Fatal Shot

Chapter 1096: Black woman


The "Wolverine", which was affected by the mental attack of Szebin, has entered a state of madness.

His face was stunned and he snorted like a wolverine from his throat.


There was a strong fluctuation in the force of the body, and the "Skywalker iv" that tried to re-entangle his arm again and again, rushed into the black glory flame without hesitation.



In less than a second, along with two eye-catching weaknesses, a figure flies out of the dark flame.

The body of the body of the "Wolverine" flying in the air appeared to be severely sunken, and the neck was abnormally distorted.

The layer before the body, in the chaos of the battle, was able to withstand the flying bullets, even with the original force to block the fur of the Phoenix legendary sword attack, but also a layer of swaying The black flame is attached, icy and mercilessly burning and rapidly spreading!


Then, the dark phoenix in the sky and the flames on the ground all gathered in the middle.

In the body of the phoenix, he formed a black "noble armor" that is very similar to the "Phoenix Battle Armor" made by Old John!

"Wake up the potion!"

The temperament became completely different from the "dark phoenix" appearance, and after shouting a word toward the wind, it was directly attacked despite being hit.

However, because of the animal transformation and awakening of the original force, the "Wolverine" that did not die was rushed away.

Her eyes were very cold, but it was clearly restored, and apparently, she got rid of Szebin's mental control.

This is not surprising.

Unlike the original force based on the player's body, the solitude is tied to the player's "spiritual power"!

The dark phoenix has such a powerful solitude, and the spiritual power does not need to be said at all. Together with the flaming sensibility, it forms the "secret armor" and obviously has the ability to resist Szebin.


Because I had the energy to help the phoenix, I haven't been able to solve the battle. I just used it with one heart and two. I used the speed to avoid the wind and the flames thrown out by the young and mad madness. I heard the words of the phoenix.

The phoenix reminded me that the wind fell, and the trophy was released before the boss three-headed dog.

At the time, I was still thinking that it was useless.

Now I understand it, it is actually used here!


The mind is turning, and the body of the wind is already exploding with the force fluctuations, directly avoiding the young and frivolous next fire skill.

The next moment, the body has already circled the face of the young and frivolous face!


Subsequently, wearing a storm armor gloves opened the left hand fist of the "burst point" skill.

Directly hit with strong force fluctuations, squatting on the flame shield on the young and frivolous body!


The Force Shield, made of legendary weapons, is directly broken without any resistance.

"However, to whom?"

There is only one conscious remedy, which means that he can only get rid of control and temporarily get rid of it.

Then, you must choose the most suitable candidate!


When the Shield is broken, the left hand of the wind and the fluctuation of the Force does not stop at all.

Grasing the young and frivolous neck directly from the back, he has already been given a "red whip" to the head of a purple-red burnt mark.

Instantly force, go to the ground!



Clear bones shattered, and a red and white liquid spilled on the ground.

Far more than the damage of the young and frivolous residual blood, accompanied by death white light bloom in the hall where all kinds of skills and attacks coexist!

"Digital cat!"

In the wind, the first person to appear is a digital cat.

Although, this seems to be a not too good choice.

Because the digital cat even awakened the original force, the actual combat power is even weaker than the night, giving her words is almost a waste.

However, there is a natural reason for the wind to do so.

His agreement on the "Terminator Series" and the digital cat was to help her complete the task of this group agent.

As I said before, the wind will not easily agree to things.

But promised, naturally try to do it.

Therefore, at the beginning of the change, he actually let 24k pay full attention to the situation of the digital cat and protect it at the same time.


However, the wind fell shortly and found that digital cats did not seem to need to use "awake potions."

In the face of the strong attack of Szebin to even the king of Aida, the digital cat has a certain resistance.

At this time, she did not completely lose her mind, and even sneaked into a corner of the hall, evading the various skills of the battle center and the bombing of the attack.

It is because of the armor and perception of the original John, the blood volume is still in a safe state when no one specifically attacks her.

"It should be the reason for mental strength..."

Combined with the resistance of the Dark Phoenix to mental attacks, the wind has come to a possible conclusion.

