Fatal Shot

Chapter 1217: Super master

"Da da da……"

The sound of machine guns in a blast of wind rushed.

In the abandoned old city center, in the corner shops of a street, there is a white light that has already died.

"Thirteenth... sister, your strength is really not said, sharp."

"I want to say that if you have such a strong fighting talent, you should not play any management!"

"If you continue to be a combat player, maybe there is no such thing as a light dance in the top ten high hands. What happened to the Phoenix..."

With the epic reconnaissance bracelet in his hand, he watched the shop through a large number of hidden miniature detections around him. The sniper player tried to escape, but he was stuck by the machine gun bullets and chased the killing process. The face is excited.

"Transfer, the fifth floor of the fifth floor!"

Rui sister slammed the hand of the eight-legged legendary machine gun.


A force wave fluctuated and quickly formed a force protection layer similar to the heavy armor shield in front of the two.

"Boom, bang, bang..."

This move made the location occupied by Starry Sky, in one floor.

Followed by a series of "chain wind blades" flying with the sound of the air, all deflected, did not kill two people a drop of blood!

"Da da da……"

The action of Ruijie is not stopped.

The machine gun in the hand shot a bullet again, and forced a player in the distance to try to rush back.

Then, lift the machine gun and turn back!

"Hey, sister, what I said is true."

"I want to say that there is nothing in business, and there is adventure and fun!"

"Tell me, I got the news from my friends and became the top player in "War of War", even the top consortiums of the Capital Star will be highly valued!"

"In that case, you are free to do things, and you don't take over the family business as a condition of not getting married... But you are not too small, I think you really have time to find a brother-in-law... well, most Ok, it’s a game master...”

Star less side moved to the position with Ruijie, while chattering in the mouth.

Let the sharp sister who walked in front, the face appeared to think of a shot to collapse him, but there is no help.

Who told the relationship between the two is too good, this kid is to calculate that she will not really do it, dare to marry her "reverse scale".


The star is squirming in the same way as the hamster. At this time, his epic reconnaissance bracelet suddenly sounded an alarm.

"Someone rushed from the Star Company position to the side... triggered the first warning point... The second... The third. By the way, is this the speed of people, how is it so fast?"

Stars and eyes suddenly slammed, and the epic scouting bracelet directly projected onto the retina, making him slightly awkward.

"There is no figure... In the state of stealth force, it can still be exposed without opening the charge. This person has some doorways."

Directly through the consciousness to manipulate the screen switching in the line of sight, but it is the monitoring points on several consecutive alarm paths, and did not see any substantial figures.

"The Eye of the Super!"

His face became more and more important. Stars released a reconnaissance technique on the scouting bracelet and opened the slow-release function of the epic-level detection bracelet.

"Sure enough, no one can escape the detection of epic equipment... Hey, is it a gunman? Not a warrior!"

When he looked at the profession of the rushing person with his slowness, his face was once again stunned.

In the field of vision, I saw a player wearing a black full set of gunners and wearing a full-defense tactical helmet covering the face, showing only two eyes.

This player, at this time, has completely rushed through the central location of the two major companies to enter, and entered the control of the company.

And in the super eye's slow release function, let him see the process of this player action!

The whole person, the action seems to be a leisurely walk, completely in a walking posture, but the speed is comparable to the warrior player charge.


The first to find a remote attack launched by several of his company players, there is a feeling of not being able to catch up with him, and countlessly fell to the ground behind him.

"Da da da……"

By the middle of the journey, at least a dozen people reacted to the attack that he launched, which was comparable to the remote output of the bullet rain and the energy storm, but even his side did not touch it.

Because, when the bullet is close to him, it will be invisible as the original force field, but the more powerful power deflection, all hit the surrounding buildings.

When the energy skill attack reached his front, it was automatically broken, and a few did not collapse, but it was still quite awkwardly reversed, and the people who flew back to the skill were flying back!


Then, it seems that I feel a little annoyed by being "harassed."

The figure suddenly jerked again, leaping and leaping, and actually jumped lightning between two buildings on the street that were separated by more than a dozen meters.

In a flash, I crossed the last half of the distance and passed through the carefully arranged defense line of Haoyu Company!

"I am, this person... is also a master of the competition, not a npc pretending!"

The star's throat is involuntarily swaying and swallowing.

At this time, the slow-moving picture has reached the end.

The gunners who stopped at the street level on their side suddenly raised their heads and saw him seated on the wall of the building, but the button-sized miniature detection end.


At this time, the alarm sound of the reconnaissance bracelet was ringing.

"No, he rushed into our building... and leaned towards us."

"Rely, this person must also have epic reconnaissance equipment, and can actually find our position..."

Looking at the information on the high-speed approaching of the other side of the cue, the star's face has some panic.

"Hey, even if you can rush in and how a gunman, not a light armor, do you want to be an enemy in front of Ben?"

Later, it seemed that I couldn’t stand a little on my face, and I said a few words in a disdainful tone.

"Go, change to the fifth position!"

Rui sister is extremely dignified, changing direction and running fast upstairs.

"Sister, no need."

"It's a gunman. Although the speed is a bit faster, you can add my equipment with your strength. Even the top foreign aids in the Star Company can definitely solve it easily..."

Stars also want a habitual mutter.


However, when she was turned back by Rui, she hurriedly followed.

To be honest, he was really scared by this person. This situation is entirely a super master who can take the lead in the army!

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