Fatal Shot

Chapter 1063: Weird black rose


The legendary sniper rifle combined with the powerful impact of the special seed bomb, can not help a high-speed running simulation of the mechanical cheetah.

Under this gun, the mechanical cheetah has a small half of the head disappearing, revealing the exposed gray metal electronic structure inside.


However, in the remaining one of the mechanical cheetahs after re-stabilization, the red light continued to flash.

However, there is no reason to look for the wind to attack it, but to rush to the fallen blood female scout player again.

Even after two steps, the micro-shaped leaps up and tries to fight like a real cheetah predator.

Obviously, the idea of ​​the manipulator behind the operation is very clear, and it is decided to get the kill of the female player first, so that it can definitely compensate for the loss of the mechanical snake.


However, there was almost no stop for the wind.

However, it was very precise to hit the position of a forelimb thigh of a mechanical cheetah in the air, which made the mechanical cheetah's attack not only fail, but also caused a broken leg due to the broken leg, and the ground rolled a few laps.


However, in a twinkling of an eye, the simulated leopard body contaminated with moist soil and plant leaves stood up again.

However, the action is not affected at all, and the remaining three legs are moving at high speed and continue to rush toward the female players.

This is also the advantage of the mech division compared to the simulated mechs owned by ordinary players. Even if you buy some of the badly crafted mechs, you can also modify the core position yourself, so that in the battle, the opponent even remembers this. The structure of a fighter armor is also impossible to directly destroy the core.

Of course, after this modification, whether the combat power is enhanced or weakened is to see the player's own ability.



While the wind fell to attack the simulated cheetah, the sound of the other two long-range weapons has also sounded.

At this time, in addition to the wind, there are already two other players who have reached the battlefield almost simultaneously.

Originally, both players were careful to hide their body shape.

However, after seeing the seriously injured female scout player who fell to the ground, it was affected by the attack by the wind.

However, it was unthinking, and the same attack was launched. The target was naturally a female player on the ground.

Two people, one is a scout, and the submachine gun in his hand made a series of bursts.

The other one is a light armored warrior, but the body actually carries a special equipped alloy arrow, directly targeting the female player who fell in the marsh mud to attack.

However, when their attack is about to arrive, a wide figure has already rushed over the attack path.

The quasi-boss Mori, who is very flexible in perception, directly hits the female player and uses his body to block the bullets for his own owner.


"-303, -304...-1095!"

So, in a moment, there was a pile of bullet holes in his body, and the position of the eyes was hit by a smashing arrow.

"Ah, too poor!"

"Good loyal pet!"

"Rely, two men, is it fun to beat a woman?"

Even if the battle between the wind and the world is over, all the numbers have been reduced, but there are still hundreds of millions of players watching the game. Many people have seen this scene condemned.

"Oh, this is the game, what is the difference between a woman and a man!"

"However, this pet is really good. Next time, I will also find an orangutan to be a pet!"

Of course, more people don't think there is anything wrong with these two players.

However, the female player, who has been seriously injured at this time, can't even speak, and is unlikely to have the skill of mental connection.

Therefore, this quasi-boss Mori pet is obviously taking the initiative to block the gun for the host, and the intimate pet can not do this.

"-290, -273, -309..."

"-1103, -1046..."

Although being a quasi-boss pet, this Mori was chased after the battle.

But at this time, in line with the defensive capabilities of the equipment, it is also worthy of its identity, the two players can not attack its key because of the environmental constraints in the rainforest.

A series of attacks, although playing it straight down, but the blood is not very serious!

However, it was not hurt in the previous explosion. After the next round of attacks by the two players, it is likely that the blood volume will bottom out.


And the two players obviously see this too.

In addition, although I noticed that there was a sniper in the wind, the wind fell to the target of the cheetah.

Coupled with the cover of the jungle environment, the attack in the hands did not stop at all.

I want to solve the problem with the boss and the female player who are not injured before the other competitors arrive!



However, at this time, several consecutive shots have directly destroyed the limbs of the mechanical cheetah, letting it lose the ability to move.

The muzzle was suddenly turned, and a black b-level armor-piercing projectile covered with solitude was directly separated by a pile of rainforest vegetation, running through the side of the light armored soldier's head, and then rushing out with a blood.

Although, because the trees have absorbed a lot of damage.

Coupled with almost a full set of legendary equipment on the light armor, this damage is not fat enough, but the blood volume is also seriously injured, directly losing the fighting ability.

"Hey, hey!"

"-5293, -15039!"

As for scout players, it is much simpler.

