Fatal Shot

Chapter 1149: Great attention, the two strong encounters!

"Mr. Fengzhi, welcome to participate in this adventurer competition, according to the access order, your entry number is: 10086!"

"The rules of this competition are described below!"

After entering the virtual cabin, the wind did not directly enter the game map. .

Instead, it first appeared in a black whirlpool with a wormhole, full of technological space, and brushed up the rules of the game that had not been announced on his personal terminal.

The content is not too much, the first point is the equipment limit.

Each player can only select fifteen pieces of equipment to copy into the game map.

Moreover, at the beginning, the body can only carry the initial items whose total score is added under one standard according to the score, including but not limited to equipment.

As for the rest of the equipment will be scattered in a certain area of ​​the playing field, the player has to go and search for it after entering.

In addition, some special equipment, such as a pet wristband or a non-hosted professional armor, can not be taken directly from the backpack, but need to consume the points obtained after the individual kills the opponent to "unlock" before they can be taken out. .

"This rule is similar to the original big escape."

The experience of the big escape game is naturally not too strange for this model.

Even the second rule is similar.

During the game, after the player dies, they will drop all the equipment that has been "unlocked" and the right to pick up the "equipment supply point" equipment.

This is undoubtedly a setting that attracts players to kill each other and balances the player's equipment gap to a certain extent.

Because, a lot of legendary equipment, players are secret as a card property.

Once it falls into the hands of the enemy, not only will it be cheaper to kill its own enemies in the next game, even if the pk is over, there are also people who have been studied.

Obviously, "it" is consistently like pulling hatred!

[In addition, supplies and consumables also need to consume points, especially some special items."

For this rule, the wind is very much in favor.

Because, during this month's preparation time, those powerful and rare special consumables are highly sought after on the exchange.

Even some of them sell more expensive than the legendary equipment, for example, a miniature nuclear bomb that a player can use.

Obviously, in the current version, the power of nuclear bombs is almost absolutely killing even if the "war" is weaker than the actual power.

This consumable is used at the right time.

One down, it is estimated that the score can be directly brushed to the first.

Moreover, there is almost no cost.

Because the use of the pk field does not affect the continued use in the "reality" of the game, it can be completely resold after the game.

Therefore, the big killer of nuclear bombs will definitely be limited by the system.

As for the pet's blockade, it is also expected in his.

“Is 50,000 points?”

Feng Feng looked at his pet wristband, in fact, it is 24k unlocking points, a full 50000 points, compared to the last big escape, turned over thirty times.

Although he has not yet killed, he does not know how many points a competitor can provide.

However, it is completely possible to compare with other consumables in the backpack, such as a 20-level b-class high-explosive bomb, which only requires 200 "unlock points".

I know how high the system limits the 24k. Even if it is not as good as the nuclear bomb, I am afraid it is not too far.

Moreover, the wind has been thought that this 50,000 point estimate is only a requirement to unlock 24k.

It is very likely that you will have to pay extra points when summoning any beetles or zerg arms.

"Sure enough, even the life protozoa..."

The wind fell a second look at the life of the original worm, also in the category that needs to be unlocked, and the first template requires additional unlock points.

"The extent of this balance is too high... In this competition, the top players in the initial stage are not much better than the average player."

The wind fell and frowned.

However, he is not entangled in the initial strength is forced to draw closer, but to use the points to unlock what to think about when playing the game.

Because the use of these points is "consumed", it also means that it will be deducted from the total points.

The game, whether it is a single ranking or a guild ranking, the rules are explained, is the last point!

This makes him have to consider, in the event of "unlocking" the item or unit, and earning the corresponding points, then it is the sale of the loss.

It is even possible that the score is already enough first without unlocking.

Unlocking, even if you kill everyone else, you get the first.

However, in the end how to choose, you still need to wait until you kill a person and check the points you have earned.

"Advanced game!"

The wind fell under the tone and stepped into the black whirlpool.



The figure of the wind fell from the transparency and appeared in the middle of a forest.

On the edge of his field of vision, a three-dimensional map that can be magnified according to the focus of his eyes and centered on him has emerged.

"Is it based on the field of vision, the map?"

When the wind falls, you can see the contents of this map.

It is a place that is seen according to the field of vision. As long as it is seen by him, even if it is far away, it can be lit but it is not covered.

"This map is not any realistic map!"

Then, the wind brows slightly wrinkled.

Originally, the maps in the arena were all real-world geographies that intercepted a small piece of the game.

Therefore, before the game, the wind has already relied on a strong head, and the general map of the entire "War of War" has been memorized.

However, it is obvious that the map of this pk game did not leave him any holes to drill, and this area could not be found after being converted into a flat map.

"Well, there are no sounds around now, indicating that no one should brush directly together, and the birth point should be in a hidden position at the beginning."

Then, the wind fell to the second conclusion.

"So, how do you guide the players to fight, equipment supply points?"

The wind fell on the map, and it was clear that the ten radars were flashing at the same point.

The nearest one of his own equipment supply points is one kilometer away.

However, he was blocked by the woods between the equipment and the equipment, so the middle is still dark.

If 24k is not blocked, it is undoubtedly easy to light up the entire map around.

Even the life protozoa is not as simple as being blocked.

It is only necessary to use any of the dozens of flying life life worms stored in these days to gather into wings and fly into the sky to instantly illuminate the map.

However, it is now blocked.

Therefore, the choice of the wind is to assemble the "windrunner-v" of the initial equipment into a sniper rifle in the hands, and then walk from the woods to the nearest equipment point.

He did not use the Force, but only opened the rapid stealth skills.

Although he has completely mastered the stealth force skills on the nightingale character chip, he is completely able to stealth.

However, this time pk is a battle.

He can imagine that his position will be stared at least by tens of millions of players.

Although, in theory, there is nothing to expose the ability to stealth, but the wind has always been to uncover all the cards from the beginning.

However, the fact that the wind is not known is.

At this time, his position, the people watching the battle is far more than tens of millions, but directly reached the nine-digit number!

There are millions of players, thousands of block areas, and there are a lot of star players in almost every area.

Under this circumstance, the number of people watching the battlefield in this battlefield is still close to one tenth of the total. This is undoubtedly a horrible data.

The reason for this is that, except for the wind as the first master.

Even if he is not too deliberate to operate, his audience is definitely outside the first gear.

There are also people who have never exposed themselves. Many people just want to know the true face of the wind, so they switch their perspective to his battlefield.

In addition, another reason.


"No way!"

"So smart? That's not..."

Because it was discovered immediately.

One of the top ten experts in the evaluation of hound dogs, "the world is full of fire", and the wind fell to the same map.

Even the distance between the two people who entered the game initially was less than two kilometers away.

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