Fatal Shot

Chapter 1157: Calculation of the world

"What? The leaves of the wind!"

"Is there a mistake? It’s hard to get a fire in the world.. This replenishment point, there are still leaves of the wind hidden outside!"

"Oh, it should be fake! The fire in the world has rushed into the supply point, but now this situation, he also hatred. We are all stared, deliberately shouting the name of the leaves of the wind No. Want to transfer our attention!"

The phrase that the world is burning is undoubtedly a surprise to the remote players outside.

However, among the hidden remote players, many people think that it should be a strategy of the world.

After all, there are more than one million people. This is just the beginning. They are here to meet two top ten masters.

This chance should be close to zero!

In particular, these hidden remote players waited for more than a dozen seconds and did not wait for the wind to return from the public channel.

I feel that the world is burning, and it is deliberately disturbing the audiovisual.

"The leaves of the wind, I am sure you are outside, it doesn't matter if you don't answer."

"I have already killed all the people in the supply point. It is not difficult to clean up those people outside with your ability."

"I don't take any of your cheap. After a while, after you get your epic glove in the supply point, you will fight with you!"

However, the public channel once again sounded like a fire in the world, and they were not sure.

In addition, I feel annoyed in my heart.

There are no weak people who can participate in the competition, at least from the psychological level, they all believe that facing any player is not without a chance.

The world is talking about this, and there is a tone that does not put them in the eyes, so that these players who are not as low-spirited may feel comfortable in their hearts.

In particular, everyone understands that behind them, there are a large number of players watching their own guilds, and they are paying attention to this scene.

However, although my heart is annoyed.

However, after the words of the world are all out, there is no one to take the initiative to attack the world.

Even the water system controller who has completed the blizzard skills has chosen to interrupt his skills.

Because, when they think of their audience, they also think of another point.

The world is a superstar player who is much bigger than them. The people who watch the battle in the world are estimated to be at least a million or even ten million.

In this case, the world should not be too hot, use this very inferior scam?

In other words, it is really possible that the leaves of the wind are outside!

So, the next moment, in the public channel, it was silent.

Even the two people who had been confronted with the world before did not speak.

Obviously, the psychological pressure brought by the wind as the "first master" is far greater than that of the world!


The world is full of fire, the wind is of course a hole in the fire, clear and clear.

For this reason, he did not answer all the questions in the public channel, and he did not hesitate to grab the sniper players.

This sniper's equipment is actually more general, even the sniper rifle in his hand is just a rare piece of equipment with legendary parts.

However, because the equipment is of lower grade, the equipment on this player is quite complete.

He took over the spoils that broke out on his body, and the equipment on the wind was completely complete, seven or eight percent.

On the harvest, in fact, it is not inferior to the world in the point of entering the supply.

That's why he chose to go to the sniper in person instead of killing the player remotely.


When the last sniper's rare tactical vest that he could use was removed, the wind unexpectedly found that there was a good thing on it.

It was a magazine with a sleek sniper bullet, which contained about twenty or so pieces of nearly transparent bullets.

[Phantom-2 (a)]

Force increase: 60%

Force loss coefficient: 20% (e)

During the flight, the fluctuations caused by the original force field are greatly reduced, and the shooting trajectory cannot be detected by the conventional detecting device.

A-level bullet!

A-level bullets, this is something that can't be met.

Because, like epic gear, these items belong to items that are not currently in mass production and can only be obtained in special missions.

So far, not to mention this impeachment, there are only two a-level bullets in the hands of the wind.

One is the "Raytheon-5" that was acquired in the umbrella company's mission. Another type of a-class bullet is still redeemed for a certain level of authority from the agent equipment library.

Moreover, the two bullets, like this "Ghost-2", are just a lot of impeachment.

Before the wind fell, it was only used during the test.

However, in the arena now, these three a-level bullets can undoubtedly squander arbitrarily.


The wind fell into the tactical vest that was worn, and then half-squatted on the ground to lift the "windrunner-v" in the direction of the fortress.

The reason why I have been here to work hard, in addition to getting equipment, there is actually another reason.

It is the position of this sniper player, which is the most suitable place for shooting in the entire supply point area.


After the wind fell on the sniper rifle full of sci-fi sensation, it was not eager to shoot, but closed his eyes very strangely.

This position is really good, just because it is very good, so he was able to determine that this sniper is here.

However, of course.

The rest of those who are stunned by the players can also guess that this location may be someone.

Therefore, when you feel the top of the head, although it has not shown any abnormalities, in the perception of mental power, there is a heavy and oppressive feeling that belongs to the soil energy skills.

The eyes of the wind suddenly opened, and a pair of eyes flashed golden in an instant.

The half-squatting figure stood up violently, and the "windrunner-v" muzzle in his hand moved directly in one direction.

In the process of practicing and condensing "artifacts" for so long, the wind has exerted a deeper grasp of the use of spiritual power.

Nowadays, he can not only feel the collection of energy from the beginning, but even extend from these energies to find the origin of energy.

Although the commander of the earth system was very well hidden, even hiding in a place could just capture his perspective, so that even if he stood up, he could not directly see the commander of the earth system, but the earth system took control. The teacher can directly construct the energy model's bunker behind the sky at the top of the wind.

However, all of this, under the feeling that the wind is enough to radiate a few hundred meters away, is basically the same as seeing it directly.



It was the one who was the cover of the soil system, and the one that was the cover of the body was more than one meter thick. Under the "destruction of solitude," there was not much difference from the absence of the bunker.

"[You killed 20,439 entrants, earn points: 1000 points, current ranking: 9805!]

Once again, a thousand points will be credited, and the ranking of the wind will officially enter 10,000.

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