Fatal Shot

Chapter 1176: Unlock, 24K!

"Hey, old style, enough to deflate!"

"To tell the truth, if it wasn't for the image of the guild, I would have taken the shield to his face before I rushed to the sulky look of the grandson!"

"However, this ending is not bad, but it is a pity that points."

Looking out from the lookout of the refuge, I saw the big pineapple in this scene, with a wretched and satisfied expression on my face.

"Unlock your pet wristband!"

The wind fell, but when I saw the masters of the two war fish guilds, when they entered the area, they had already recovered their gaze.

Then, open the "Unlock" page of the arena!

After destroying the four mechs of the September guild, the score of the wind has exceeded 50,000 points, reaching the condition of "unlocking" the pet's wristband.

However, because it is in combat, it is impossible to summon 24k. Now, the pet wristband is already available.

"Hey, hey..."

In the dark refuge, after the white light flashed, like a golden-looking 24k appearance, it first slammed down and fell below. When it hits the ground, it flashes its wings and claws. It is a general flight in which the air is flying over the shoulders of the wind.

A pair of small eyes with two confused calls, it seems that they are just sleeping.

It must be said that the longer the time of following the wind, the more humanized 24k is.

"24k, come over and hug your sister!"

Seeing 24k like this, the eyes of the grass that had sprouted a **** face lit up and reached out to want to spinel from the backpack.

But it is only remembered that this is the arena, she is a doctor player, and there is no energy spar in the backpack.

"Sure enough?"

The wind fell and didn't care to grind the big pineapple, trying to get the big pineapple to run away, and the energy spar that was exploded by the outside players would bring back two pieces of grass to lure 24k as snacks.

Instead, look at the unlocking page for a list of 24k skills.

Not as expected, although the 50,000 points can unlock 24k, the beetles and the Zerg units still need additional points to "unlock".

Moreover, once the unlock is summoned, it cannot be sent back because there is no Zerg base in the arena.

This is actually also short for pets.

Because of this, many players did not directly summon pets at this stage.

Because of that, your position can no longer be hidden, and it is easy to attract people's attention.

“Unlocking points, it’s similar to pets!”

A 50-level elite energy beetle, unlocking points only needs 50 points, and full-level elite blade beetles need 120 points...

Considering that the fighting power of the beetle arms is also lower than that of pets, this score is not high or low.

However, the Zerg units with more combat effectiveness are slightly more expensive.

Only the basic level of the worms needs 250 points, the Hydralisk 400 points, the Flying Dragon 500 points... As for the more advanced mine beasts, flying snakes and other medium and high-level arms, all of them are thousands or even tens of thousands of points.

Moreover, these are only basic points.

In fact, most of the Zerg units have a higher level than the base level, and some grades have been "advanced", requiring more points.

In addition, even the crystal can be unlocked.

However, the cost is relatively high, and a standard size piece requires 10,000 points!

"Well, in the initial stage, it seems that only beetles can be used. First, unlock five reconnaissance beetles... Two 500-point leader-levels and three 200-point elites should be enough for the time being!"

The wind fell and thought about it, first unlocked five reconnaissance beetles.

"Hey, hey!"

Then, 24k seems to have sensed something, using a black wormhole.

There wasn't much difference between the five appearances. The nail-sized reconnaissance beetle flew out of it, and then it was left behind except for one leader.

The rest, all flew out quietly.

"The remaining points, leaving two thousand spares, the rest of the unlock communication distance!"

Because in the previous battles, a lot of people were harvested, and many of these people also killed the players themselves, so the points earned were quite a lot.

After unlocking the 24k and scouting the beetle, the remaining points on the wind fell even more than 10,000 points.

However, after such use, his points are only two thousand points.

Originally close to the top ten rankings, all of a sudden dropped to 100,000, and together with the total score of the city that never sleeps, also dropped hundreds of people!

This is also the most cautious place in the rules of this competition. Once these points are spent, they will not be able to make it back.

Then, it is equivalent to weakening oneself.

"I am the wind, the person who received this message, go back!"

After the communication distance was expanded by a factor of ten, the wind fell on the public channel and sent a message directly.

