Fatal Shot

Chapter 1178: Night attack!

"Oh la la..."

I have to say that this rain has been going down for a long time, and it didn't stop until midnight. .

However, the shelters are built on the hills, and there are complete waterproofing facilities and even lighting systems that can be used. People inside do not need to worry about anything.

"Oh... call..."

Inside the shelter where a lot of food is stored.

At this time, wearing a fire system controller energy robe, because the rain and the makeup on the body was washed away, revealing a beautiful face of the demon, is controlling a pile of energy flame burning, heating a few food cans!

"President, you are really very comfortable. There are not only places to avoid the rain, but also hot food to eat."

"The two of us are really bitter. The wind is blowing on the road. I fell a few times on the road. I was so hungry that I couldn’t eat wild fruits but almost diarrhea. It’s really...hey, the alarm, the hand is retracted. This can is Laozi, think. Eat yourself and ask the little demon mm to help bake!"

A heavy armored armor has a lot of muddy bullet marks, and the helmets are smashed by the security door. While eating a can, they whispered and cried "this half-day experience."

At the same time, he also smacked off the "alarm" of the earthen control officer who was next to him and sneaked into the palm of the canned side that had been baked.

At this time, there are already more than a dozen people in the shelter.

Three heavy armored fighters, three snipers, three palm controllers, two light armor fighters, and another machine gunner, doctor, scout and mech-trainer.

More than half of these people belong to their own night city players, and the other half belong to the foreign aid masters who participate in the name of the city that never sleeps.

"Wind brother!"

A look has some handsome, a player with a skull on his body, falling against the wind with his eyes closed.

"Night, got it?"

The wind fell open and looked at him.


"It’s hard, wait until you kill the mech division, and give you the mech."

The wind fell to the player and nodded.

"Don't, the president, mix up like this, I am already very embarrassed, but fortunately there is still some use, otherwise it is really shameful."

A handsome player who painted some evil skull tattoos, but his face has some bitter smiles.

The player whose id is called "Night" is the rich second-generation player who joined the Northern Lights and joined the city that never sleeps.

However, as a mech division, he is obviously far worse than the "hands", except for a medium-level mech that uses the initial points to unlock.

Moreover, even the only mech was almost scrapped in the previous battle. Just under the proposal of the wind, simply put the heavy armor and block it before it was blocked by the missile. The blasted hole.

However, if someone says to help kill a mech-armor, as long as they can "inherit" the other's things, the combat power can be recovered instantly.

"Watermelon, do you have spare guns? Lend me one and wait for the battle!"

After talking to the wind, the night went to the sniper and observed the watermelon path outside through a battle hole in the shelter.


A large-caliber pistol with golden light was smashed, and the ferrous metal with golden lines, more than thirty centimeters in length, could not hold one hand and seemed to be domineering.

"The perfect equipment for the perfect evaluation. This thing, in the auction house, it is estimated that it will cost me three months of pocket money!"

"When you kill the owner of this gun, it is estimated that you have also spent a lot of time."

The pistol's insurance was turned off, and the trigger position was rotated between the index fingers. The mouth of the night was full of praise.

"I am, is your kid showing off again?"

A gold-plated sword with a door-size slap on his butt.

The boss of Meng, who is carrying the giant sword of the alloy, walked in from the outside of the refuge. The glory of the legendary equipment was as gorgeous as the giant sword in his hand. At first glance, the president of the "Golden Warrior" of the September Guild was very Similar to the ground.

"Hey, Meng Shu! You take a different position, don't shoot me there!"

The night sues with a bitter smile.

He is indeed a rich second generation, but it is not the boss of Meng, the old patron of the city that never sleeps. The veteran member in the game is a truly rich generation, and he knows his parents and can only recognize it.

"Go, go... guard your own defense, don't bother the president and monitor the outside."

Meng Boss glanced at him.

The demon, the night, the boss of Meng, the two groups of the security door squad, these are also the "acquaintances" of the windless fall among the players who never sleep!

Of course, there is also a sniper of my de world team that throws a legendary pistol into the night, watermelon rind!

At this time, the watermelon rind is completely different from the unsatisfied sniper who was shot at a distance of 100 meters. The body has a calm atmosphere.

In fact, watermelon is one of the earliest awakening force in the city that never sleeps. In this mission, he served as the vice captain of the sniper team in the city!

The proportion of sniper players in the city that never sleeps is several times higher than that of other guilds.

Being able to take up this position has already explained his strength today.


The people in the refuge, at this time, are laughing and screaming, as if they are not too prepared for a relaxed atmosphere.

Outside the refuge, about a distance of more than 500 meters, a scuba-scoring scout player is reporting to the president of the September guild gold warrior in a temporary shelter.

"I am sure that in this direction, a total of twelve people have entered. If there is no second entrance, then there are no more than 20 people."

"Well, there should be no use of stealth forces to avoid my surveillance. The president should know that after my talent is awakened, no player can hide under my eyes."

In the process of reporting by scout players, outside the shelters, it is already crowded.

With the rain all over the sky, the number of players in the September guild who sneaked here on the night of the five fingers was absolutely hundreds.

There are only a dozen players in the refuge in the city that never sleeps, but there are hundreds of people here.

