Fatal Shot

Chapter 1210: Collision, veteran tribe!


When the wind drove a legendary battle axe like a heavy-duty chariot, the sniper rifle in the hand was sneaked away in advance to avoid the tactical grenade that the player of the blue city company sneaked into the ground.


Accurately hit the engine of the third off-road vehicle, let this Blue City company fall to the last off-road vehicle, like the first two to explode.

It is even more difficult to be pulled by the impact to make a side turn, so that several players inside can not struggle at all.


It has reached the end of the canyon and turned into a big bend and became very open.

In the field of vision, it is a checkpoint that is blocked at the exit of the canyon, like a dam with a thickness of about ten meters.

"Veteran Guild..."

Directly high-speed over the rollover of the off-road vehicle, leaving the above people to the players behind the night city, Tomahawk energy motorcycle, the wind under the black helmet fell a pair of eyes slightly.

Look at the remaining defensive facilities on the level filled with battle marks, and the mech, the shooting platform of the machine gun, and the flying pets roaring above the sky!

With the view of the wind, you can see clearly, there is some familiar guild badge in the tall humanoid armor position!

In fact, because I met the black rose before, I figured out the distribution point of the player's "birth point".

The wind has already known that the veteran tribe should belong to one of the forces in the battlefield area nearby.

The world is full of fire, black roses... September guild, nine-star guild, veteran tribe, Lu’s group city...

Obviously, the "birth point" of the player and the power in this game is not randomly assigned.

The "it" as always likes to distribute acquaintances into a large area, and then see some plots!

"This is the residence of the veteran tribe. All people are forbidden to be within one kilometer, otherwise the consequences will be paid!"

And when the wind fell to see the station of the veteran tribe, among the public channels, a voice of indifference with a warning nature almost sounded at the same time.


"Pushing over, we are safe, and the veteran tribes will help us block the people who never sleep."

"Not good, the leaves of the wind have not stopped... accelerate, then accelerate!"

However, the two remaining energy-efficient off-road vehicles in the front of the Blue City Association obviously did not stop. Instead, they mentioned the speed to the fastest, and even rushed toward the level at full speed despite the danger of rollover.

"This is the residence of the veteran tribe, everyone..."

Among the public channels, the voice of indifference was repeated again and again.

"Da da da……"

Immediately afterwards, several machine gun shooting holes above the level directly sounded a dense sound.

A large number of bullets rushed toward the two off-road vehicles of the Blue City Company, and the ground was lifted in a straight line, and a large number of blades of grass flew.

However, if you look closely, you can find these bullets, almost all of them flying over the edge of two flying off-road vehicles.

Even if it is hit, it is also in a destructive secondary position.

Instead, there is a machine gun bullet that shoots directly toward the wind, just because it is beyond the attack distance, so there is no substantial lethality!

Instead, on the ground in front of the wind, leaving a pile of bullet holes and shots and smoke!


The other party has already prepared, and of course, there is no need to rush to the wind.

Under the ultra-short distance, the legendary Tomahawk completed the process from movement to static, and set an arc-shaped long groove on the ground to stop.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

However, the sniper rifle in the wind is not stopped, sitting directly on the energy motorcycle and starting the "windrunner-v type", shooting directly at the fastest speed!

Before he was among the ultra-high-speed mobiles, in the case of this uneven ground and continuous interference, it is necessary to look at the opportunity to accurately hit.

Therefore, the people of Lancheng Company will escape so far along the way.

Now, since it has stopped.

Then the sniper rifle in the hand is a real nightmare for the people of the Blue City company!



Wait until the last blue city company's energy buggy finally rushed to the front of the veteran tribe's level.

The light-skinned warrior with a horrified face in the driver's seat was almost simultaneously hit by a black sniper bullet, penetrating several layers of defense from behind the off-road vehicle, and then hitting the back of his head.

With a deadly sniper bullet, a black hole that spreads over the helmet.

Then, with the impact of the warhead, with his forehead and a large amount of blood and death white light, slammed into the glass in front of the off-road vehicle.

Subsequently, the out of control car also slammed into the closed side.

"This is the residence of the veteran tribe, everyone..."

At the time of the wind attack, the warning sounds in the public channel are still being repeated.


At the same time, there were a few snipers from the veteran tribe who shot a sniper bullet in his position!

However, without exception, these sniper bullets are rapidly decelerating near the wind.

