Fastest Level Up!

Chapter 47 - 47: - Evolution

Rei and her party raised their eyes to see the last boss that appeared before them as they entered the boss room.

The High Orc that stood in front of them was completely different from the normal High Orc that they have seen before.

With its muscle bulging like rock, its height that was supposed to be about 2 meters and 50 centimeters has risen to the point where it exceeded 3 meters. Furthermore, it held a huge iron ax in its hand which was obviously several times stronger than the normal ax the High Orc held when they fought.

"Hoo, this is surprising. It certainly looks strong…Sakura, does your appraisal work on this guy?"

"It does, but it only displays the recommended level to subjugate. And the recommended level to subjugate this High Orc is level 3000!"

The moment they heard the number 3000, tension rose between everyone in the party. Because even the highest level adventurer in King of Unique which was Kazami was only level 2300. It was reasonable for everyone to be afraid to confront an enemy with an overwhelming difference in power except for one person, Kazami..

"Haha, what a good thing! A heroic tale will only be born from defeating a strong enemy that far exceeds us after all! No need to be afraid! Regardless of how strong or how many monsters have appeared before us, haven't we defeated them all? That's why let's believe in ourselves!"

The expressions of Sakura and the others changed as if they were inspired by the encouraging words Kazami said.

"Yes, that's right. Surely we have overcome these kinds of strong enemies many times before!"

"That's good, now I'm fired up!"

"Let's do it!"


Differing from them, Rei who was only level 400 could only quietly watch them from behind.

Like that, the fight to the death between King of Unique and The last boss High Orc began.

About 10 minutes after the battle started, the fight gradually became one-sided.

"Hahaha! Does level 3000 only have this degree of power–Raigeki!"


"Everyone, right now!"

The movement of the High Orc stopped after receiving the powerful attack Kazami unleashed. With that, the remaining three people also attacked with their best attack that has maximum firepower.

Then, a big explosion occurred with the High Orc at the center. And when the smoke cleared, there stood the tattered figure of the enemy.

The recommended level to subjugate the high orc was level 3000. But although at first, it was doubtful what would happen in this fight, it seems Kazami and his party's unique skills were excellent enough to overturn the level difference as from the beginning they were able to overwhelm the High Orc without any dangerous situation happening.

'I never thought they could overwhelm the last boss this much.'

Rei had such an impression as she looked at the fight from behind. She felt like reaffirming the true value of unique skills.

"Yuuya! Seal its movement now!"

"Understood–Sturdy Prison・Seal!"

Dozens of bars growing from the ground, creating a prison that sealed the High Orc movement. With this, the High Orc could no longer move.

Looking at the scene, Kazami nodded with satisfaction.

"Yup, if it's already like this, then there is nothing to worry about anymore. Looks like the High Orc is still not dead yet, but after a few more attacks it should be over. Well, it is disappointing that the High Orc didn't resist that much but at this point, I don't really mind. Anyway, let's give it the finishing blow."

Kazami stood in front of the prison with the High Orc inside as he pointed his hand at the High Orc. With this, Kazami just needs to unleash [Raigeki] with all his power to safely defeat the High Orc.

But the next moment after Rei thought about something like that, something happened.


Suddenly, the High Orc once again yelled, causing the boss room to shake violently.

'What on earth…'

At this moment, Rei felt an indescribable feeling of discomfort from the situation. However, Kazami and his friends only frowned as if they were just feeling annoyed with the current situation without even thinking why the High Orc suddenly raised such a warcry.

"Good grief, you're really pathetic, aren't you? Is this your last struggle? Unfortunately, it's already decided that you will die by my ha…nd.."

Kazami stopped what he was about to say because, in front of him, a phenomenon happened that made him have to do so.

Suddenly, an unexpected existence appeared in the boss room. That existence was wrapped by a full-body silver armor and holding a longsword in its hand. And as if to match the number of people in the room, five of them appeared.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Kazami shouted without hiding his shock.

"Oi, Sakura! What on earth are they?!"

"I'm using appraisal on them right now! Their names are the Nameless Knight and the recommended level to subjugate all of them is level 1500!"

