Fatal Shot

Chapter 1197: Spiritual network!

"Right! The digital cat thinks that there should be some hidden settings in the background of this game! It is estimated that it is likely to be opened when the remaining number reaches a certain range."

"Well, I think so, should, it will be related to the refuge everywhere!"


"The remaining number: 102029...101549...1009..."

“Reminder, the remaining number of players is close to the target. Remind, the remaining number is close to the target!”

The underground relics that are not in the night, the countdown numbers on the main screen of the "God-making Plan" are constantly approaching 100,000.

"Unlock Skynet Limit Interface!"

A hair has been somewhat whitish, wearing scientific glasses, and dressed as a meticulous professor of the yellow man npc.

After taking a breath, solemnly order.

"Skynet restrictions interface is unlocked..."

Immediately, some researchers answered after manipulating.


On the center's largest home screen, there is a federal map with countless white spots representing the virtual cabin.

"Open the target virtual cabin, the spirit link system!"

"The target spiritual link system is open..."

Then, among the white dots on the main screen, there are red dots that are spread throughout the federation. Although it is not easy to directly distinguish the number, it is obviously 100,000.


In fact, from the upper left corner of the picture, the same number as the remaining number of people clearly shows the significance.

"Building a spiritual link network!"

The old man who looks like a professor is obviously excited at this time.

"Strong link network construction..."

Above the main screen, all the scattered red dots between.

Beginning to extend a straight line of roots, linked together in the form of a network.


However, just when all the red dots are completely connected.

Suddenly, a loud alarm sounded on one of the instruments.

"what happened?"

The old man, the researcher, immediately cast his sight on it.

"The Skynet interface has unclear fluctuations, and the Skynet interface has unclear fluctuations... The mental power network is affected, and the mental network program is affected!"

With the mechanical sound warning, the screen on the main screen changes drastically.

The network of red dots and lines began to expand continuously, with blank spots, and the red line that was quickly extended was lighted up. The number of red dots in the blink of an eye expanded more than ten times, and it continued to increase.

The rest of the screens on the screen are constantly flashing and brushing through the messy data stream.

"How is this going?"

In the military officer's area in the middle of the hall, a military commander with a rank of major general, who should be the highest sergeant here, asked questions through wireless headphones.

"Skynet is abnormal... It is spreading the spirit link network to all virtual cabins!"

Beside him, a younger research npc staff, some sweaty answers on his forehead.

"Control Marcus right away!"

The young general heard this and his face sank.

The first thing I did was to warn the soldiers in the command hall that had been prepared for the live ammunition. They immediately separated several clones, Marcus, who were a little bit stunned.

“Can I close the mental link system right away?”

This young general is obviously still understanding some of the technology, looking at the main screen, his face asked somewhat calmly.

Above the screen, it was originally only a 100,000-level network, and it has become a super-red network that covers the entire federal area.

The statistics in the upper left corner have turned into eight digits.

This means that the link has entered the virtual cabin of the network, reaching a level of 10 million!

"There is no way to forcibly cut off!"

“The spiritual link system is now active and has been extended to all virtual cabins, creating a mental power that is too large. If forced to cut off, it will lead to mental damage in all competitions, even large Proportion of brain death!"

"Even if there is no competition, as long as the people in the virtual cabin are also in the spiritual link network, the same will be affected. This is more than 10 million... No, now there are more than 50 million people!"

Young researchers are looking at the rising numbers, and the sweat on their foreheads is already raining.

Players need to go through the virtual cabin to enter the arena. Otherwise, they can only watch the "retransmission" of the third perspective.

And because of the game in the "War of War", the arena was originally a popular game, so the virtual cabin of the entire federal camp was hundreds of millions.

And because of the game, these virtual cabins have all been drilled into people.

This is not a hundred people, nor is it 10,000, not even a million people, but a full billion people!

Even if the proportion of people with mental impairment is not high, but the absolute number will definitely exceed one million, and the players who do not participate in the competition will have a brain death chance!

If it is said that it is because of the rebel attack, this factor of the Resident Evil is gone.

However, this was organized by the federal government and the military because millions of people were injured or even brain-dead due to experimental accidents.

Not to mention that these people trapped in the arena are all among the top players in the game. Many people also have a lot of connections in the npc.

Even, the game process until now, many players already have the ability to influence the high-level military of the npc, or they already have the rank of the captain, the rank of the next school!

In this case, in any case, the mental network cannot be forcibly broken.

As for the player's ability to resurrect this one, in fact, because of entering the plot, this is automatically ignored in the npc eyes.

"Then close the Skynet, since it is interfered by Skynet. So, should Skynet be closed, should it be effective?"

At this time, standing on the side of the Major General, not far away, a young man in a suit of about twenty-five or six years old, his hair shiny and shouted.

He is not a military person, but was sent by the npc federal government as an observer. The superficial identity is a senior official secretary, and the real identity is the three generations of a political family.

Speaking at this time is obviously to express your own existence, which is the habit of most government officials.

"Close Skynet? Ha, how is it closed?"

A middle-aged scientist with glasses heard his words, but the tone was obviously ridiculous.

"What do you mean?"

The expression of the young senior official secretary was a little angry.

"Skynet is not the name of a brain, but an intelligent network area composed of countless terminals and brains. In theory, unless all the links linked to Skynet are destroyed, otherwise it is impossible. Close it off!"

"If you don't say anything else, you can say that now that there are millions of virtual cabins, it is not that we can have a way to shut down in a short period of time. Moreover, the consequences of closing it are not less than breaking the spiritual link."

"Skynet is a project of your government department. You don't even know this? Hehe..."

Middle-aged research npc, directly look back at him.

What about the secretary of a senior official, how about the three generations of a certain political family!

The headquarters of the federal military is centered on the storm city at the border, and the capital city in the rear of the government, but there is a tradition of inconsistency. ,

The most important thing is that Skynet is indeed something that is formed by the government.

For the military who value confidentiality, especially their researchers, it is very unpleasant for this open network.

Knowing that once something goes wrong, it is not only difficult to solve, but also a big problem.

However, after the federal government and the construction and construction of Skynet, the big companies and consortiums with huge incomparable interests are pushing against the warnings.

Now, it is indeed a problem with Skynet, so naturally it will not be polite!

You are a government official, in our military's experimental base, it is not good to stand up and see what it is! 8)

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