Fast travel to start the koi luck

Chapter 99 Seven Zero Fortune 24

Brother Liang is satisfied now, he knows that the girl must still have goods in hand, don't worry about the money, seeing that she knows the rules, he said a number: "Then you pay a deposit, I'll get someone to get you seafood first, It depends on the time to go to the south. I have a brother who works in an agricultural machinery factory and occasionally travels. I asked him to try his best to travel to the south. You should be able to get back some of the saplings you want.

By the way, how many saplings of each kind are needed, too many will be bad luck. "

Ning Yue: "Buy as many as you can if you can. If you can't do it, you can guarantee that three or two will survive."

Brother Liang felt relieved. As long as the demand is not large, such a request is easy to meet. At most, it will cost more money to collect the saplings and send them to the train station for consignment.

"How can I find you when that thing arrives?"

Ning Yue thought about it, the seeds are easy to talk about, but the seafood doesn't last long, if she doesn't come in time and dies, it will be troublesome.

"Brother Liang estimates how many days it will take to ship the seafood back?"

Brother Liang said: "We are only two hundred miles away from the sea, and it takes a day to go back and forth, but because you have to live, it is a bit troublesome.

I need to find someone to find a car, and it may take two days. When I get to the beach, I have to check to see if there is a fishing boat just coming back.

What you want is a variety of varieties. I must arrange people to get a few more varieties. It depends on luck.

It is estimated that it will take at least seven or eight days to come back. "

Ning Yue quickly added, "It's okay to have a little more seafood, I want everything that weighs a hundred and eighty catties."

Then she took out a gold bar from her pocket: "I will come again in eight days, this is the deposit.

Of course, if Brother Liang's people come back early, they can go to the place where the carriage is parked at the East City Gate to find an old man named Geng.

He has some inconvenience with his left hand. The carriage arrives at around 7:00 every morning and returns on time at 10:30. Just ask him to send me a message. My name is Ning Yue, and he will know as soon as you tell me. "

Brother Liang looked at the gold bars she took out, and many thoughts arose in his heart, "You, aren't you afraid that I will swallow your things?"

This gold bar is exactly the same as the last one. You don't need to weigh it. It is 50 grams and worth more than 300 yuan.

Ning Yue pointed to Brother Liang's yard: "Barefoot people are not afraid of people wearing shoes.

Brother Liang's yard is here, because how much business would be lost if such a gold bar is changed to another place? not worth it!

Moreover, the most important thing for Brother Liang to do this kind of business is to be trustworthy. If he does this, Brother Liang still worries about whether he can make money?

I plan to be with Brother Liang for a long time! "

Brother Liang: ...Got it! Today, he was generalized by a little girl! She said that barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes, which is also true.

What he is most afraid of doing is offending people. As long as people report him, let alone change places, he might end up in prison for several years.

But at the same time, it also shows that the girl in front of her still has a lot of good things in her hand, otherwise she would not say that she plans to have a long-term relationship with him.

"Okay, my sister is bright, your Brother Liang won't cheat you, just come if you have something to do, Brother Liang promises to take care of it for you, as long as you can afford it!"

Ning Yue nodded: "The only thing in business is money. If you don't make money, who will do it? As long as Brother Liang gets the things back according to my requirements, money is not a problem."

After all, she changed the topic, and said something with a hint of a joke, "But my money didn't come from the wind, Brother Liang, don't treat me like a fool!"

Brother Liang immediately turned serious: "Don't worry, sister, we are one and two, and Brother Liang will never overcharge you."

The matter was almost finished, and Ning Yue didn't wait too long, after all, Da Ya was still waiting for her in the state-run hotel.

When I returned to the state-run restaurant again, it was already half past eleven. There were already two tables of guests sitting in the restaurant, and the dishes they ordered had already been served on the table. As soon as Da Ya saw my sister-in-law coming back, she immediately waved to her excitedly: " Sister-in-law, you are back, just as our meal has just been served."

The key is that the braised pork takes a long time. Although they came early, the dishes are only out of the pan.

"Eat it as soon as it comes out of the pot. Didn't my aunt tell you? It won't taste good when it's cold."

Ning Yue sat next to Da Ya, took a bite with her chopsticks, "It tastes good, eat it quickly."

Da Ya just picked up a chopstick of dried eggplant and fried meat, put it on the white rice and put it in the mouth. It was the first time I went to a restaurant, and I was so excited. My sister-in-law ordered such a delicious dish for her, saying If you go out, you will definitely be jealous of those small gangs.

Ning Yue tasted both dishes. The reason why the dishes in the state-run restaurant are delicious is because they are rich in oil and water, and she is willing to put ingredients, so she plans to wait at the grocery store and prepare all the seasonings at home, especially Oil, make more.

"You eat first, I'll ask the waiter to make another serving of braised pork for us, and take it home for everyone in the family to taste."

Taking out the lunch box she bought at the black market, Ning Yue went straight to the waiter.

Unsurprisingly, she got another big white eye from the other party: "You already ordered two dishes and one soup, isn't that enough?"

Ning Yue really took out all her endurance to not be able to explode her prehistoric power and yell at the other party: I have money, you don't care how much I buy!

"Ah, let's have another piece of braised pork. The chef in your shop is very skilled. I'll take it home for my family to try."

The waiter took her lunch box, food stamps and money, and Ning Yue slipped four or five candies into her hand: "Comrade is in trouble."

The waiter saw the white rabbit toffee in his hand, and his expression became better, "Just wait."

Soon the waiter came out with the lunch box, but the lid was uncovered. After Ning Yue checked it, she put it on.

Ning Yue could see clearly that the amount of meat was about the same as the ones on their table, but the soup almost filled the lunch box. In this age when even meat is not common, rice with braised meat in soup will definitely kill a lot of people.

"Comrade, thank you!"

The waiter smiled at her, then lowered the corners of his lips, and went to do other things.

Ning Yue sat back in her seat. At this time, several customers came in, and after a while, several tables were taken up, "Why don't you eat meat? Sister-in-law specially ordered it for you, eat more." A little, look at you, you are skinny, you work all day long, how can you not eat more?"

Ning Yue saw that Da Ya only ate dried eggplants without taking a bite of meat, so she immediately picked up several pieces of meat from the plate and put them into her bowl, "Eat more, the rest will be wasted, you know my sister, Two taels of rice is enough to eat, and the rest is yours."

Da Ya was originally reluctant to eat meat and wanted my sister-in-law to eat more, but after hearing what she said, she stopped talking and cooked rice obediently, the braised pork is really delicious.

At this time, another group of people came in, three men and two women, all well dressed, and they all knew each other. They were educated youths in the village.

"Old Xu, let's have braised pork. I haven't been to the city for so long, the child is going to cry."

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