When the digital cat awakens the original force, it is likely to develop with the same brain domain as him, and the mental power has been greatly enhanced!

Can also explain her previous spatial computing ability.

"If that's the case, you should choose... King Ada!"

Make sure that the digital cat is not in danger for the time being, and the wind will turn to the Ada King who is not far from him.


This violent woman, at this time, is covered with a layer of force, completely blocking the various range of attack skills around.

The large-caliber double-barreled firearm in the hand, after firing, put a light armored warrior on the ground and slid a few meters away, leaving a blood trail on the ground.

The woman's strength is very strong. If he insists on injecting a sober remedy to her, it is definitely dangerous.

"Spiritual attack... um, 24k!"

A thought flashed through the wind, and then quickly communicated with 24k, and immediately approached the king of Ada!

"court death!"

Use the last bullet in the magazine to kill the light armor.

King Ada immediately felt the wind falling close, the eyebrows picking, and lazy to replace the magazine.

Directly throwing the gun in the hand toward the wind, two large caliber pistols in the holster above the wrist, and rolling over to her hand.

"it's me!"

The wind is a step ahead, first to avoid the firearms that have come over.

At the same time, 24k out of a mental helmet rushed out and shrouded the king of Ada.

The Ada, who had already raised his gun, was about to attack the wind. He suddenly felt a stagnation, and there was a trace of confusion in his gaze.


The wind fell to the speed of the explosion, directly around her, immediately tied the "conscious medicine" to her neck.

"court death!"

Although, the eyes of King Ada immediately recovered.

Directly elbows slammed into the chest of the wind, and will deliberately let 24k close the chest of the wind of the Shield's physical defense, and almost fracture.

However, the sober potion on her neck has already poured into her heart and brain.


The wind fell by a distance from the attacking power of King Ada.

Then, turn on the "burst point" skill and use the fastest speed to avoid the crazy shooting of Aida Wang and then the two guns.

The awake potion does not take effect immediately, so he needs to avoid the king of Ada who may go crazy!

However, because of the attack from King Ada, the wind on the ice-covered ground that was more than 20 meters away was directly rushed out. The figure that just landed was immediately attacked!


A woman's leg, with a strong force fluctuation, flew out from his side and kicked directly on his reopened "secret shield".


The Shield that can withstand at least the frontal hit of the machine gun bullets is directly destroyed by this leg.


The attacking wind is a "female player"!

To be precise, it should be a tall, slender figure and a slender leg. In the battle, the original armor has been taken off, revealing a black tight-fitting leather suit with a pair of black gloves. ".

In order to avoid the attack after King Ada was "injected" by himself, the wind fell to the battlefield side of the rebel side with less attention.

Of course, because of this time, the entire hall has been filled with smoke and chaos.

In fact, there is no such thing as a regional distinction between the camps on both sides.


At the moment when the secluded shield of the body was shattered and disappeared, the wind immediately felt his head, like the uncomfortable thing being forcibly stuffed in, and the vision was black.

Without the secluded shield, Szebin’s mental attack immediately went straight!


The second attack of the rebel female np has already followed the first round of attacks.

The body shrouded in black has a strong force fluctuation, and the eyes have turned into a turquoise, as the former "Wolverine" generally reveals the wild fierce light.

However, she did not become as big as the Wolverine.

Instead, three silver claws that are more than one foot long are ejected from the black gloves, and they are swung toward the chest where the wind falls!



Under the three slender silver claws, the "Zerg Biomaterials" storm armor with the inner layer's defense coefficient reaching a+ was directly split into three holes.

However, it also absorbed most of the power of this blow.

So that the wind fell without much injury, but his chest, but the blood quickly rushed to the red.


In the black female player's other hand, it is also followed by the swaying of the force fluctuations toward the windy neck.

A dark red "armor" prevented her from trying to "cut the throat."

This is the result of a substantial increase in strength. For the first time in a long time, the wind has been forced to open the "Life Armor"!

Just because this woman's strength is really tyrannical, almost inferior to King Ada!

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