Fatal Shot

Chapter 1104: Artifact!

Character skill chip!

Ordinary people may not be able to distinguish the difference between this chip and the skill chip.

However, once in the "Spade Jack" body broke the wind of a character chip, naturally it is recognized at a glance what this is.

Moreover, in fact, in this hall, there are more than one character chip.

It’s not just the death woman who has a character chip. In a corner not far away, the dead woman smashed her throat and smashed the body of the nightingale’s body, and also burst out with a person’s chip emitting orange light. .

Death girl and nightingale... The value of these two character chips should be higher than the previous chip of Spades Jack.

Because, as two top and even ace-level agents, the two men mastered the original skills, professional specialization, weapon skills are definitely more comprehensive than the "Spade Jack" plus.

This point can be seen from the level of the chip that the dead woman burst out.

[Technology chip of ‘death woman’】

Character level: 76 (legendary)

Requires level: 50

Also a legendary high-level npc, the death female character level reached 76, while the previous Spades Jack was only 71.

Although, the specific meaning of npc is more than 70 levels of "level attribute" is not very clear, but the higher the level, the greater the value.

In addition, although it is only "legendary" at the character level.

However, the dead woman also broke the epic level of equipment like the Spades Jack.

The power of this pair of fists in her hand, the wind has already had a direct experience in the previous battle!

In theory, even if the death woman is genetically modified by the "beast" technology of the rebel army, it is not absolutely comparable to the one that is strengthened by the super-evolution virus.

However, in the previous battle, the strength of the dead woman's arms broke out, but it was not inferior to him. The last blow was to smash the metal walls into pits.

More importantly, the silver claws that popped out of the glove have the effect of limiting the recovery of the original force. This is absolutely important for the battle between the masters who master the "healing" force.

The only thing that makes the wind fall, I feel that there is some wry smile. In the previous battle, he used the "cracking" to smash the silver claws on the pair of gloves.

So, this pair of original epic trophies.

At this time, although I did not see the specific attributes because of the lack of identification, but the name is the word "defect", and the current version, the repair of epic equipment, is a very difficult thing.

Is this considered to be "self-confident"?

Of course, for the things that the dead woman broke out, the wind is already very satisfactory. Although there are only two pieces, the value of these two pieces is not even comparable to the estimated 20 pieces of legendary equipment.

However, what happened on the other side of the night's nightingale was slightly disappointing.

He did burst out with a character chip, but nothing but the character chip broke out.

It has to be said that it is a pity to let the wind fall.

The nightingale character chip is also very valuable, but compared to the death female character chip, the use of the wind is definitely second.

Most importantly, from the information revealed by the young and frivolous before, it is known that there is an epic reconnaissance instrument on the nightingale. If it can be burst out, it is definitely more valuable than the death woman's glove.

After all, the reconnaissance instrument is actually the "main weapon" and it is also a combination of equipment.

"Hey, hey!"

The beetle, which was summoned to clean the battlefield, has shipped all the spoils from the entire hall.

Because the spoils that had just burst out in "War of War", even if they were thrown into the backpack by the players, they would almost die if they died immediately.

Therefore, the dozens of top players on the scene, plus the three high-level npc's explosions, in fact, finally gathered here.

In addition to some low-cost consumables, there are only ten pieces of equipment, and there are three legendary equipments.

"After a civil war, the result is more than just killing ten bosses!"

The wind fell from the collection of beetle claws and picked up a legendary belt guard from a federal agent. The tone was a bit sigh.

However, this is actually quite normal. After all, this is probably the most important story of the Resident Evil mission.

If there are not a few epic and legendary equipment in this level of mission, then it is estimated that few people are willing to do the task.

Three legendary equipment, the wind decided to give the night, the big pineapple and the digital cat three people, as for the death woman bursting out a pair of epic gloves, and two character skill chips...


At the time of receiving the equipment, the wind suddenly felt a little purple at the corner of the line of sight.

Looking around, I noticed that the black spur that had been hit by a dead woman and struck him into the distant wall had a faint purple light.

That spur was actually an epic-level equipment, and it became a spoiler!

“There was still an epic gear...”

This is definitely an unexpected surprise. I thought it was just a nightingale of the character chip. It even broke out an epic-level equipment. Moreover, it is still a weapon, and it is probably the spur of the full version.

"No wonder, night temperament is so proud of it!"

The wind is falling down. I understand why the fighting power of the nightingale is obviously different from the eye or Ada Wang, and it can also become the trump card of an intelligence department.

With an epic melee weapon in hand, if you attack like an assassin, you may not be able to defeat your opponent.

The reason why it was killed by a woman who died is largely estimated to be the cause of the exposure.

However, in this case, is this military spurt a death woman, or is it a nightingale?

Well, no matter who broke it out, it’s definitely something that can’t be met. If it weren't for this epic story mission, these advanced npcs are almost impossible to die. Even if the player's strength is high enough, after killing them in a non-mission situation, it is impossible to explode the epic gear.

Since there are two epic gears and two character chips that are not inferior in value, then on the distribution plan...

"Choose one!"

The wind dropped two epic gears and two character chips in front of the phoenix, facing her.

He is not a person who eats alone. Although in this battle, 24k is indispensable, but Phoenix has also played an important role.

