Fatal Shot

Chapter 1193: Arrow VS sword

Under the watchfulness of nearly 100 million watchers and people from the city.

The position of Jianhe Changhe and Sirius is fixed. The two sides are separated by 100 meters. This distance is not far from being close to the scouts and soldiers.

"I am going, this Sirius, some exaggeration?"

Little fat man curiously said.

On the battlefield, Sirius, who began to take arrows from the quiver, actually grabbed a large number of arrows in his own hands.

The length of these arrows is close to one meter, and the arrow shaft that should be made of an alloy is also 1m in diameter.

The arrow is not an ordinary alloy arrow at all, but like a special sniper bullet, there is a special "special arrow" with a diameter of 2.5 m!

This thing, if it is converted into a firearm, it is definitely a "cannonball" from all directions, not a bullet!

"I have long been looking forward to this battle!"

Sirius first set up a separate, gray arrow tip, coldly aimed at the swords and rivers beyond 100 meters, his face full of war.

"let's start!"

In the words of the president of the September guild, the battle started instantly.


In the hands of Sirius, the epic metal bow that has been completely opened and classical and sci-fi combined.

In an instant, a heavy "arrow cannon", with a buzzing sound, turned into a black streamer and flew toward the sword.

"So fast!"

Standing on the side of the wind, Muzi suddenly looked surprised.

The speed of this arrow, in the spectator's reconnaissance equipment, has reached a speed of 400 meters per second, which is indeed faster than some bullets.

Under its own volume and weight, to achieve this speed, the light is from the impact of the hit, I am afraid that the a-level sniper bullets can not match.


However, in the face of this ordinary player can hardly react to the "arrow cannon".

After the war, it opened the swords of the "charge", but it seems to have been expected.

The body shape driven by the power armor is facing to the left, and the explosive side shifts!


I have to say that the speed of the sword and the river is also almost as fast.

From Sirius's arrow to his original position, only a fraction of a second, he was already standing two meters away.


The lost "cannon arrow" hit a large tree that was held by three people, and a loud bang was heard. Then a wave of fire with energy of the fire swept the three-meter diameter range around the foot.

"Rely, this arrow, can you really blow up?"

"It should be a compressed micro spar bomb. Although the explosion range is small, the core temperature and damage are very high!"

"These arrows of Sirius are only for a long time to unlock."

Players who never sleep in the city, all eyes are blind.

Originally, it was thought that Sirius used bows and arrows to deliberately "load", but now, at first glance, this bow is no worse than the epic sniper rifle with a-level bullet.

Even more powerful!


For the failure of the first arrow, Sirius obviously had psychological expectations.

It may even be a temptation itself, so the face is unchanged, and the sci-fi alloy longbow in the hand has already been opened twice after the first arrow.

This time, the above is directly linked to the three arrows!

"Hey, hey, hey!"

The three-shot alloy "Blasting Arrow" was shot at the same time.

In the air, the top of the arrow is filled with a force fluctuation, and the eyes are connected.

The three alloy arrows, after being shot, are slightly angularly different.

According to the path of the flight, when it is flying to the front of the sword gas that has already rushed to the distance of 70 meters, the distance between them will reach two meters. The triangle will seal the retreat in all directions.

"The seal is sealed, but there is no arrow in the middle. Is this a life path or a trap?"

A scout player with a foreign aid status, using his talent, analyzed the arrow trajectory in a flash.

"It must be a trap, Sirius is a very deceitful person!"

The night is obvious, and there is also an understanding of Sirius.


The sword and the river made a consistent judgment with the night, facing the three alloy group arrows that blocked the three directions and left a large gap in the middle.

The sword is long, but there is no choice in the middle. The gap that can be clearly used, the body in the power armor charge is the foot on the ground, and leaps high!

"I am going, this bursting arrow actually has a human body sensing function?"

Next, the little fat man burst into amazement.


Because, three large-diameter special explosive arrows, even about a distance of about ten meters from the sword gas long river, suddenly turned, chasing all the swords and suffocating rivers and rivers away!

What does this mean?

Obviously, when three "burst arrows" are shot together.

It can activate properties that automatically adjust the angle within a certain range and can sense human life.

It’s just that the sword is long and the river is leaping. The height of the vacant land is close to ten meters. It is a bit too high, which leads to the scope beyond its automatic adjustment!

"Boom, bang, bang..."

Therefore, the three alloys bursting arrows, and finally flew past the two meters below his boots.

Finally, I hit the mountain where the refuge hole that was originally surrounded by the September guild and others was surrounded by three explosions and loud noises. Three pits of one or two meters in diameter were blown up, and the gravel flew!

"However, this is not a good choice. Jump into the air, and jump so high, not afraid to become a target?"

However, the people around them did not have the effect of the explosion, but they all stared at the battlefield.

The middle of the Northern Lights.


The Northern Lights can think of the same as the Sirius on the field.

When I saw the sword and the river, I used the flying air to avoid my own Samsung arrow. His look moved.

"Five arrows!"

In the next moment, all the remaining five arrows in the hand were placed on the string and rushed toward the sword-sword in the air.


This time, five "burst arrows" with buzzing sounds are the situation with four sides and a center.

Not only blocked the circumference of the sword, but also locked his body center!

And, like the previous three arrows, the five arrows, the original force field formed by pulling each other, allows the long arrow to track and adjust within this range.

And with the power of the previous few arrows, there is no doubt that if you are hit, even if you do not hit the key, it is absolutely enough to make the sword a long life.


The sword is long, and it is clear that he can no longer avoid this round of attacks.

"Sword gas!"

Therefore, almost when the five bursting arrows in the hands of Sirius were off the strings, the cyan sword in his hand also rang like a dragon.

"Long river!"

Then, in the air, but holding a sword, in the direction of the Sirius, obliquely focused!


The next moment, a full width of more than five meters, showing a light blue cyan energy with the force of the original force, emerged from the sword in the sword of the river, directly hit the five arrows flying in the air Three of the top!


"I am jealous, Jianqi!"

"There is still this trick!"

"Sword God, Sword God!"

In the battle channel, there was a lot of hot discussion, and many fans who were angry with the sword were even more excited.

"The original force field is matched with the flake-like wind energy... homemade skills?"

The wind is still the same.

I have to say that the style of Jianhe Changhe gives the name of the move, as always, with a little bit of the second "Xian Xia Feng".

However, the gorgeous degree of this sword is indeed very rare, and an epic sword with strong force fluctuations erupted, accompanied by the distance swept in the air, and took out a foot nearly five meters in diameter. Sword gas, and one rushed out nearly 20 meters away!

"Boom, bang, bang..."

The most important thing is the three arrows on the bevel.

All under this squat, the upper energy spar was directly detonated because of the unstable state.

The energy flame after the explosion was also taken away by the gust of wind swept by the wind energy!

Moreover, only the two long arrows left, obviously can not activate the "adjustment" function.

Therefore, the crisis of the sword and the river is completely resolved under this sword.

Even more, not only that.

Because, after this jump, when he landed, he would pull the distance from Sirius to only 50 meters.

I have to say that the battle between the two is really different from the current mainstream style of the players.

One used to use the arrow, the other one's long sword, whether it is a weapon or a move, it seems martial arts taste.

The most important thing is that both sides have clearly mastered more than one kind of original power skills, and at the same time improved their ability in all aspects of speed, strength and reaction.

Let this battle go far beyond what the average player can do. u

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