Fatal Shot

Chapter 1165: The plan of the September guild!

"Boom, hey!"

The location of the sixth supply point "refuge", the two waves of people inside and outside are still fighting, all kinds of gunshots and energy explosions are heard.

"What, the leaves of the wind! God brother, are you sure?"

A September guild sniper player with a gold badge on his chest with a surprised look on his face.

"Of course, before this game, I have equipped all the machines with an independent micro-reconnaissance system. If this is destroyed, it can also act as a monitoring instrument!"

Next to the sniper player, stands a height of nearly four meters, with eight "spider-type" mechs that radiate mechanical long legs with dark gray metallic luster.

And a middle-aged player wearing a control helmet with technical glasses and wearing technical gloves with both hands is stretching his hand to modify what is in the manipulator interface of the spider armor, and quickly speaking in the mouth.

"Although he wears tactical glasses, he almost obscures all the features."

"But I can have the ability to kill so many people with a sniper rifle. It is impossible to have someone else besides him in the whole night city."

"And, the characteristics of his body and equipment are also very compatible with the information provided by the hound."

Obviously, this middle-aged player is the mech player who chased the black rose before, and is also the "hand" of the population such as the big pineapple!

This title, from the time he modified the program, the ten fingers that almost marked the afterimage, can be seen a bit.

Even if it is a wind, it should not have been thought that those who were destroyed by the dual core still have another Qiankun.

"Hey, what should I do? Will the leaves of the wind come to us?"

Hearing this, the sniper player's face showed some concern.

No way, the players of other guilds will only pay attention to the wind, but the people of the September guild are quite jealous of the wind.

As a super guild, the two top star players who have spent a lot of time in a row have all gone down because of the wind.

In particular, he is more aware of the strength of this "first master" than the other members of the guild!

Because this sniper player was on the periphery of the ruins attached to the Lu's Group City, ambushing under the rain of September, and the result was a shot by the wind, a September guild player who was killed by the name. one.

This matter was passed to the forum, but the people who made them, together with the September night rain and the tyrants, became a laughing stock inside the September guild.

Until he awakened the Force, no one dared to mention it.

However, the jealousy of the wind is firmly imprinted in his heart.

Therefore, after hearing the news of the wind, the response was obvious.

"He should have come, but if he doesn't come, I will want to bring him over!"

The gods are focused, and the finger that has almost brought up the shadow has finally stopped. Press the "OK" button in the program editing.


Originally very quiet standing with a large eight-claw mechanical spider, a few of the mechanical eyes above suddenly flashed red light!

"What? God, you are not kidding."

The sniper's eyes are straight and the statements are intermittent.

"You don't think this is a good opportunity?"

The gaze of the hand indicates that the one in the distance is bombarded with various skills, but because it is too strong, there is still no refuge to break the signs.

"If I am not mistaken, the player who is black-faced and never sleeps in the city should be the big pineapple that is called the ‘No Night City First Heavy Armor.’”

"He is a special agent with the leaves of the wind. I heard that personal relationships are still very good. Once the leaves of the wind know the situation, 90% of the possibilities will come here!"

"Hey! God, don't you think..."

"Set traps, ambushes the leaves of the wind?"

Next to the two, another heavy armored warrior with a two-and-a-half-high gray alloy shield, looked and moved curiously.

"Yes, the leaves of the wind are the biggest hotspots in this personal event of pk, and the reason why the night city can qualify for the first place in the competition guild is also because of him."

"If you can get rid of him here, then... the chance of getting the first place in the night city is at least half of it."

On the face of the **** hand, a calm expression is revealed.

"This is indeed a good opportunity. If you can kill the fallen leaves, you can definitely earn a lot of points!"

The eyes of the light armored warrior players are instantly bright.

After all, they are all masters of the original force, and not everyone is afraid of the title of "the first person in the war."

In particular, this light armored warrior and the gods are players who have joined the September guild in the last six months. The feeling of the wind is not as strong as the sniper players who have experienced it.

Even the Light Armor Warrior felt excited and excited about the "ambush plan" of the hand.

Because the wind is such a super player, the accumulated points are imaginable, but the killer can directly inherit half of it.

Not to mention that there is definitely more than one epic gear on the wind, and it will also be blown out after the kill.

Of course, the most important thing is to kill the meaning of the achievement of "the first person in the "War of War"!

So far, no player has achieved this achievement, because both the death roar and the current winds have not been defeated in open battles.

Like his original force player, even the star players are not quite right.

However, if you can kill the leaves of the wind in this highly anticipated pk game, you will definitely become a top star player in one fell swoop, and the reputation and the accompanying monetary reward will be double harvest.

"The ambush of the leaves? God, this will not... Some are too risky!"

In contrast, the sniper player is slightly white.

Obviously, I remembered that it was the rain of September and led them to ambush the wind.

Originally, it was full of confidence, but the result was a fiasco.

Although the number of players around them today is both stronger and stronger than they were at the beginning.

However, he still does not have much confidence.

Because a sniper with no guns is not terrible! It is terrible!

"Hey, I said silver, how do you get the wind of the windy leaves?"

"The leaves of the wind are very strong, not three-headed and six-armed. Can you beat more than twenty people here? Not to mention, the **** brother is also a top ten player, and the strength is impossible to be worse than him!"

The light armored soldier frowned, and the reaction to the sniper player was somewhat uncomfortable.