The wind fell and even the solitude was useless. The two scouts directly killed the scout players who could not respond.

Of course, the reason why there was no direct killing was because it was not necessary.

It is also because, within the scope of the mental power, in the direction of the scout player, there is another player who has opened the energy shield and enters the game.

If the damage value is too high, it is obvious that you will directly scare each other.




This chaotic battle with boss-level pets ended in about three minutes.

When the wind fell to the tenth attempt to touch the players to make money, using a fire mystery poker to cut off the throat, the remaining two players, wisely chose to stay away.

However, it is worth mentioning that the mech-trainer was not killed by the wind.

Because, he has always been remotely manipulated outside the spirit of the wind.

Even when he saw that the situation was wrong, he actually controlled the small mechanical bird, and his body was flashing with dangerous red light, and the pet was hit against the boss.


Then through self-destruction, try to kill the female player who has lost blood.

Although, the quasi-boss 猿 猿 pet reacted very quickly, using his own length is comparable to the height of the arm, holding the mechanical bird in time.

However, it also led to the return of 40% of the blood with a strong resilience, almost directly bottomed out, one arm was directly destroyed.

This kind of self-explosive means is also a place where mech players play a headache.

Not only is it powerful, but it is often impossible to prevent.

In particular, this pk field is different from the outside, there is no need to worry about the huge loss caused by the self-destruction destroying the mech!

Even when it’s outside, self-explosive mech can be said to be the last resort of the mech-trainer, because it’s gone after it’s exploded.

However, there are some differences here. It was discovered before the wind fell. These armor that was unlocked will still exist after the player is killed.

For the mechrist, this means that even if a mech is exploding, it is completely possible to find the mechs left by others and regain the combat power after modifying the program.


When the wind falls back to the original battlefield position.

Because the self-explosive body was full of mechanical debris, the quasi-boss Mori pet was still in a state of serious injury, and the blood flowing in the mouth sent a threatening embarrassment toward the wind.


The wind waved and threw two nano-therapeutic injections seized from the spoils to its side.

"You should know how to use it, treat your host. Don't worry, I am a friend with her!"

The wind is looking at this head.

The reason why the wind is falling is so beautiful.

First, because of this loyal performance, this is not to let him think of the scene of the death of the desert 24k to save him.

In particular, 24k's favorite now is to use the image of the sand to condense into a giant python, which is similar to this 猿.

Of course, this is not the main reason.

The most important thing is that because of this female scout player, he knows.

"Mr. Feng!"

When the quasi-boss was stunned, he gave both the self and the protected female player a therapeutic agent with vigilance.

After a dozen seconds, the female scout player who recovered from the serious injury state looked at the wind and the road in a complicated way.

"Miss Rose, I didn't expect you to participate in this pk contest!"

The wind fell to her nod.

This female scout player is a black rose, the first buyer of the "hurricane dominator" sold by Starry.

"Thank you!"

After a few seconds of silence, the black rose smiled reluctantly against the wind.

Although she was seriously injured before, she did not completely lose her perception of the surroundings, plus the ability of a scout to observe, naturally guessing what happened.

The reason why the original character is quite bold, the smile that talks with the wind at this time is a bit reluctant, but there are some reasons for personal hiding.

"Hey, hey..."

In contrast, the quasi-boss 猿 猿 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边

After using the therapeutic agent, its recovery can be very fast. The body broke the arm wound because of self-explosion. It also took the mud on the jungle floor and wiped it quickly to heal.

"Miss Rose, your pet is very good!"

The tone of the wind is actually relatively light.

Although it is said that the black rose is an acquaintance, there has been a good cooperation in the Lu’s group building mission and the Silvermoon City life crisis mission.

Plus, because of the relationship between the bullet marks, the two themselves are already friends.

However, because the last time in the lonely star river, the black rose used the name of the guest to buy the pet chip for Xiaoluo water, the relationship between the two has completely stopped at the level of ordinary friends.

Even in the past six months or so, there has been no contact at all.

"Auntie is a pet that I have raised from very small to big, and it is more trustworthy for me than anyone else!"

The black rose is very obvious, and I feel the gap. I reach out and touches the head of Mori.

"Right, Mr. Feng, I have met people who have never been to the city before!"

Then, like what I remembered, the wind fell.

"They were trapped in a gear supply point on the other side, um, I was besieged and injured there, and then I was chased here by a mech-trainer."


Since the wind is falling, it is impossible to save the person and want to say that the black rose earns points, but it is impossible to act with her.

After all, the two above are still competitors.

Therefore, after hearing this, it was a look.

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