Subsequently, it was directly intercepted by a shield formed by a dark red mist.

Other occupations, because of the distance, can't attack the parking position of the wind!


"The leaves of the wind, here is the residence of our veteran tribes. You never sleep in the night when we warn again and again, is it ready to lead the war?!"

And obviously there is some kind of calculation, after the wind has killed the last Blue City company.

Among the public channels. A familiar sound of a wind blows immediately!

Lonely Star River!


At the same time, in the checkpoint, suddenly a gray-white tornado rises up and there are traces of thunder surges.

With a faint oppressive atmosphere, it is fluctuating towards the position of the Everbright City Racing Team!

"This is... a boss-level pet!"

"It should be that only real-level pets can produce the same sense of oppression when releasing some skills!"

"The pressure of this boss pet is so strong that it is not average."

"Yeah, even the pets of Fengshen, there is no such pressure, it is not good to deal with."

Feeling this faint sensation of oncoming, many of the players in the team have a slight discoloration on the face of the participating players.

"It’s no wonder that there is such courage, and I dare to block it directly on our road. This is a reliance!"

"Veteran tribe, old k, is this your former guild? Yes, there are boss pets!"

"What is a pet? We don't have a pet at night. It really scares it. And, can a boss pet be able to communicate with 24k in advance? On the boss pressure, if 24k is really released, far Far from being able to compare this pet!"

However, the real night city player is calm.

Because of the relationship between pet evolution, the city-level pets can be more than one end.

Although the 24k except the wind is quasi-but but together, it is definitely not a boss pet can deal with.

Not to mention, after seeing the 24k "transmission", almost everyone feels that 24k is the first pet of the war.


The wind looked at the tornado in the sky and could not see the inside. It was a little unexpected.

Because the number of real-level pets is too small, there are still less than 20 in the game.

Therefore, every boss-level pet is recorded in the intelligence by the hound.

However, in the information he had already printed in his mind, there was no information about the boss pets of the veteran tribe.

"Just remember... Lonely Star River has a quasi-boss pet, and with this quasi-boss pet, let him rank within 300 of the strength list!"

"This boss pet is estimated to be his..."

The wind fell down the field of vision and saw the lonely starry river standing in the middle of the two black armored warriors with the same swirling light blue wind energy shield.

The tornado that the boss pet raised, the position is above his head.

Probably, it was promoted before the game and this news was also kept secret by him, so that even the hound did not collect this information!

"It looks like the picture of the lonely star river is not small!"

On the command car in the middle, the animal husbandry used the glasses to look at the veteran tribe station in the mouth of the canyon.

"In fact, his heart is not small. Otherwise, the veteran tribe will not be like this."

The bullet marks are standing next to him, and the look of the level is also somewhat complicated.

As an old man of the veteran tribe, and belonged to a former high-level member, there was a natural feeling for the veteran tribe.

It’s just that the distance between the two sides is very far away and there is no intersection, and it avoids embarrassment. Now it is encountered in the game, and a battle seems to be inevitable!

"This place is easy to defend and difficult to attack. He is completely deployed in the situation of the Corps."

In front of the left hand, there were two black and white snipers. After observing the resident defense of the veteran tribe through tactical glasses, they frowned.

Although he is also a veteran, he does not intersect with the veteran tribe itself, so the focus at the beginning is the layout of the other party.

If it is just a common guild, even if there is a certain terrain advantage, it is not difficult to break through.

After all, the previous Blue City Guild, which occupied a more favorable position, persisted for less than ten minutes.

However, the veteran tribe is not an ordinary guild.

As a guild with a large number of veterans, the individual combat capability is definitely not inferior to the city, and the ability of the team to cooperate should be comparable to the team of the night city with a large number of alliance guilds.

Even the "transfer" tactics should not be too good!

The people of the Blue City Guild may have revealed the information about the previous battle to his veteran tribe. The distribution of the personnel of the Lonely Star River is obviously guarded.

The only good thing is probably that the number of opponents is not too much.

"It is estimated that if we choose to attack as before, even if we can attack, we must at least lose 40% of the personnel!"

Long Yuan is turning on a tactical deduction function instrument, and after seeing the result, it is also a little frown.


"The distance is about ten kilometers. Counting the terrain obstacles we made in the middle, we will catch up for up to an hour."

"There is time, but the situation is a little troublesome!" u

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