Fatal Shot

Chapter 1138: Revenge 24K

Obviously, as a boss creature, the super-perception makes it feel the real enemy position.


In the next moment, I saw the mouth of the Queen of Fire Ants flying in the air open, and the fire energy that was extremely full in the desert environment was sucked in at a speed of tens of meters around the naked eye.

This sucking seems to make the light around it suddenly darker.


And in about five seconds, after its mouthparts opened again, more than a dozen were compressed like a small star with a huge fireball.

It was spit out and flew in two directions in two directions.

About a third of them rushed toward the "energy turret" that was gathering energy in the distance.

The remaining one-third is soaring towards the flying snake in the sky!

Although there are a large number of female ants and venom-type dragons between the flying snake and the queen of fire ants.

However, after the fireballs flew out, they were still under the control of the fire ants boss, first bypassing the female ants under their arm.

Then, sorted into a string of candied hazel shape in the air!

"Boom, bang, bang, bang, bang!"

Then, using the previous five fireballs, the continuous bombardment burst directly blew a blank area of ​​more than ten meters in diameter in the dragon group.

The remaining five fireballs were swept away from the area where the explosion left a lot of fire energy.

Spread quickly again, from the five directions towards the flying snake.

The power of these fireballs is definitely not to be underestimated!

As a 45-level boss-level unit, although the Queen of Fire Ant is not as good as the level 50 players, this kind of guided attack still has the ability to kill the crispy and even heavy armored players.

This point, from the air, those tens of thousands of venom-type dragons can be known directly when they are killed by the spike.


However, the flying snake at the foot of the wind is a high-level unit of the quasi-boss, and the level is more than twenty levels higher than the queen of the fire ant.

Real combat power is simply not inferior to her.

In the face of these huge fire energy, the fireballs that have been twisted and even the air are surrounded by four sides, there is no panic.

There is no need for 24k command at all, and its tail has begun to emit a faint yellow light.

The tail structure of the "flying snake" has a large area with the snake. The shape is not a snake tail, but more like a "tail hammer" like a mace.

However, it is not a thorn that protrudes from the tail hammer, but a small crystal that presents a diamond shape. To be precise, it is a crystal of a crystal.

The difference between the advanced arms of the Zerg and the ordinary middle and lower arms is to master the ability to use the ecstasy!


In the next moment, I saw only five small thick sacred pillars with thick yellow lines, which were directly emitted from the secluded crystal at the tail of the flying snake, and accurately hit the five fireballs enclosed by the ground.

Immediately, I saw the fireball that was originally under the control of the Queen of Fire Ants. It was like a broken puppet, and lost its spirituality instantly.

The flight trajectory became fixed, and then even the explosion did not produce, and it directly expanded into a large amount of fire energy.

Finally, as the same hot air smashed through the windy corner of the flying snake!

The manipulation method of the remote energy attack actually belongs to the control of mental power, and the sneak attack method of the flying snake just happens to be able to cut off this mental power.

This means that not only the energy fireball of this wild monster, but also the energy skills of the master controller will be restrained in the same way, which is one of the capabilities of the "flying snake" as a boss unit!

Of course, this is mainly for the attack that still needs to be manipulated after the issue. If it is a non-manipulative long-range projective attack, the flying snake cannot be directly dispelled.

However, with this alone, it has already had its own important position in the Zerg arms.


Originally, it was just 24k, who was commanding the younger brother, and suddenly there was golden light in his eyes.

It seems to recall what it was, after two calls, then the small body went into a wormhole.

"This little guy..."

Seeing the message from the spiritual link, the wind fell on his face.

The only time 24k was killed was because of the fireball attack of the Queen of the Desert Fire Ant. The little guy finally remembered this grievance.

Decided to go down in person and find the Queen of Fire Ants to "revenge."

Although, this object is not the original one.

The action of 24k, the queen of fire ants floating above the nest, naturally cannot be known.

At this time, she is directing the fire ant colony for the next step.

Nearly a thousand female ants were taken out by her, using dense formations, like the venomous dragons intercepting the fireballs of the leading female ants, and using life to detonate the "energy guns" that did not land.

At the same time, more female ants, through the previous fireball to open the blank area of ​​the sky in the group of dragons, shaking the wings followed by the opportunity to take off, swarming toward the dragon.

Even the second part of the action is probably that she has designed it long ago.

It is very likely that she has already expected that with only five fireballs, it should not be able to kill the enemies hidden in the sky and hiding the breath.

Therefore, follow-up attacks have already been arranged.

However, her tactics change quickly, and the flying snakes in the sky have the same skills.


Facing the crowds below, the number of female ants reaching several thousand, I saw the "flying snake" opener, and directly sprayed a dark green poisonous mist under the body.

This group of poisonous fog, as the wind rises, quickly covers a range of diameters of 20 meters.


And the female ants that rushed toward it, after rushing into this group of poisonous mists, flew like a lost sight and direction.

Obviously, the effect of this poison cloud is similar to the "dark field" of the former vampire count, and the biological senses that enter it will be affected!


"-500, -500, -500..."

And not only that, the female ants flew wildly in the smog, not only the continuous blood loss began to appear on the head.

It was attached to a large amount of poisonous mist on the body of the body. The originally very thin ant wing suddenly became heavy like glue, and soon it could not support the flight, and it was involuntarily facing downward. Fall down.

This wave of attacks was completely solved by flying snakes. The desert fire ant queen boss obviously had some impatience and anger.

However, when she has not made the next move.

A small sand dune suddenly changed its position about 50 meters away from her.

A large amount of sand is like a tornado, which is generally picked up by the tornado. Together with the above-mentioned desert fire ants, workers and ants, there is no resentment, and it is carried by the sand in the air.


Then, in just a few seconds, hundreds of tons of yellow sand wraps carrying a large number of struggling desert fire ants, changing shape in the air, quickly formed a giant unit.

This is a look that looks like the wind. The one that was killed in the chaotic Golden Triangle was the quasi-boss diamond violent, but the height is more than twenty meters of sand.


After the agglomeration, the giant sand shovel immediately waved his own slap with a diameter of more than two meters, waving his right hand to the desert fire ants flying around in the air.


The original soft yellow sand, under the effect of the solitude skills, is becoming as hard as a stone.

A desert fire ant, which is only like a bullet, is directly smashed into a "scar".

The desert fire ants that were originally threatened in the sand were directly crushed like popcorn.


However, there are not many ai desert fire ants at all, but there is no fear of their own.

Faced with this kind of monster that suddenly appeared in his own nest, they rushed up. In a blink of an eye, they climbed a layer on the giant sand scorpion. It looked even more empty than it was already empty. The "tower" is more like a nest of fire ants.

However, the attack of these common sand ants has almost no effect, just biting off a layer of sand on the sand.

Even though the white condensed fireballs emitted by the quasi-boss-class queens, only the sand that has been blessed by the solace can be blown out of the pit, and the sand at the core is melted and deformed.

However, it is impossible to get caught in the giant sand shovel. In terms of proportion, it is like a small fish in a large pond 24k!


The giant sand shovel first waved another huge sand arm, and in one fell swoop, the nearest boss boss was caught in the hand.


Then, it squeezed heavily and directly smashed the group-type quasi-boss whose energy shield had disappeared.


Then the body of the fully deformed quasi-boss ant was thrown to the ground like a demonstration, and then the heavy foot of sand was moved to move toward the position of the queen of fire ants! 8)

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