Fatal Shot

Chapter 1067: Accidental accident

"Someone attacked the camp?"

The agent who had guessed in the heart, after listening to this sentence, is naturally a move.

The plot, finally have to start?

However, they did not take the weapon directly from the backpack, because at this time there was no action order for the nightingale.

What's more, now is just an explosion, the entire np military camp has not been completely turmoil.

If at this time they take up their weapons and rush out, it is definitely a target. It is estimated that the rebel forces who are theoretically also hidden in the military camp will laugh directly!

"Damn, someone is really camping."

"Everyone, all take up arms, enter the state of guard, and hold the door of the warehouse!"

Through the internal channel of the communicator, the tall np is constantly watching the outside situation, his duty is this warehouse area.

Therefore, although there was a battalion, he did not say that he was going to rush out, but let the soldiers under his hand hold the warehouse to the only passage outside.

However, the tall np captain did not go out, and soon, someone came in outside.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

A neat footstep, a team of fully armed np soldiers ran to the door of the warehouse.

"Catch the adventurers inside!"

Mike walked in the forefront of the team, holding a sculpt in his hand, dragging a long chain with some heavy weapons like a single-barrel machine gun, and chilling after a face.

"Mike, what do you mean?"

The tall np captain saw Mike bring people to the equipment warehouse, and shouted in amazement and anger.

"The military camp is attacked by some unidentified people. These adventurers may be spies, and I want to control them all."

Mike squinted and stalked the players in the warehouse.

"Hey, what's the situation?"

"This story, some are wrong!"

Mike's sudden intrusion, in conjunction with this sentence, let a group of players collectively frowned.

In their predictions, it should be that the entire military camp was attracted to the attacked people, and then the military camp was empty and then looked for opportunities to act.

Unexpectedly, the reaction of np turned out to be so rapid. Just a few minutes after being attacked, I sent people to catch them.

"No, listening to what he said is not the resolution of the upper layer of np."

Female agent players suppress the urge to smash their weapons and remind everyone.

If it is really an order under the np upper level, then the tall captain should be the best person to perform this task, he will not know about it.

Therefore, this is only the arbitrarily acting of this Mike himself.

It is very likely that because of the previous conflict, this np has some vengeance. After the military camp was attacked, it was the first time to rush here to arrest the "public bulletin."

"Mike, who is this order?"

Sure enough, the high captain heard this, and did not let the men give way at the first time, but hesitated to ask Mike.

"Whose is this order important? Do you want to stop me, do you dare to bear the consequences of these people?"

Mike smiled coldly and swept the players who had changed their appearance.


Rubin’s face was hesitant.

"What about the old wind?"

The big pineapple stood beside the wind and asked with some eagerness and whisper.

Now, in this case, there are some pit people.

In fact, the ranks of this group of np are not high, and the equipment is even worse than the rebel army, not to mention the federal government's np soldiers. It is estimated that everyone can play a few in addition to the digital cats.

However, the problem is that if you really eliminate these people directly, then you will definitely become the target of public criticism.

Because this equipment warehouse has a lot of monitoring installed, they will be noticed even if they can solve these np soldiers in the first time.

Unless you can invade and control these monitors!

"I can't find a chance!"

The digital cat frowned and shook his head behind the wind.

From the beginning to the end, they followed the people after entering the military camp, and there was no chance to complete the intrusion monitoring.

The agent watch can only interfere with the monitoring, and can not directly invade the modified picture. This kind of interference is absolutely not enough for the special monitoring personnel in the military.

"Reassured, I believe that someone should have done it."

The wind fell a glance at a position in the warehouse, but I was not worried about it.

The only problem is that in fact, when entering the military camp, the player has been asked to close his weapon.

This means that if they want to fight, they must take out the weapon from the backpack. This not only takes time, but once it is done, it is likely to provoke these np attacks!

Therefore, who must do it and how to do it must choose the best solution.

"All of you, stand by the wall, and don't run around!"

Because of Mike's warning, the tall np captain apparently also had some doubts in his heart, turning his head to a group of players.

"You must hold your head in your hands and squat on the wall!"

Mike added a sentence outside.


In the face of this situation, the reactions between players are different.

The eyes of the wind are still slightly hollow, the corners of the mouth are shaking, and I gently say something.

The phoenix is ​​a eyebrow, and the night and the digital cat retreat decisively back, so that even if there is no shield, the big pineapple is blocked in front of it.

As for the players of Xiao Luoshui and female agents, they are frowning, and the widows are sick and young and frivolous but they are sinking their faces.

Hands holding your head? Kneeling at the wall!

If it is in some cases, perhaps it has to be matched for the plot.

However, today is destined to fight, most of the players are very proud, how can this be done.

"Is your ears stunned? One doesn't move, it seems that you really have problems..."

Seeing that the player did not respond at all, Mike's face sank, and the waved hand would let the soldiers behind him enter the warehouse to force the player.


However, it was at the time of his speech.

A "black hole" appeared on the top of the warehouse. The 24k that appeared from the black hole screamed softly. A sway of energy representing the mental attack, all the nps that were directly present were covered in it.

"Hey, hey!"

The next moment, the wind fell to the right hand and the two cards swung directly out. Several np soldiers crossed the front and flew toward Mike and his party.

The energy converters, guns and alloy swords in the hands of the players were indeed required to be put away.

However, a few "ordinary" playing cards will naturally not be required to be retracted.


The two cards did not directly attack the person, but collided with each other accurately when flying above the position of Mike.

Subsequently, an explosion of energy particles mixed with water and soil immediately swept all the np soldiers and two officers.

Two mysterious poker, one box 10, one plum 10!


It was the pair of cards that had been played when Spades Jack and the wind fell.

The effect is to instantly increase the density of the air in an area by a thousand times and become as thick as the mud of the marsh.


After the explosion of two playing cards, a "Black Peach Five" covered with a layer of black "cracking" energy, followed by Mike's neck.


Mystery poker itself is not very sharp, but after covering the "cracking" solace, it is sharper than the blade of the saber.

The blood vessels above the neck of Mike and the trachea were all cut off by this "Spades 5". The blood from the broken arteries was left in the air because of the "air swamp", showing a thin spray. Red fog.

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