Fatal Shot

Chapter 1214: Chain explosion

The process of this battle is not difficult. .

After all, the fighting power of the players who never sleep in the city is definitely above the people of the War Soul Guild.

The number of Terminator forces who attack this level is only one-third of the abandoned city terminator where the Offensive War Soul Association is located.

Not to mention that because the previous attack wasted a lot of ammunition, the z-990 without the missile did not check the boss-level combat power, and did not destroy the level defense ability.


Therefore, it only took a few minutes to fight.

Hundreds of Terminators have been wiped out nearly half, and the player's loss is only a dozen people!

“There are new goals to get close quickly!”

Suddenly, a veteran tribal scout player who was arranged to circumnavig the hills on both sides of the canyon uploaded a real-time detection screen on the joint command channel.

On the screen is the scene behind the corner of the canyon. At this time, dozens of new mechanical units are approaching at high speed.

It is a mechanical unit that has a lot of "touchers" and is more like a squid. The color of the main body is grayish black, and the height from the ground is about two meters five!

"Terminator e-880, level 60 command. Main functions: transportation, logistics. Sub-function: detection, combat..."

"Transport, logistics?"

From the real-time transmission of the screen, the people in the command room also understand the substance of the information obtained by the reconnaissance.

Among the tentacles of these mechanical squid, there was a single cannonball and a single ammunition box... It was obvious that it was the supply of the Terminator for the lack of ammunition.

The most important thing is that several of them, the supply of transportation turned out to be a medium-sized missile!


These mechanical squid terminators are very fast and more agile than the z-990 in the state of the personnel carrier.

Obviously, waiting for them to transport these ammunition to the scene, I am afraid that the level will be destroyed by the crisis!

Because the attack of the participating players is good for the ordinary terminator, but for the distant boss-class z-990, there is no effective means except for a few players such as the mech-player and the wind.

Therefore, there are still a total of eight remaining on the battlefield. Once the supply is sufficient, the power of the quasi-boss-class mechanical unit is terrible.

"No, you have to stop these mechanical squid!"

Obviously, the players in the command room are aware of this problem.

Just, how to stop it?

At the rear of the canyon, the base camp of the Terminator, except for the scout who has a special hidden talent, there is no other person.

At the speed of these mechanical squid, even if it is sent now, it is too late!


The expression of the wind is calm and calm, and the mouth whispers.


24k summoned a black wormhole in the air, and the players in the command room face differently, and most of the expected expressions were drilled in.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

When several mechanical squid carrying medium-sized missiles have already rushed from the rear to the front end of the canyon corner, the transportation will be replenished to the battlefield.

Suddenly, they are ahead.

There was a pothole on the ground in the middle of the gorge. Two things that were not KFC were manipulated by the invisible solitude to fly out of the hole and fall to the ground!


The leader of the first-class transport missile, the mechanical squid terminator, suddenly felt that he was moving at high speed to almost strike the tentacles of the afterimage, and was attracted by the cold object, so that the movement of its movement was not coordinated for a moment.

A closer look reveals a piece of mechanical cylindrical disc with a diameter of about twenty centimeters.


And then, the black disc-shaped object attached to the tentacles of the mechanical squid, a large number of bright blue and white lines appear on the surface.


The next moment, an instantaneous electromagnetic field, swept the area around the diameter of 30 meters.


The metal objects in the entire area move toward the disc under the effect of the explosive electromagnetic field.

Even the command-level mechanical squid carrying the missile was affected by the movement under this suction, and the figure was pulled involuntarily toward the center disc position.

High-energy electromagnetic adsorption mine!

Before the outside of the battlefield of the War Soul Guild, it was cheap to kill the spoils for the mechanical units obtained by the z-990 at the quasi-boss level.

Because several mechanical squid carrying missiles are all in this range.

Under the powerful pulling force, even if they flashed a warning red light in the eyes of the detector, they could not be separated for a while.


At this time, the second item attached to the mechanical squid also "glows".

To be precise, it is the impact of the violent and shocking impact of the ground, sweeping the explosion of light and high temperature substances in the diameter of about 25 meters.


This is just the use of the "worm worm" that has been placed under the canyon ground and the hidden reconnaissance beetle, using the worker bee to blast out the second destroyed z-900 from the battlefield, which can detonate. The "chain destruction bomb" of special ammunition carried by the mechanical unit itself.

"Boom, bang..."

In the twinkling of an eye, among the white light clusters that exploded, there was a continuous roar, a more massive and more terrible explosion.

It was the result of several mechanical squids that were involved in the explosion, and the medium-sized missiles and special ammunition boxes carried by them were continuously detonated.

And so many large-powered ammunition was detonated, and even the entire area of ​​the canyon was shrouded in the blast and the sea of ​​fire.

The ground in the center of the explosion, and even the tops of the cliffs on both sides of the canyon, were soared by the violent vibrations and the changes were serious.

The final consequence is that the "mechanical squid" that comes to the reinforcements is not left.

Even a few z-990s in the corner were equally involved in the explosion, and one of them was even blown up by the impact.

This is a heavy mechanical unit of more than ten tons.

A chain explosion that destroyed more than forty commanders, and a few quasi-boss, is comparable to the scores of the entire level.


"This power... good insurance, if there is no such explosion. The level is really likely to be destroyed, the explosive power of the mechanical unit can not be underestimated!"

Seeing this scene by hiding the scenes returned by the scout players on the side of the canyon, not only the people of Xiaoluo Water, but also the eyes of the veteran tribes are shocked and rejoicing.

A few players in the city without a night, it is speculated that it is the wind, and in the same surprise, there are some proud feelings.

Although the explosion was actually caused by the "chain destruction bomb" in conjunction with the terrain, the rational use of terrain and equipment itself is the most important requirement.

Not to mention, in the short time that the mechanical squid is striking, the pet is directed to complete these actions.

Nor is it what the average player might say!

Only, the wind of this amazing explosion was created.

At this time, I didn’t say anything, but my eyes were in the hollow, and I was more dignified.

About eight kilometers from here, the town where the original Blue City company was located.

At the top of the tallest abandoned building, a reconnaissance beetle is quietly squatting on the wall, with red light being detected in the pinhole-like eyes.

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