Fatal Shot

Chapter 1159: Necklace, artifact? !

"How can you..."

Looking at the top of his forehead, it seems like a black cloud of death gloves, the world is full of fire and mouth said a half sentence. .

More than 30,000 points of damage, but also the absolute head position.

Even though the world is full of fire, there are many adventures in the game. As a master in charge, in the case of incomplete equipment, even the blood volume exceeds this value and is not spiked.

But less than 5% of the body that has entered the state of serious injury, but has been unable to make any counterattack, even the sound of this mouth is also slightly impossible to smell.

However, the wind fell as it did before, and did not respond to him at all.



Instead, the eyes will calmly and the death gloves will be recovered from the forehead of the world.

Together with it, there are three slender silver blades that are ejected from the glove and have a length of one foot. The above is not contaminated with any blood.

These silver blades were cut off by the use of "cracking" solitude, but it took him a lot of money to repair the silver blade.

However, this is still very worthwhile.

Because the reason why the wind fell into the death of the glove, there is also a reason is due to the silver blade above.

The special metal of this silver blade can restrain the original force recovery ability of the target being attacked.

For this reason, there are three penetrating holes in the world, even after the wind and the full glove, there is no sign of healing.

Even before he started the battle, he had already sent his own rare blood-returning agent to himself, and he could not escape the fate of "death."


The world that lost its support was fired and his legs fell to the ground. Under the white light of death, the pupil’s already distracted eyes were full of resentment.

He spent a lot of effort, using his highly awakened mind after awakening his spirits, and carefully planned a battle.

It will be so strange and fast to the end of the ultimate situation!

"[You killed the 10010 entrant, earn points: 3000 points, current ranking: 905!]"

However, no matter how unwilling, it is impossible to recover the fact that it was out at the beginning of the game.

After winning the world's fire, killing a lot of people, "the head of the big man", the ranking of the wind fell into a thousand or less.

However, there are still more than 900 points before him, which is enough to show the fierce competition among players.

It is worth mentioning that after killing the world, the wind also indirectly inherits the equipment picking rights of those who have been killed by the fire all over the world.

So about one-tenth of the entire supply point has become a state that can be picked up in his eyes.

However, these are the most legendary equipment, and the attraction to the wind is obviously not as good as the epic jewelry on the world.

"Well? This is..."

In particular, I once mastered the wind of the "left eye of God" ring.

Even more at a glance, the necklace on the neck of the world is exactly the same as the style of two epic rings.

This is a black gold necklace with a pendant that looks like a shape that is not too regular, with a pale gold round gem-like item that looks like an eye.

"[The true eye of God (in the seal)], grade: epic... Comprehensive evaluation: perfect."

"The true eye of God... Is this epic equipment really made from the body parts of a mythical creature?"

The wind fell frowning.

The name of this complete set of epic jewelry has some weirdness.

But the attributes are even more strange.

This epic necklace, called the true eye of God, has a description of the "seal".

The name "seal" will undoubtedly make people feel a little fussy.

In the case of seals, they are all epic grades. If they say that they will be graded after unsealing?

"Artifact? It should be unlikely..."

The whisper of the mouth of the wind fell.

If this necklace is really an artifact, then the luck of the world is really invincible, it is completely the protagonist template!

However, to be honest, when you see the specific attributes of this necklace, the wind really feels that this thing has the possibility of artifacts.

Because this epic necklace has four additional skills, more than the "mystery poker" weapon.

Moreover, these skills are not all the original skills of the legendary, epic equipment, but special skills that consume "spiritual power."

In addition, if the previous vampires and werewolves only belong to the magic style.

Then, the description of the skill attribute on this necklace is obviously a complete mythological style.

The first skill, called "The Eye of God"!

"[The Eye of God], where the gods cast their eyes, everything is invisible!"

This skill is actually a kind of mental power, similar to the mental power he used before to detect those hidden remote players.

However, this skill does not only include the use of mental power to actively perceive the target.

Even as long as the target of wearing this necklace is attacked, the position will be locked in the reverse direction immediately, just like the super-perception of the boss-level creatures being attacked by the player.

Of course, this function can be disturbed by the mental power of the target.

If the target has also "awakened" mental power and even mastered the mental hidden method, unless the mental strength of the wearer projected onto the target is very high, it may fail.

As for the second skill, the name is God's domain!

"[The domain of God], where God is standing, the heavens and the earth are discolored!"

"This is the skill that the world is ignoring!"

In combination with the situation that occurred before, the wind falls, of course, to understand the effect of this skill.

In fact, it is a kind of mental attack, similar to the way of attacking all the players into the illusion when the 24k was in the beetle temple.

This function, in a sense, is undoubtedly more powerful than the first feature.

Also more insidious!

Obviously, before the wind fell into the fort, the fire in the world should have opened this skill of the necklace, and the "domain of God" enveloped the entire fortress hall.

Therefore, the wind is seen in the world when it enters, and it is not the real world.

And because the release of the mental field is invisible, and the spectator is a third-party perspective, not the first perspective, it is even less likely to see the picture seen by the wind.

Therefore, the audience is simply impossible to see what the world is doing!

As long as the attributes of this necklace are not exposed, no one will feel that he is destroying the rules of "fair war" that he said before.

Even if the attributes of the necklace are exposed in the future, it is impossible to have evidence of "real hammer" because there is no recorded function in this pk field!

Therefore, there is no fear in the world.

On the contrary, under the cover of the "Divine Realm", once the battle is up, the wind will surely be a big loss.

The world is full of fire, but can be confidently and confidently expressed, even in the battle to continue to say those atmospheric words, brushed the grace in a full 200 million audience.

Then easily defeat the wind, a shame of the snow, but also won the title of "the first person of the war"!

I have to say that the world is full of fire, this is definitely "perfect"!

However, the world is burning and I don’t know one thing.

It is just that for the spiritual power, the wind knows more than he does.

More importantly, since I have just known that the world is awakened by the fire, and the epic ring is accompanied by the use of mental power, how can it not be prepared for a "spiritual attack"?

Of course, the skill of "the domain of God" is indeed very powerful.

You must know that the spirit of the wind is definitely far more than the average player.

Not to mention the high level of mental resistance provided by the evolutionary talents. In this case, it is still in the middle.

If it is a normal player, it is absolutely impossible to detect it directly.

Moreover, the reason why the wind can find flaws and find the true position of the world is also due to the fact that the true spirit of the world is not strong enough.

Because the skill power of this necklace is influenced by the true mental power of the player in the description.

It also means that this skill is released in the hands of the wind, even if he is likely to be unable to see through.

However, if you say that this skill is inferior to the third skill of this necklace.

"[The will of God], the blessing of God's will, and everything can reveal the power of God!"

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