked up a piece and threw it into his mouth, chewing and saying: "Sweet."

Zhang Damei took the small bag and put it away, turned around and glared at the old man: "Look at how promising you are."

Du Ermin was not annoyed when he was told, and obediently ate the jerky.

Zhang Damei flipped through the rest of the things again, "This is the piece of fabric you said you bought for Da Ya? You are poor and generous, and you don't even think about Da Ya!"

"Our big girl is so good. She is neat and capable. She should wear something nice. Maybe she can find someone who is capable. She will live a better life in the future. Why don't she show filial piety to you?"

Zhang Damei refolded the fabric, "Okay, just your sweet mouth, I will give this piece of fabric to her after I finish it, and don't tell anyone about it."

Ning Yue quickly nodded: "Okay, okay, I understand, I understand, you always want to surprise Da Ya!"

Zhang Damei didn't say anything, all the money was spent, of course, if the granddaughter wants to feel that the family treats her well, then just make the clothes and give them to her. Aunt Yue?

"What is this? You have leftover buns?" Zhang Damei opened the paper bag, revealing the white and fat meat buns inside.

"Of course I specially left it for you and my dad to eat, and a bun can smell it."

The old man sat up immediately, "Where are the meat buns? Give me one quickly, I don't have enough for lunch."

Du Ermin was glared at again, "Is there room for your stomach? You ate a meat bun, two steamed buns, and a bowl of porridge for lunch!"

"Hey, these days, when will our stomachs be full? I can eat all ten buns."

Now the conditions of every family are like this, it is a good day to be able to eat seven or eight percent full every day, and their family is no exception.

In the end, Zhang Damei took out a meat bun and handed it to his wife, and the remaining two were tied and put away for dinner at night.

"What are you buying all these notebooks for?"

Ning Yue: "I bought it for Erya and the others. The school the team attends is closed. How can the children be illiterate?"

Zhang Damei: ...There are a lot of illiterate people in the world, and they can't live without seeing others.

The two women were talking in the room, and the sky outside became overcast and thunder struck. After eating a meat bun, the old man simply put the thin quilt on his body: "I'm sure I won't be able to do it in the afternoon today." Alive, sleep."

Following the old man's words, it began to rain crackling outside, Zhang Damei said happily: "It's raining well, it's the time when the ground is short of rain."

Ning Yue: It's really good, tomorrow I can go up the mountain to pick mushrooms again.

Even if Zhang Damei couldn't go to the ground, she couldn't be idle, so she took out the piece of cloth bought for Da Ya, spread it on the kang, and began to draw lines.

Ning Yue couldn't help itching her hands just looking at it, "Mom, can you let me draw the poses, I want to learn how to make clothes too."

In the previous life, she had a clothing factory, so she knew a little about clothing design, so she didn't need to learn from Zhang Damei. She just felt that the looks her mother drew were too ordinary and not at all novel.

Zhang Damei was surprised. In the past, when she taught her how to do things, she wanted to hide away and refused to learn anything. Today is the sun coming out from the west?

"Okay, you come to draw, if the drawing is not good, I will change it."

Ning Yue immediately picked up dried sweet potatoes (that is, after the sweet potatoes are dug out, the bruised ones are rubbed into pieces and dried in the sun, and can be used as chalk to draw lines after drying), and began to draw on the piece of cloth.

Da Ya is thin, and there must be enough leftover four-foot cloth for her to make a top. Ning Yue made a short-sleeved shirt with a pinched waist design to show her figure. The collar is larger than the common ones nowadays. About the same, I used the remaining fabric to make a sleeveless vest for wearing inside. After cutting it, Zhang Damei picked up the needle and thread and started to sew.

Ning Yue knows how to cut but not how to sew. She knows how to use a sewing machine, but unfortunately she doesn't have one at home, so she also learned how to make a vest from Zhang Damei.

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