Fatal Shot

Chapter 1108: Zerg base promotion

"It turned out to be..."

The wind and the face can't see the change, but the heart is suddenly realized.

As one of the heirs of the Shaw Group, it has the perfect appearance and ability to match it.

After Xiao Luoshui took over the Starry Sky Company, in fact, the attention it received was not inferior to that of the star players.

Above the forum, there are quite a few news about some of her laces, for example, the origin of her title of "Xiao Huangfu" envied by many women.

Another example is that the Xiao’s consortium is dissatisfied with a business family, wants to enter the political arena, and because of the gambling with the older generation of the family, he went to the No. 17 administrative star to master the industry in the War.

Since this preparation is going to be carried out, the wind will of course collect the information of Xiao Luoshui.

I just didn't expect that this kind of lace news, which is more like Bo's eyeball, seems to be true.

Of course, for this kind of thing, the wind is not surprising.

As I said before, the technology of the Tianxing civilization was developed from the feudal time into the interstellar era due to the explosive development of the War.

Therefore, there are still some residual feudal customs in society.

The previous animal husbandry was an example, and the Xiaoluo water in front of him was another example. It was just the real beauty president who obviously didn't want to obey.

"I did, I have acquired eternal technology. However, to cooperate, I will not be in the night city, but in my own name!"

The wind fell in the eyes of Xiaoluo Shui, and after sinking for nearly ten seconds, he finally nodded.

Originally, his predecessor was that even if he really got the eternal life project, he would not disclose it.

However, this "immortality project" of the umbrella company is actually quite different from the real life technology that he imagined.

Moreover, there is actually a problem in the middle that is almost impossible to achieve. Without solving this problem, the value cannot be too high.

The most important thing is that if the eternal life project is only for him, he may be completely depressed.

But now the situation is not only him, but the npc government has also acquired this technology, and there should be backups within the umbrella company.

The Shaw Group may not be able to use compulsory means to capture it, but as long as there is enough money to buy players, npcs and even make some plot missions, there are definitely ways to get it from npc.

Therefore, in fact, he has already made a decision, but did not think that the object of the final cooperation is not the Xiao Group, but Xiao Luoshui.

"Very good, then let's talk about the content of cooperation... In terms of equity, I hope to get more than 50% of the shares, I hope Mr. Feng can understand."

Xiao Luoshui himself is in his own name, and he will not say anything about the cooperation of the wind in his own name.

However, after the wind fell, the beauty president was suddenly restored to the true nature of the businessman.

"I am afraid this is not possible."

“Because, I represent not only myself today, but another person who has partial ownership of eternal technology.”

The wind fell on the table with his fingers and shook his head.

"I am willing to invest in the acquisition of the part of her contribution that should be obtained. Mr. Feng, you can tell her, I can give her absolute satisfaction value!"

Xiao Luo Shui said without hesitation.

"Although she is entrusting me with responsibility, she has already stated that she will never give up this part of the shares. Xiao should also understand that the potential of eternal technology is huge, how can someone sell it casually?"

The wind is still shaking his head.

"In this case, Mr. Feng, I want to know who that person is?"

Xiao Luoshui asked after hearing the wind.


The wind replied.

"It's her... well, I am willing to give up some of the shares and only ask for more than 40% of the shares."

Unexpectedly, after knowing that the third partner was "Phoenix", Xiao Luoshui was only musing for a while and then agreed.

It seems that the value of working with Phoenix is ​​not inferior to the benefits that she wants to have as a bargaining chip and a 10% stake in the “Eternal Life Project” negotiated by the family.

Obviously, as the heir to the top family, she knows more than she had previously revealed.

Moreover, the wind feels that her attention to the Phoenix does not seem to be under her own?

However, although the Phoenix strength in the bright spot is among the top ten masters, there are two boss-level pets recently. At present, because the pet is only the boss level, the ranking has slipped to the tenth place!

Moreover, the discerning person can see that if the pet is removed, only the fighting power of the phoenix itself can only say the level of the previous one.

Then, how can Xiaoluo water look so high for the phoenix.


Since the cooperation has been successful, then the wind will naturally not be polite.

The wind fell to the hand and placed his right hand on the metal box on the table. The inside of the poker instantly turned into a shadow and automatically flew into the box in his sleeve.

Looking at these pokers, the wind suddenly thought of one thing.

If you remember correctly, in the battle in the hall, when he finally used mysterious poker, Xiao Luoshui should have died in the melee.

How come, see him show mystery poker?

It seems that the agent of this intelligence agency may have some special talent or equipment!

"However, I asked for the contract to be signed in the game!"

Looking up, the wind fell on Xiaoluo water and did not ask anything, just said.

"Signing a contract in "War of War"?"

Xiaoluo water is slightly lighter.

Although, as in today's Star Law, virtual contracts in games are equally protected.

However, most people are still accustomed to making such important contract documents in reality, and the choice of the wind is undoubtedly not in her expectation.

"Yes, in the game!"

The wind fell and nodded.



When the two of you come to each other to discuss the real cooperation content.

Next to it, the video that has been playing is already in the last few seconds.

At this time, at the edge of the viewing angle of the picture, in the direction of the military base, a black aircraft full of sci-fi style can be seen from the ground.

And if the person photographed at the time, there is a way to bring the video lens closer, even if it can be seen, then you can see.

In the control room of this small aircraft, Wesker wearing sunglasses is sitting in the driver's seat.

"I am very curious, which party are you working for? Rebels, the Federation!"

At this time, he was communicating with the short-haired woman smoking a cigarette in the communication interface with the aircraft.

"I only work for myself!"

On the ground, the woman turned off the communication in the picture, and reached out and pressed a button of an instrument that kept flashing red light.

Throw it to the ground and, after playing the smoke, walked away.

“The super worm virus infection was 75.32% successful, and some information databases were obtained after the red worm. In the finishing process, the progress was 12.1%...”

After a few more seconds, in the lower field of view of the cabin, the position of the military camp was filled with a white mushroom cloud.

Already in the cabin of the wing-shaped aircraft that has left the Golden Triangle, the side of the Wesker wearing sunglasses, a little girl in a white skirt formed by projection, is reporting in a slightly mechanical sense.

And next to this little girl, a three-dimensional "virtual bug" is constantly spinning.

It's like the ending of a movie on Earth that wants to shoot a sequel.

Although the umbrella company has been destroyed, it does not mean that the Resident Evil is truly extinct.

Maybe, wait until the game develops to a certain day.

There will be a more dangerous variant of the evolution virus coming out, giving players some fun to do the task of playing bosses.


At the same time, in the distance of 1,500 miles from the Golden Triangle, the death of the desert is 100 meters underground.

"Hey, hey!"

In the 24k some surprise calls.

The level of the Zerg base has been officially upgraded to level 50!

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