"As expected, they're enemies, huh. I've never heard of a situation where more enemies have appeared beside the last boss! But with just that level–Raigeki!"

The [Raigeki] that came out of Kazami's hand struck all five Nameless Knights. However, the knights moved forward without falter while taking the damage caused by Kazami's [Raigeki].

"Oh, they're not dead with a single blow? Looks like they're quite durable. But can they withstand many attacks like that, I wonder? Stop their movement, Yuuya, Kousuke!"



They could be defeated by firing [Raigeki] when the two who are the tank and swordsman in the party restricted their movements…or that's what Kazami thought it would be until the knights demonstrated an unexpected movement as a knight escaped from Yuuya's guard and approached Kazami at full speed.

"Wha-! It has enough intelligence to focus on the magician first even though it's just a monster?! Damn!"

An enemy with the ability to take his life assaulted him. For Kazami, who until now had defeated monsters by only shooting his magic from a long distance and leaving the short-range battle to Yuuya and the others, this was the first time. For that reason, he was a little bit delayed to dodge the incoming attack. Thus, at this rate, he would definitely receive the sword attack from the knight directly.

"Magic Sword!"

Rei, who saw it, activated her unique skill in an instant. Of course, she didn't think she would be able to defeat the knight. Therefore, she only stretched the blade that was made out of the wind to ensnare the knight's leg.

Then, the knight vigorously fell, the tip of its sword almost reaching the tip of Kazami's nose.

"_Don't underestimate me, you small fry! Raigeki!"

Kazmi displayed anger to the enemy who had tried to hurt himself as he activated his unique skill. And that attack successfully defeated the knight.

"Haha, did you see it! That's the result when a small fry like you gets carried away!"

Kazami proudly shouted while looking down at the enemy without even thanking Rei who stopped the knight.

'I'm glad I was on time.'

Rei herself stroked her chest in relief for being able to help even a little.

After that, the battle continued with the flow of the battle as the party intended it to be and as a result, the knights were defeated one by one leaving only one knight remaining.

"Now there is only one left! Let's defeat it quickly and dealt the finishing blow to the High Orc–"

Once again, Kazami wasn't able to finish what he was about to say because suddenly, the boss room trembled as if a large-scale earthquake had occurred.

"What!? What the hell is going on!?"

"I don't know. But, I'm certain it's not going to be something good. Let's quickly defeat the High Orc and return to the surface! That High Orc…"

Sakura was at a loss when she saw the High Orc. Her expression was filled with fear and shock as if she just saw something unbelievable.

And after that, Rei and Kazami also looked at the High Orc and immediately understood why Sakura reacted like that.

"No way, the prison was broken…"

"Not only that! The wound that we should have given to it is healed, and its body size even changed!"

The High Orc that was supposed to be imprisoned had destroyed the prison and freed itself before everyone knew. Furthermore, all its wounds are healed, and its body length was about 1 meter larger than before.

Everyone in that place also couldn't believe what happened in front of them. However, they must accept that this was a reality even if it's cruel because in front of them, stood a monster that releases an overwhelming intimidating aura.

"Are you kidding, what is that…"

"Isn't it much stronger than before?"

"It's a lie, right? There is no way…"

Besides Sakura and the rest who somehow muttered that kind of words to convince themselves that they must be mistaken, Rei could only try to keep her trembling legs from collapsing while, albeit dominated by fear, somehow tried to grasp their current situation.

'Obviously…the strengthening of the dungeon bosses due to the dungeon collapse did not end when we entered the boss room. It continued since the beginning of the battle and of course even when we left the High Orc to face the knights too…'

However, there was nothing she could do even after knowing it. Because now, they certainly have to defeat the strong enemy in front of them.

"…Sakura, tell us the recommended level to subjugate that high orc."

That's why Rei summoned her courage to ask Sakura while understanding how much despair her answer would bring. And a few seconds later, Sakura answered with a trembling voice.

"That's not a High Orc anymore. It evolved into a higher-ranking orc, an Orc General. And the recommended level to subjugate is–4000."

That answer already became similar to a death sentence for them.

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