Fatal Shot

Chapter 1060: Desperate BOSS


There is no doubt that remote players can't help anyone except the wind.

Therefore, it is only possible to avoid it immediately, and the output is naturally reduced.

"+1000, +1000, +1000..."

The quasi-boss violent blood that had already fallen to 30% has begun to climb again.

"No, this is not the way!"

I have to say that young and frivolous people are crazy, but their heads are still very clear.

Seeing this situation, after avoiding an attack of violent boss, he immediately took the risk to gather for three seconds, raising his hand and releasing a fire attack like a fire dragon.


The "Fire Dragon" whispers in the air, as if with a dragon rushing toward the violent squat below, directly covering its entire body.

This energy fire dragon, although excited because of some rush, did not reach the maximum power.

And because of the violent surroundings, it is impossible to cause too much damage.

However, the raging flames and the large amount of white water mist that the flames are in contact with the ice surface directly affect the vision of the violent boss, making it impossible to see the player's position.

Naturally, it is no longer possible to suppress the player's remote output with ice cubes as before.


Moreover, it is at the same time that the fire envelopes the sight of the violent boss.

One shot covered with a deeper black sniper bullet, but flew down from the cliff, rotating at high speed through the white mist and high temperature energy flame, accurately hitting its right eye.



Five digits, yellow weakness damage.

The force of the violent body completely lost its effect under the "cracking" solitude, and the eye was directly blown off by the sniper bullet.

Although due to the angle problem, this bullet did not make more achievements in the follow-up.

But this is enough!


The pain of one eye was smashed, and the violent boss completely entered the violent state, and the force fluctuations of the body violently tumbling.

The ice that grabbed the hand indiscriminately was thrown away with the strongest force toward the wind.


However, because the high temperature created by the energy flame has melted most of the ice in its hands.

In addition, since the wind fell, since it was attacked, how could it not take into account its counterattack? This piece of ice that was thrown out by the storm was just swept over the edge of the wind and brought a cool cold wind. .


The wind and the eyes have turned into the eyes of the **** of death in the hands of the golden "snake", but it is the opportunity to seize the bullet that comes with the "cracking" fascination!



The bullet plucked a large piece of white water vapor and hit the remaining left eye of the quasi-boss violent violent.

The yellow weak point damage value that emerges again is so conspicuous that the energy flame has been extinguished by the water vapor.


Although the ice around the energy flame has completely melted, the violent boss has regained "freedom."

However, the screams of anger and pain mixed in his mouth are the absolute number of sounds that make the eardrum hurt.

Both eyes are smashed, which is completely fatal for a melee creature.


The quasi-boss was violent, madly agitating his own force, roaring and waving his arms, and smashing the huge waves around the water.

This is the instinctive reaction of the creature after it suddenly falls into the darkness, and does not want to bring everything in the dark to itself.

"Hey, this time, you can hit the water dog."

For the players, the boss who has blinded his eyes is obviously a tiger.

The blood volume has returned to the mouth of the almost full pineapple, and even a smug laugh.


However, I did not expect that he was so vocal, the violent arm of the originally waving arm, suddenly moved between the ears.

Then, the huge body suddenly moved and rushed straight toward the position of the big pineapple.

"Hey, hey..."

Big pineapple is directly dumbfounded, how can it just laugh a little, it attracts the hatred of boss?

He wants to run away, but the violently ill-bombed boss is covered in the fluctuations of the Force, and the speed is terrible.

The canyon below the cliff is not wide, and with the speed of his wearing a few hundred pounds of heavy armor, how could he escape the violent pursuit of the boss.


Although the big pineapple lifted up a huge black alloy shield in front of him.

At the same time, on the legendary shield, there was a wave of force fluctuations.

However, under the violent quasi-boss hit, there are more than five thousand damage figures directly on the head.

The most important thing is that the fluctuation of the original force is directly smashed away. The original force that just awakened is of course impossible to compare with the "old fritters" of the violent boss, not to mention the gap in the basic attributes.


And although the big pineapple blocked the blow, but the eyes were completely violent, the quasi-boss, and finally caught an enemy, how could it only be awkward?

The other arm then followed, and the force of the original force fluctuated more sharply, squatting on the alloy shield that had lost its original force fluctuations.


The big pineapple holds the shield and is directly smashed.

Because of his original location, he was in a wetland at the edge of the stream, so the body was even completely trapped in the mud.

The amount of damage that comes out of the head is already broken.

This is 10,000 on the big pineapple head. If it is changed to an oligarchy, the damage is estimated to reach 25,000 points.

Or ordinary players, it may reach 50,000 points.

That is, the big pineapple, if it is the most common crispy player, the two punches are enough to die ten times.


However, the whole person was smashed into the big pineapple that could not escape in the mud, and it was absolutely impossible for the boss to continue the violent attack.

With the amount of residual blood that he had no time to recover, he would eat a few punches with a violent bosom, and he would definitely die.


Seeing that the big pineapple was to be killed alive, a black sniper bullet hit the sniper and hit the violent head of the quasi-boss.


The hardest skull defense coefficient of this quasi-boss is still somewhat high, especially the helmet on its head. In fact, an alloy shield is forcibly sunken.

Therefore, even if the wind fell, it used the "cracking" force, and it was not able to directly kill fatal injuries.

However, such a blow, in conjunction with the output of the rest of the players, has already officially dropped the blood volume of the quasi-boss to below 20%.

At the same time, it also prevented its attack on the big pineapple caught in the mud.


The quasi-boss violent screams again and made a painful roar, as a primate creature of high ai.

If it is in good condition at this time, it has definitely chosen to escape.

With its ability, if you are escaping, there are only three melee agents who are not able to eat the damage, and it is very likely that they cannot stop it.

However, the wind was originally due to the expectation of this possible situation, and chose to seize the opportunity to smash both of its eyes.

Even with a strong hearing, listening is obviously not possible for the eyes, it has no option to escape.


"-1020, -303, -344..."

Various means of attack are still rushing toward the quasi-boss, so that its blood volume has dropped to the critical point of 15%.

It seems that I know that in the escaping, the quasi-boss violently screams like a tearing vocal cord, and the surrounding force fluctuations have entered the most violent state since the beginning.

Subsequently, the large pineapple that had been smashed into the mud and had less than 20% of the blood was directly discarded, and the player's attack rushed toward the wind-fall position at the source of the gunshot.


The quasi-boss temper that has ignited the last potential of life, at this time gives the impression that it is like the breath of the energy-type creatures before the explosion, the violent horror.

This next attack is absolutely fatal, because this is the ultimate dignity and anger of the boss.

And the goal it chooses is the wind!

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