Not to mention these things, in fact, to a greater extent, it is said that with the strength of the "Dark Phoenix", I want to keep people in the city that never sleeps.

Then, an epic-level equipment should never be embarrassed.

"These equipments are not for me, I can't use the character chips."

Phoenix looked at a few things, but shook his head.

"However, I like this last-day madness. If you agree, I want this Tractor's character chip, and some of the trophies I deserve, exchange it."

"Of course, in terms of the market value of current epic equipment, this madness should be higher than the sum of the two. So, I can also attach some important information about the game as this. Complementary exchange!"

Phoenix looked at the wind, but in the hands of it, he once again took out a character chip.

In the previous battle, she killed the "Wolverine" alone, and even broke out the character chip.

However, the madness of the Doomsday is the weapon of the master, and it is also the energy conversion instrument of the combined equipment. The value is enough to match the three ordinary defensive epic equipment.

What game information does she have, confident to compare with epic equipment?


The wind fell and looked at the phoenix, his face was a little serious.

Phoenix, or the "Dark Phoenix" form at this time, is still a mode of npc in the player's perspective.

However, how can the wind fall to treat her as an npc, and it is impossible for me to be a simple "npc"!

Moreover, before the wind fell, there was already doubt about the identity of the "Dark Phoenix".

"What kind of information!"

Therefore, the wind falls open.

"For example, the use of pylons. For example, how to create artifact equipment!"

Dark Phoenix Road.


The wind fell and the face shook.

Even if he is, it is difficult to remain calm when he hears this word.

"Yes, artifact!"

The dark phoenix nodded.

"The current complete epic equipment, there is not much in the game at present... to create artifacts, is it not so easy?"

The wind fell on the eyes of the dark phoenix.

He noticed that the phoenix used the word "build" instead of "acquiring" or "exploding."

Epic equipment, can not be obtained through the explosion boss, only this kind of story mission involving high-level npc can be obtained, but also need to follow up various collections or repairs.

Then, the difficulty of the artifact equipment, I am afraid it is difficult to countless times!

After all, today's life professional npc on this planet has no ability to make epic equipment, let alone "build" artifacts!

"No, artifacts and our usual equipment do not belong to a type of thing. What is needed to build an artifact is not a life professional player, but a secluded energy!"


The next moment, I saw a black flaming flame that burned around her, and then formed a huge secluded column, directly reaching the ceiling above the hall, and then covered the full ten meters in diameter. The scope, like the erupting volcano, is generally spectacular and oppressive.

"This... is an artifact!"

Then, the Dark Phoenix spread his right hand in front of him.


The faint flame of the sky, back in the palm of her hand, turned into a lifelike bird-like phoenix, suspended in her palm.

"Your ecstasy has reached the intermediate level. As long as the total amount of solace is sufficient, then you can already condense the prototype of your own artifact!"

The eyes of the phoenix look back at the eyes of the wind.

However, because she was wearing a mask, she could not see the look on her face.


Looking at this little phoenix, the sharp mentality of the wind is able to clearly feel that the slyness of the scorpion can fluctuate.

And he naturally remembers that in the previous battle, this "Phoenix" formed by the ecstasy can also be turned into a set of secluded armor!

"What is the difference between artifacts and artifacts?"

“The real artifacts don’t just need their own solitude, they also need ‘soul’.”

Said the dark phoenix.


The black phoenix, composed of a violent flaming flame in the hand, fluttered around the phoenix in a whirlwind, and a whistling whistle sounded in the mouth.

Because it is completely black, you can't see its eyes, but in the moment when this small secluded phoenix is ​​called, the wind falls and there is a real feeling of life.


The wind is thoughtful.

Artifacts, souls... These concepts have undoubtedly belonged to some categories that are not "sci-fi games."

However, there is little understanding of the background of the "War of War", and there is nothing unacceptable about this. Anyway, it is all the setting of the game system.

"The power of your ‘artifact’ in the battle before seems to be more general? It feels that it is not much better than the epic equipment!”

Therefore, his attention still falls on this "Phoenix Artifact" itself.

"Because of my current situation, there is no way to completely release its power."

"And it's really a single battle with players or npcs, artifacts are really not as strong as epic gear."

"Because artifacts are not used for battles in these greenhouses, but for fighting against real enemies."

The hand of the dark phoenix waved, and the phoenix in his hand turned into a secluded back to her body.

"The real enemy? What is the real enemy..."

The wind's gaze condensed again.

"The real enemy is..."

However, at this time, the words spoken in the mouth of the Phoenix were actually blocked, and only the lips were moving.

"Blocked out by the system!"

Seeing the unusual reaction of the wind, the dark phoenix frowned, and then understood what.

"It seems that it still does not allow you to know that it will take some time to wait until it is opened next time, or after the next version, it will be revealed."

"However, I think, with its emphasis on you, you should soon be able to discover the existence of these enemies yourself during the game!"

"Does it value me? Who is it referring to, the game system of "War of War"? Or the main brain!"

The wind fell again and condensed the eyebrows.

"Not it, who will be."

"War of War is a completely fair slogan, but in this world, what is the real fairness... In your case, don't you think that your luck is a little more than normal?"

The dark phoenix stares at the wind, with a voice that looks like ridicule and feels like a touch.

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