Of course, in this sentence about his own identity, in fact, it is used to call a code name that has long been negotiated.

Because the guild channel in "War of War" does not mean absolute security, any communication method may be eavesdropped.

For this reason, not only the city that never sleeps, but the major guilds actually have some common "secret words."

"Old style!"

In the wind, it only took two seconds to send a message, and someone wrote back.

However, the first person who returned this time has some surprises.

"Old Wu? You are near the h-25 area!" The wind was quite unexpected.

"No, I am in the hb-01 area!"

Pastoral replied.

"Well... you also unlocked the communication with points?"

The wind fell more unexpectedly.

Although he used the points to unlock the communication distance, he only made the communication distance that he could send farther.

Other people who don't sleep in the night can only see his information unless the other party unlocks the communication distance.

In other words, in this game, the distance between each other can be determined by the shorter party.

Therefore, in a sense, this function is actually a bit sloppy for most players, especially those players who don't have a lot of points. It is not too much waste of points on this.

And the animal husbandry just just awakened the original force, the combat power should belong to the weakest batch, even enough points to unlock a large number?

You know, from the map, the hb-01 area is a distance of about 10 kilometers from the refuge.

"Hey, I was lucky to be able to save my life at the beginning. I didn't even enter the 100,000 points at the highest point."

“However, my professional battlefield commander has a tenfold increase in communication skills that can be used here.”

Shepherd Road.

"It turned out to be like this!"

The wind is falling.

Doctor players can have twice the communication distance at the beginning, which is already an advantage.

The battlefield commander can even have ten times the communication distance. Even if it is skill, there must be a time limit. However, in this kind of competition where the communication is greatly restricted, it is a strategic skill.

I have to say that this profession is really designed for battlefield command.

"I was very sensible. I didn't go to the first point at the beginning."

“But through the skills, we all gathered together all of our people in the communication range, and then it went smoothly.”

"At the moment, we have gathered nearly a hundred people here. Yes, the digital cat is here, she has encrypted the communication channel between us. In addition, she has a very important discovery!"

Pastoral is in the middle of the communication channel.

“Hey? What did you find?”

This news, of course, makes the wind feel happy.

When I heard the digital cats and the shepherd, they made the wind more good news.

Yes, this time, the digital cat is also participating in the name of the city that never sleeps.

However, the purpose of her participation in the competition is not to compete for the first thing, but to test several advanced mechadies including the Terminator studied by the Terminator Institute!

These advanced mechs, because they belong to the latest type, are mainly designed as imaginary enemies, which are awakened to the original players.

However, the number of players who awaken the Force in the city that never sleeps is not too much, and there are things in the weekdays. It is impossible to say that these players are specially equipped to cooperate with the test.

These test mechs are not able to appear in the ordinary arena, so the test is more troublesome.

This competition is obviously an excellent opportunity!

And not only that, according to the news of the wind and the partner who did not work.

The latest "killer" simulation armor developed by the World Group, the biggest competitor of the "Terminator Lab", is also thinking of testing in this pk.

Among the two current players, the highest force in simulating human-type mech technology, this time, coincides.

Moreover, it is highly probable that during the game, it will hit the front.

Once that, the party that won the final.

Obviously, the market share will increase greatly, and it is even more likely to suppress the opponents and end the long-standing "double-matched" game!

This is naturally more meaningful for the city that never sleeps in the weaker side.

Even if it doesn't happen, as long as it performs well in the game, it is equivalent to playing a free advertising at no cost in front of the audience of the whole game.

Therefore, the wind is also quite happy after knowing that the digital cat is very safe.

"The digital cat puts our personnel into the position of the game, and the statistical analysis of the position of the replenishment points that each person's equipment has brushed, and studies the law of the distribution of the birth place of the people in this game. And, we found out our guild' Base camp '."

When the wind fell into consideration of this matter, the animal husbandry was the important discovery that the communicator was talking about digital cats.

"At this time, we have successfully won."

"Well? Base camp!"

"Not bad!"

Pastoral explained in the communication channel.

It turns out that because shepherd has a wide range of communication capabilities.

After collecting nearly a hundred players, the information collected from them was seen by the digital cat using his own brain that used data analysis to directly discover a hidden message.

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