"No, the strength of the leaves of the wind is far stronger than most people think."

"Although, it seems that he did not unlock the boss pet of the summoning class. But with the fighting power in the jungle before, if you really want to ambush him, even those who succeed in this supply point will die at least two-thirds."

The face of the **** hand is slightly dignified.

“Is it so powerful?”

"We have more than twenty people, and they all awakened the Force!"

The light armored soldier narrowed his eyes and obviously did not believe it.

Then pointed to the surroundings, although scattered throughout, but consistently attacked the "safeguards" cooperative players.

"If it is a guild of more than 20 people, of course, there is no problem. In the case of unified command and coordination, even a boss below the 50th level can kill organically."

"But, in fact, these twenty people belong to at least eight guilds, and there are a few scattered players. In this kind of mutual pk game, it is impossible to fully cooperate with each other."

The **** hand is shaking his head.

"We can tell them this news, the temptation to kill the leaves of the wind should be enough for these people to unite. Just like now, this tacitly together attack the big pineapple and others in the supply point."

The light armor warrior said tentatively.

"Impossible, this temporary combination of teams, only need the wind leaves to kill a few people with bullets, it will be scattered."

"At the time, it will lose the chance to kill him!"

The hand shook his head again.

"The news about the leaves of the wind is not only not able to inform them, but to take advantage of them. We will leave first, meet with our own people, and then leave the offensive supply point where they continue."

"This way, after the leaves of the wind can come here, there is no doubt that they have been exposed. Secondly, they can also play with the leaves of the wind in the first round, consuming his high-level bullets and some supplies."

"The most important thing is that their death can reveal the location of the leaves of the wind. Give us the opportunity."

The idea of ​​the hand is very clear, and far more than the average player thinks.

"But, if these people are lucky, kill the leaves of the wind directly?"

The light armored warrior is a little arrogant in his eyes.

"If you are really killed by these people, then the loss will not be very large."

"After all, the points on the leaves of the wind should be very high, even if it is an indirect secondary inheritance, there should still be a lot. And we kill that person, whether it is risk or difficulty, far under the leaves of the wind."

"Go! Now we will retreat immediately, to contact the people around us."

The **** hand is decisive.

"Retire, God brother... This is an opportunity. If you can kill the leaves of the wind by hand, you will definitely be the new head star of the guild..."

The light armored warrior is still somewhat unwilling.

"You think too much."

"When you get to my place, you will understand that it is absolutely impossible for us to be truly a "head card" in our guild."

"You are the same, even if you are lucky enough to capture the head of the wind, you can't be more valued than the family."

The hand of the hand clearly sees through the mind of this light armored warrior, but the words that come out seem to have some deep meaning.

It is worth mentioning that the players are not all, they will be heard by the players watching.

The system will actively filter the player's dialogue. For example, when it comes to personal matters that are not related to the pk game, it will automatically silence or even change the mouth shape.

Therefore, the gods are not worried, and this is heard by the high-level officials of their own guild, and there is no dissatisfaction.

As for the calculation of the other guilds around, will it cause the dissatisfaction of the guild players in the spectators, and he does not care.

After all, this is a normal tactic.

If you say that you are recruited, those people can only blame their own guilds for not knowing!

"Okay, don't waste any more time."

"Silver, you will go to this position immediately, and spread the news that the big pineapple and others are sealed here in the public channel outside the communication blockade."

"Afterwards, if you see the leaves of the wind coming, you don't need to fight, you will immediately transfer away. You have seen the leaves of the wind and should be able to recognize him."

"Well, just in case, then, you don't need to meet with our ambush people to see things."

After that, the gods did not care about some of the wrong light armor, and quickly turned back to the face of some bitter sniper players.

"Well... God, the people of Lu's Group City, are you going to contact?"

Sniper players wearing gold badges, only the core players of the September guild, can only obey after the decision of the gods.

However, when I left, I still remembered one thing for God.

"No, let us know our own people, including several affiliated guilds!"

After the man’s hand finished speaking, he stretched out a virtual screen.

Projects a large four, five, and five regions at various angles, with a variety of moving images that are constantly refreshed.

"Zizi, nourish..."

Suddenly, the large mechanical spider mech behind him began to move towards the back.

Not only this spider, but also the other four heads are slightly smaller, with the simulation of the scorpion, scorpion and other mechs, also act at the same time, or fly or run or drill the ground.

The **** of the **** hand pull out the afterimage again, and constantly switch between the manipulation screens, so that the five simulated biological machines can enter the layout area.

"God brother, your strength has improved, and you can control so many combat machines at the same time?"

The light armored warrior leaned over his head and smiled at the gods with some courtesy.

"Mainly because of this epic mechanical manipulation of the helmet function, unfortunately my ability is not enough, still can not play its full effect."

"However, I have recently vaguely felt that I will break through the bottleneck. I am looking forward to some breakthroughs after this pk match."

God's hand is not too concealed, and some look forward to authenticity.

"And, my luck is also good. It is also because I had previously killed a mech-class division that was also ranked in the top 50, and let me get this top-level fighter armor that is not inferior to the epic!"

"Otherwise, after losing three small intermediate mechs, I didn't have much confidence in ambushing the leaves."

After thinking a little, the hand thought about it, spent all the remaining points on his body, and unlocked the same item from the backpack.

"In this case, there should be enough guarantees!"

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