Nearly ten times the strength, no doubt gives a feeling of killing chicken with a knife!

"The lion is fighting rabbits, and it is also full of strength. What's more, there is a tiger in the refuge."

"And, this is not just for fighting, it is mainly by the way of 'moving the camp' and putting everyone in the base camp."

Middle-aged counselor, shaking his feather fan with a smile.

"President, please order it. Everything goes well, it should take less than a few minutes, and everyone will be able to have a full meal!"

Later, he also asked the president of the middle-aged warrior of the September guild.

"Mr. Wen, is there still no way to contact?"

In contrast, the confidence of middle-aged counselors, the middle-aged president of the September guild of a gold armor.

At this time, I once again showed a cautious look and asked questions in a dark area around me.


"However, the Eagles have already determined that the large force personnel of the city that never sleeps are ten kilometers away from here."

"At this stage, it is very difficult to gather a hundred people in one place. They are unlikely. They gather too many people in this shelter."

In the darkness, the outgoing voice replied.

"Good, then act!"

Upon hearing this, the middle-aged president really made the determination to attack.

"Don't send someone first, try to sneak into the past to see if there are traps. Or let a small number of people make a tentative attack first?"

The hand next to him is slightly worried about authenticity.

"No, people who don't sleep in the city will definitely arrange people to watch the night. So many of us, once they appear in their field of vision, can't be hidden."

The middle-aged man in the dragon gold armor shook his head,

"Forward team, action!"

Then, the dragon-shaped long sword in his hand waved, splashed with a lot of rain, and loudly ordered in the mouth.


Some small cylindrical items were thrown out by the nights of several scout players.

After falling on the ground full of rain, there were some smog that appeared slightly gray, but not visible in the night.

Obviously, it is a kind of special smoke bomb, which still forms a continuous visual obstacle under the environment of heavy rain.

Not only visual, in fact, this special ammunition is named "strike smoke."

It can also block the reconnaissance skills, and even allow people in the smoke range to be "invisible" to a certain extent, and cannot be detected by night vision devices.


The next moment, there are more than 20 warrior players.

With a few scout players, all of them rushed toward the shelters with their shields.

In the hands of these first rounds of warriors, all of them held a large alloy shield of nearly one person height.

After half a day of fighting, the number of dead players is not too much. It is not too difficult to collect these shields.

With these shields in hand, and with them as the main force of the September guild, each person is almost full of legendary equipment.

Once the Force skill is turned on, even if the wind is used to destroy the solitude, there is no possibility of killing them.

On the contrary, these twenty warriors, as long as they rush into the stronghold of the city that never sleeps, even if there are more people in it, it is impossible to prevent it.

After all, the players in the city that are not in the refuge can not all be warrior professions.

"It’s really... the tiger wolf!"

The president of the September guild, who is also a warrior, did not follow suit.

The middle-aged counselor is watching the players who are far away, shaking the feathers in the mouth, but the eyes are more flashing.

Behind the two, there are still five mechs, and all of them belong to the kind of large-scale advanced fighters. Three of them have miniature missiles in the launching device, but they have not started.

"The president, why not directly use missile bombardment. In that case, I believe we can take this shelter at a lower cost!"

Next to the president of the September guild, a heavy armored warrior with a huge black gold tower shield in his hand is somewhat incomprehensible.

"This place is our stronghold. We should fight against it for at least a few days. After the break, there is no way to fix it."

"How, Xiaoba, do you want to go with them?"

Although looking at the soldiers in front of the storm, but it seems that across the mask, the president of the September guild also saw the idea of ​​the heavy armor.

"Please the president agree, I am willing to take the lead. It is bound to succeed in a round of breaking, the original military order!"

The heavy armor warrior carried the shield on the side of the slant, and the knees were half-curved, like the ancient Western knights marching in the air, in the rain.

Have to say, a bit strange.

These high-level guilds in the September guild seem to prefer "ancient style" between words?

This heavy armored warrior is the vestige of the beetle research institute next to the Lu’s group. It is the tyrant who is known as the “bagra” by the wind and two bullets. !

"I know that you have been less than happy to do your current job."

"Even, for the reason why I had to push the aunt, not you, into the ‘the first warrior of the war,’ there is a lot of complaints in my heart!”

"Just, little bully, in fact, you are not suitable to be pushed to the table, because your ability to resist stress is not enough."

The president of the September guild regained his gaze.

But first to the dark area next to it, cast a look of apologetic.

"A person, when pushed to the stage, is indeed infinite, but once something goes wrong, you should understand the consequences."

Then, I looked at the front again.

In front of the two, behind the warrior players, the team of the masters who started moving toward the refuge, the nine-night rain of the legendary wind energy robe of a pale blue-colored gold appeared to be inconspicuous. The long hair that was specially kept in the image was wet and wet, and the face was very gloomy.

Perhaps it was because of the surrounding rainstorm environment that reminded him of the scene of the final stage of the original agent's mission and the wind.

It is precisely because of that time that he has fallen from the top ten players in Stormwind and the first master of the September guild.

Up to now, but can only be regarded as a second-rate star player, in this team of masters can not walk in the first place!

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