Fatal Shot

Chapter 1117: Quasi-BOSS pet

The sky, no moon, the thick clouds make the night very dark.

Next to the black mountain standing on the European castle, there is a hidden valley in the valley with a large number of plants. There is a group of players who are wearing camouflage matte and heat-absorbing paint.

"You, really only two people?"

Ice glaze has been the third time, asking this question towards the wind.

"Are not you just saw it."

The wind fell and answered absent-minded.

Because he was looking up at this time, a pair of pupils changed into a golden "snake", staring at the vampire's castle in the field of vision.


The castle is very retro, and there are not even lights inside. Instead, there are a lot of torches.

Under the not-too bright fire map, you can see the sky above and around the castle. There are a large number of extremely fast shadows flying around the ground.

It was the kind of bat that swallowed the scouting beetle before, a group of "vampire bats"!

Just a few minutes ago, they witnessed a 60-level elite wild boar that inadvertently broke into the foot of the mountain, surrounded by dozens of bats, sucking a drop of blood in one minute. No dry pigs.

This is a somewhat troublesome issue!

The mountain where the vampire castle is located is very steep, almost as vertical as a knife, and there is no large vegetation on the mountain wall, plus a large number of vampire bats in the cave.

It can be said that the idea of ​​directly invading and then sneak attack is ruined.

This, even if it is windy, there is no way, because the wormhole needs to use the position of the beetle arm, and these vampire bats just restrained the ability to detect the worm's sneak.

In particular, the range of activities of vampire bats is now ten times larger than before during the day.

"There are only two people. Oh, I don't know if I am courageous or confident!"

After hearing the words of the glazed glass that came back, the heavy-bearded warrior with a beard of "steel tiger" had some smiles on his face.

"Xi sister!"

On the other side, the white crescent that tried to talk to the "blonde girl", after returning, shook his head directly.

No way, "Blonde Beauty" is a way of being close to her, and she has tried several ways to answer nothing.

"No need to try again, I think, they should also be old Stars. So, clearly know the past actions of these people in Wolfsburg, so choose to cooperate with us."

The red queen looked at the back of the two, and finally said.

"Ah? They are also stars!"

“It’s not very likely. There are only a few million people on the 17th executive star. It’s quite a coincidence that you can meet a team.”

"If you say that the other two teams are all stars, this chance is too small!"

A heavy-faced warrior with a beard is not quite convinced.

“Under normal circumstances, it is impossible.”

"But, when we go to such a remote place to do the task, we will encounter such a person who has a big hatred of the Wolf Fort."

"It’s strange to meet some other star people again."

The red queen seemed to be sure what, and shook his head.

"Xin sister, you mean... this time, it’s the case that you are acquainted with acquaintances!"

What the white crescent thought of, said the voice down.


And this side seems to be watching the wind of the castle in one heart.

When the white crescent said this sentence, the ear could not help but move slightly.

Obviously, the Red Queen is also one of those who are specially cared for by "it"!


"Castle, there is movement!"

At this time, the sound of the green arrow that has been observed has been transmitted from the communication channel.

Everyone looked up and saw that from the old castle, there was a very tall, hot air balloon burning with lavender flames rising slowly.

The strange purple flame, combined with the blood-sucking bats that are constantly flying around, makes this scene look magical.

"All are hidden!"

The green arrow reminded me that the reconnaissance device in the hand turned on the anti-detection function.

Everyone immediately swayed and stopped, and stopped talking.

Because the hot air balloon after the launch began to fly in the direction of the town, from their point of view, you can already see the basket under the hot air balloon, there are many people shaking.

Since they can see the people inside the hot air balloon, it means that the other side can theoretically see their position, naturally it needs to be lurking.

"Boom, bang, bang..."

The speed of the hot air balloon was really slow, and it took only five minutes before it flew over the town.

Then, in the direction of Greentown, a burst of salute sounded.

In the field of view of the player through the far-sighted device, at this time, the streets of Green Town are gathered with hundreds of np residents cheering for the arrival of the hot air balloon.

This kind of enthusiasm, obviously in the minds of the players, these np residents should be extremely afraid of vampires, and there is a gap in the response of every household to completely close the door lock window.

However, this problem, in advance to the town to eavesdrop on the wind in the bar np talk is to understand the reasons.

Although most of the people caught by the vampires will never come back, but a small part will be turned into a blood servant by vampires, thus having an unremarkable appearance and a long life.

