Fatal Shot

Chapter 1071: Seven killing thoughts

For example, three days and seven and a half hours, this number accurate to "hours" is likely to imply a countdown to action.

And “s5 tobacco” may refer to a particular item or experimental item.

As for the later Dr. Yu, Mr. Marcus and Ms. Alex, it is some of the obvious targets of the command np.

It is also the emergence of "Marcus", a name that plays a pivotal role in the "Resident Evil" series, allowing the wind to detect the anomalies in their dialogue.

In addition, it is also because of the consistently arrogant and cold character of "seven kills", it would be too unusual to use the words Mr. and Ms. to call a group of np.

Although, this can be explained as they are worried that they will be heard by np, so they can't be too arrogant.

But this is a direct affirmation of the wind, and these two people are absolutely problematic!

Because if you want internal conversations to avoid np, players can talk through the player channel.

They didn't use it, but they said each other's "hypocritical" words that were impatient with each other.

This only shows one thing, that is, they can't open the player channel at this time.

This situation will only occur when the player is in some special important story or mission state.

And what kind of tasks do they have at a group of umbrella companies that are not in contact with the outside world?

The promise has been too obvious!

Obviously, the Seven Kills and the Heavy Armor are in this hidden way to exchange information or action plans.

Moreover, the participants in this program are more than just them.

After the wind fell on the observation, it was found that most of the dozen people wearing protective clothing were players. These people are more than 80% likely to be participants.

"What did your bugs detect?"

Looking at the wind at night, the expression on the face finally became more important.

This sentence undoubtedly shows that he has already discovered the existence of reconnaissance beetles.

For this, the wind fell and I felt surprised.

In fact, after this time the special agent department "closed", grasped the use of the original force "perception" approach.

The wind has found that the "reconnaissance beetle" concealment is not as powerful as he imagined, perhaps facing the current player's reconnaissance means, as long as it does not encounter reconnaissance talent or a legendary reconnaissance instrument, it will hardly be exposed.

However, people who have mastered the "perceived force" can find the reconnaissance beetle's movements with a little care.

Even today, he is sending out 50-level command-level reconnaissance beetles with extremely strong camouflage ability, and they can't hide well in the face of masters who have learned the original force.

The nightingale may not be very strong, but the perception may not be inferior to him!

"I did find some information..."

The wind has not been too concealed, because it is not necessary, simply sent a situation.

"So, the rebel forces turned out to be very early, inside the umbrella company, and they were still a group of adventurers."

The face of the nightingale is a bit ugly.

He thought that even if the rebel forces had internal factors, they would only be one or two people.

Moreover, it should be a person belonging to the civilian category.

However, I did not expect that the number of rebel forces should be quite large.

Even if you have mastered the authority to transport such materials, this is enough, and there is already enough maneuverability.

The layout of the rebel army undoubtedly means that they have completely fallen to the disadvantages from the beginning.

Even if it is a lot of hard work, it is not meaningful at all to venture into the military camp before the start of the operation. It will only help the rebels to attract firepower to create opportunities.

"Sir, you don't have an epic scout, can you look at the situation in the building?"

"We can look at the situation first and avoid their ambush."

Young and frivolous eyes turned and yelled at the night.

The wind fell and heard this move.

Was the nightingale reconnaissance instrument not a legendary level, but an epic?

This is not surprising. As a trump card for a special agent, if the main equipment is only legendary, it seems that it is not as good as some players.


The nightingale did not answer the young and frivolous, and the face became more and more heavy.

His reconnaissance instrument is indeed very powerful and can even "see through" what is happening in the building.

However, the umbrella company's underground base clearly uses some special materials and construction methods, and even his reconnaissance can not get any internal information.

Moreover, after all, it is a military camp, with a large number of detection equipment, he can not completely liberate the ability of epic reconnaissance equipment, even the sky's invisible levitation reconnaissance, do not dare too close to the bottom.

In this way, this epic-level equipment is far less useful than the scouting beetle.

"So, your kind of bug that can be scouted, must have followed those players and entered the base of the umbrella company at this time?"

Seeing the reaction of the nightingale, the widowed person turned his eyes and looked at the wind.

"It's a pity, no!"

The wind shook his head.

He did not let the scout beetle follow.

There are two main reasons for this.

First, the wind has remembered one thing that happened.

After initially hatching the beetle, he used the reconnaissance beetle to monitor the "Wesker" hidden in the underground base of the umbrella company in the first "Resident Evil" mission.

As a result, while tracking Wesker's entry into the closed elevator, the scouting beetle was directly turned into a "little brain" of the state of the white little girl, and was immediately killed.

This shows that the umbrella company has the ability to detect reconnaissance beetles within a certain range.

After all, although the theoretical detection of beetles is very concealed, flying in the air will always cause a certain frequency of air vibration and energy fluctuations.

This is naturally easy to locate accurately in a closed environment due to various aspects of wave reflections.

So, really following these players, it will almost certainly be discovered.

If it is only discovered by the brain, it will not be worried about killing the wind. After all, even if np finds a reconnaissance beetle, it can be regarded as a bug that is inadvertently broken into.

At most, it was associated with the reconnaissance beetle that was discovered in the last town of Rogge, creating some vigilance.

However, if a player is present when it is discovered, it is completely different...

In particular, there are seven killings of this "warrior third person" present, once the detective beetle is found, he will immediately think of his body.

After all, the scouting beetle is not a secret in the forum, and the seven kills know that this time the federal camp has agents involved!

"Even, maybe the seven kills themselves are waiting for this opportunity? Waiting, the emergence of the Zerg arms!"

In the wind, I tried to figure it out with my own thoughts.

As the first person in the rebel camp, the seven kills are naturally taken over by people and compared with the wind.

The result of the comparison is naturally that he lost, because, in the dog's strength list, the seven-kill ranking is always under his roar of death.

Even the recent rankings have even declined, falling to the position of four or five.

Plus, unlike other people, there is actually a pk confrontation between the two.

Before the seven kills, he lost to him three times. Even though he couldn't be completely confrontational, this information has been turned over by the players to prove the strength gap between the two.

Even the boss pets of two people were taken out for comparison.

The conclusion is that his pet is stronger than 24k in the presence of parasitic zombies.

However, his strength is still lost to the wind!

This is simply not as good as removing the pet.

Seven kills are a man of high arrogance, and the wind falls to believe that he cannot be convinced in his heart.

Well, this time, it is undoubtedly the best chance to prove.

If you can leave the wind in this place, then the reputation of the seven kills will definitely be a big shock, returning to the top three. Rw

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