After using the move, the thunder and lightning cloud's whole body began to twitch

, and his eyes gradually turned red, as if

he was about to lose consciousness, and he no longer cared about Zhou Yang whether they were close

or not, and began to move wildly in mid-air again, and

the state of the tornado cloud on the other side was not very good,

Zhou Yang knew that this was the result of the controller gradually controlling their consciousness

As legendary Pokémon thunder clouds and tornado clouds are naturally unwilling to be

controlled, but the more they resist

the controller, the more control will be enhanced, and the more painful they will become

, the most important thing is that the controller can be controlled remotely, that is,

as long as the controller completes the control of the thunder cloud and tornado,

then the controller can use the device to recall them.

"You already know the controller on Thunder Cloud.

"I'll leave the destruction to you.

"Tornado clouds are for me. "

Investigator Yang, you can come with me.

As the core of the team, Zhou Yang made arrangements

, Yang Xinyan and Luo Dongdong had no opinions, and

commanded the Pokémon to go towards the thunder cloud again.


Yang Zhen nodded, the fast dragon he rode was Zhou Yang's Pokémon, and

it would be more convenient to follow him.

"Come out, Lothom, Rainwinged Moth. "

If you want to deal with tornados

, it will be troublesome to rely on the Pokémon they ride, so

Zhou Yang released the spinning lotom and the rainwing moth to prepare to surround the tornado.

"Investigator Yang, we're blocking tornadoes from four directions.

"The fast dragon will be handed over to you for the time being, and the east will be handed over to you, and the rest will be given to me." "

Tornadoes are moving wildly, and

it is very difficult to remove the controller from it without restricting its movements.

"Kualong, please this time.

Yang Zhen stroked Kuailong and said gently, and Kuailong

flew directly to the east with him.

"North of Lothom, west of Rainwinged Moth, south of me. "

Completely block the movement range of tornados.

Zhou Yang gave instructions to the Spinners and the Rainwing Moth, and

the two Pokémon began to outflank the tornado cloud according to Zhou Yang's command,

and the south side where Zhou Yang was located was on the trajectory of the tornado.

"Giant gold monster, strong spirit.

Zhou Yang gave the order to attack

, the giant gold monster's eyes turned dark purple

, and a strong spiritual fluctuation spread out

, enveloping the tornado cloud that was flying at extreme

speed, the tornado's body stagnated, and the speed slowed down

, but it struggled more intensely in the already painful way,

and soon escaped from the giant gold monster's mental control and turned around and headed towards the north where the spinning Lotom was.

"Lothom, electromagnetic waves. In

the face of the onrushing tornado, Rotor obeyed Zhou Yang's instructions

, and directly sent out an electromagnetic wave to send out the middle tornado, the tornado

cloud fell into a state of paralysis

, and then it changed direction and went in the direction of the rainwing moth, and

was blocked back by the rainwing moth with a frozen beam.

Tornado, which was left with only one breach

of the fast dragon, used the storm, although this would speed up the controller's control of it, and the

tornado formed by the storm went directly towards the fast dragon and Yang Zhen.

"Swift Dragon, we also use Tempest. As

the temporary commander, Yang Zhen commanded

the fast dragon to counterattack, and the fast dragon quickly vibrated its wings, and a tornado was also formed in front of him, and the

storm tornado of the tornado cloud and the storm tornado of the fast dragon eroded and canceled each other.

"Now, rain-winged moth, air cut. "

Like the thunder cloud, the controller of the tornado cloud is also behind it, while it is confronting the fast dragon

, the rain-winged moth quietly touched behind it, after Zhou Yang gave the order, the rain-winged moth vibrated its wings and condensed a huge wind blade in front

of its body,

and went directly towards the controller on the back of the tornado


but what Zhou Yang didn't expect was,

A protective shield appeared on the controller behind Tornado, and

the rainwing moth's air slash slashed at it, but it did not destroy the controller despite shattering the protective cover.

Enraged by the sneak attack, Tornado Cloud turned around and used the air cut to blast towards the Rainwing Moth, which

was difficult to dodge from this distance, and it was definitely a heavy blow if it was hit.

"Lothom, support. "

Not far away, the Spin Lotom turned on full power, and directly hit the Tornado's air cutting

wind blade, the wind blade exploded on the Spin Lotom, and the Spin Lotom

did not suffer much damage under the attribute resistance.

On the other side, the thunder cloud was also surrounded by Yang Xinyan and Luo Dongdong in the same way, Luo Dongdong

also released the ice ghost to help

, and like the rain wing moth,

Yang Xinyan's crystal lamp fire spirit also found the right time A shadow ball aimed at the controller behind the thunder cloud and went away, but

it was also protected by a protective shield to prevent an attack.

"Oh no!"

Just as they were about to carry out the sabotage operation again

, the lightning clouds and tornado clouds suddenly fell silent

, watching their abnormal behavior,

Zhou Yang knew that they had been completely controlled by the controller.

The eyes of tornadoes and thunder clouds turned blood red at this moment

, and they rose directly

into the air, and then two rays of light flashed

on their bodies, one green and one blue, and thunderclouds quickly gathered in

the sky above the thunder clouds, and the weather on the side of tornadoes clouds was also affected and began to blow storms

, and the sky above was also gathered oppressive dark clouds, and the

two legendary Pokémon began to use their abilities,

Prepare to trigger storms and thunderstorms.

"Defeat them, and never let them change the weather successfully.

Zhou Yang shouted

, and after Luo Dongdong and Yang Xinyan heard it, they began to attack the thunder cloud in an all-out way.

"Ice Ghost Protection, Mega Evolves. "

Tanabata Blue Bird, Mega Evolution. "

They have made a super evolution of the Ice Ghost Guardian and the Tanabata Blue Bird.

"Ice ghost protection, blizzard.

"Ancient dragonflies, primordial powers. "

Desert dragonflies, rockslides. "

Tanabata bluebird, loud voice. "

The crystal lamp is fire, and the big characters are bursting with flames. "

A blizzard was set off around the super ice ghost guard

, several special energy rocks were condensed in front of the ancient giant dragonfly

, a cloud of energy stones was condensed in front of the desert dragonfly

, and a noisy and noisy sound vibration wave erupted from the mouth of the super Tanabata blue bird

, and the crystal lamp fire spirit condensed a fireball, and the fireball flew out and turned into a large character shape.

Five Pokémon used their moves at the same time to blast towards the thunderbolt cloud.

In the face of a group of attacks, the thunder cloud knew that it was invincible and hid in the thundercloud

, and five moves exploded on the thundercloud, and the thundercloud

was blown away but quickly condensed again.

Zhou Yang's side

is the same, the tornado cloud is hidden in the dark clouds

, his Pokémon attacks are all in the air

, if it is not stopped in

time, if the storm and thunderstorm form in the sky above the town at the same time and start to affect it, the

entire town will be destroyed.

At the same time, in the prayer square of Ruofeng Town

, all the residents of Ruofeng Town sat on the ground and were praying

, and in front of them was an elderly old man

, who was the patriarch in the mouth of the townspeople just now

, and it was as dark as night all around

, which was very dangerous, but they had no intention of leaving, and

continued to pray

until an earthy yellow light appeared.

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