Therefore, most people in Greentown are afraid of vampires.

However, some people are still eager to be seen by vampires and become servants to obtain "eternal life"!

This is human nature.

Of course, the pursuit of these np has nothing to do with the wind.

The reason why they pay attention to the movement of the hot air balloon is because they need to wait for the action signal from the town.

"Snow honey is back, you are going to kill the vampire!"

In the short-distance channel of the communicator, the voice of the bar owner came out.

"Prepare for action!"

With the red queen, the team began to touch the direction of the mountains in the dark environment.

Because the environment is too sinister, there is only one road and one path to think of entering the castle.

Because the two sides did not deal with it at all, the Red Queen and the Yellow Teeth group chose to go all the way.

A group of yellow teeth took the initiative to choose a more dangerous path in theory, so leaving the red queen and the wind to fall naturally they are the road.

Because there are vampire bats, the surrounding creatures are almost smothered, so they don't need to worry about the wind, they will encounter monsters that dominate the blame.

However, vampire bats as a group of strangers, in fact, are not inferior to the threat of the commander.

"Hey, hey!"

Only a few tens of seconds after the start of the action, it was discovered by a vampire bat that passed over the head.

There seems to be no fear of fear, or a bloodthirsty instinct. After discovering the player, this 50-level vampire bat directly shakes the wings covering the flesh film and throws it down toward the crowd below.


However, just as it swooped down, it was about 20 meters away from the player.

A dark green, almost impossible to see the vines in the dark, but from the bush behind the player from the long-lasting viper generally popped out, accurately tied it.


Then, it flashed toward the ground.

The field of view turned to the ground, and it can be seen that there is a diameter of about five meters behind the red queen. The disc-shaped "giant flower" with red markings is being shaken by the wind, giving off a fragrance.

The flexible vines, when moving the end of the entangled vampire bat to the top of the disk, originally scented a scented disc, and swallowed the vampire bat directly like a python eating, then red The white markings of the petals shrank into the middle of the flower, ignoring the struggle of the vampire bats that were not completely dead.

"Streaked scented flowers (quasi-boss pets), everyone: Red Queen!"

A quasi-boss pet!

And it is a quasi-boss pet that is no stranger to the wind.

In the quasi-boss chip on the Devil's Triangle Island, three winds were obtained, and one of the two obtained by Stormwind City was obtained by the Red Queen, and the "striped silk flower" was the chip.

As a quasi-boss, and is a very special quasi-boss, the wind also clearly remembers the speciality of this quasi-boss.

It also possesses the characteristics of plants and animals, its own blood volume is very high, and it is extremely resistant to the goal of pure physical attacks.

For example, these vampire bats above the head of the crowd, anyone who encounters this fast-moving, **** and recovering group creature will have a headache.

In particular, in order to pursue concealment, in the case that a group of yellow teeth have not yet started, and people do not want to be exposed, they will produce eye-catching energy skills, especially for bats, which are also very effective in bats. I can't use it at all.

This strange quasi-boss pet is undoubtedly the best way.

There are more than twenty tentacles on the body, enough to wrap twenty or more vampire bats at the same time, and the five-meter-diameter, full ten large "flower plate" is not to say that it is twenty bats.

Even if it is 10,000 bats, it is absolutely enough from the volume!

It can be said that this is the best creature to deal with this vampire bat.

Except for this quasi-boss pet, the rest of the people did not summon the pet.

Because the end of the elite mutant wild boar before the end, proved the murder of these bats.

Even if the equipment in the Red Queen is well equipped, the pets are all at the commanding level and it is impossible to face a group of bats. The attack is innocent and there is no need to die in vain.

Of course, this also shows that in the hearts of the Red Queen team, the team is very confident today, and believes that to complete the task of killing the vampire count, it can be done without the assistance of a pet.

However, the wind is actually guessing, the reason why the Red Queen does not let the rest of the people call the pet.

There is another reason. It should be that you don’t want to let the yellow-toothed people who attack from the path take advantage of it.

After all, their original goal from the road to the mountain is even bigger, it is easy to attract the attention of the vampire in the castle.

And if you summon a pet, it is even more eye-catching. After all, pets can understand the hidden features like players.


"Hey, hey!"

The existence of this quasi-boss pet should have been the most difficult problem to solve, and it has become much easier.

Therefore, everyone continued to move forward in the night, and soon reached the foot of the mountain.

"There is a post!"

At this time, I also encountered the first real enemy.

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