Fatal Shot

Chapter 1123: Awakening young people

at noon.

The players of the five major forces have already set off on time, and they are about twenty miles away from the team that has been attacked by the whole army.


A gray knife passed through, and a thin steel wire that was not easily visible to the naked eye was directly split into two sections by a recurve saber.

A tall figure dressed in a scout costume, ignoring the two arrows that popped up by the traps on the ground, the pace rushed and seemed to be chasing something.


Suddenly, his figure in high-speed movement was stagnant.

The head turned to look at a relatively empty position on the side of the wood, and the saber that had just broken a vine also raised an angle.

The direction in which his vision is directed seems to be calm and nothing unusual.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

The next moment, suddenly, the scouts reached the legendary combat uniforms and the defensive coefficient was not inferior to the low-grade power light armored tactical vest, and there was a straight trace of sharp cutting.

Immediately afterwards, the pieces collapsed and fell to the ground in a fragile manner.

A straight cut was also formed on the back skin that emerged after the break of the combat suit.

"Hey, hey..."

However, none of these incisions have any blood flow.

The reason for this is that from the scouts who were then violently disintegrated with the combat uniforms, they fell to the two arms on the ground and the chest that was divided into several parts, and the mechanical structures exposed were clearly understandable.

A Terminator, and still a commander-level t-950.

And precisely because this is a terminator, it is even more revealing the strangeness of this scene.

The combat power is far superior to the t-950 of the average player, and even if there is no sign, it will be lost by the second! ?


One hand stretched out and caught a red pharmacy-style spoils that exploded after the t-950 was destroyed in the air.

"It's a nutrient, can't you get a can to change the taste? The score is still so small. Even before this terminator, even one person has not killed, wasting time!"

It was a sign that appeared in the air without a sign. The right hand was carrying a knife with a long, knife-like weapon. It was about twenty years old. It was a little short, with a marked exhaustion, but the eyes were very A fierce young player.

Looking at the nutrient in his hand, the ordinary face of the Taidao youth is a little irritated in the narrow and slightly inverted triangle.

"There are some little mice over there! I hope there is still some garbage."

Put this nutrient on the arm, and look sharply in the direction of the woods.

Between the words, the figure of the Taidao youth disappeared into the air again without calling.

"Hey, what's the matter? How has the Terminator not yet appeared!"

A minute later, this piece was outside the woods because of the denseness and limited visibility.

A few of them were fully armed, and the players who had prepared the weapons were already set up. The expression on their faces was somewhat confused.

"Bug, won't you not lead the Terminator at all?"

Subsequently, the machine gunners in the team looked at the scouts in the team with some skepticism.

"Rely, who said, Lao Tzu risked his life to lead the Terminator, you tm dare to question..."

In this four-squad, the most ugly scout player looks good.

"Don't be guilty!"

"According to our rehearsal procedures, we can definitely lead the Terminator, and only one will attract one at a time. With our combat power, we can easily solve it.

"A successful retreat before the rest of the Terminator catches up!"

In the ranks, the leader of a heavy armor with a height of more than two meters, said to resolve the two humanities.

"Will, the Terminator got orders in the middle and ran to block the big players who attacked their nest!"

"Really, are we really not going to the Terminator's machinery factory?"

The last fire system controller in the team raised a possibility.

"What will you go?"

"The president is right. If we participate in this action, 90% of the time may become cannon fodder. It is useless to get more points and die."

"Not to mention, to earn points, in this way, the same can be used to brush the Terminator."

"Not to mention, in the event that those who have great powers are completely annihilated in the battle with the Terminator, we will be judged to win directly in the end, and even winning the championship is not impossible!"

A machine gunner with a gray-black heavy-duty electromagnetic machine gun in front of him, when he said this, his face showed a smug smile.


Suddenly, under the head of his laughing head, the neck part showed a line without warning.

The next moment, the color of the line quickly turns red.



Accompanied by the brain that was struck by the blood rushing from the arteries, there was also the white light of death that also rushed.


The fire controller is also very fast.

Because the energy shield is prepared for the Terminator, it is placed on your body in an instant, and the surrounding body is backwards, which is separated from the position of the machine gunner.


Just, the next second.

The defensive ability does not calculate the color of the fire energy shield shattered, and then his body directly from the chest position to break the waist.

After that, it is the same death white light as the machine gunner!

"what's the situation?"

Seeing the two white lights that appeared in succession, the scout players felt a cold feeling from the bones.

Quickly turn on the acceleration skill and rush toward the steep **** next to it.


In the air, a knife flashed silently.

The scouts players are still running, but they feel their visions spinning around.

The last moment of the picture is the half body that is still running to the front, and the white light that accompanied the death, the body is full of orange light, turned into a spoiled equipment.

"Damn, who is it!"

All this, the speed of the happening is too fast, the whole process is less than five seconds.

There is only one person in the heavy armored warrior, each with his own shield and alloy sword, and his mouth is screaming.

However, the face under the helmet mask is obviously sweating.

Almost everyone has already gathered a full set of legendary equipment until now.

Under this circumstance, the three companions did not have any resistance to being spiked at all, but the enemy did not even reveal their faces.

If he didn't know that there could be no ghosts in the game, he would definitely think that this was not done by people.

And just because I know that there are no ghosts in the game, I am more alert and timid.

A legendary armor with a total value of hundreds of millions of credits can't bring him any sense of security!


Therefore, in the two sentences, even open the skills, so that the original force fluctuations are still not seen in the shadow of the four weeks.

The only remaining heavy armored soldier suddenly turned around and started to have reached the "charge" skill given by the expert, and did not return to the side of the woods.


Just as this heavy armored soldier has stepped into the woods and feels safe.

Suddenly, he felt his vision dim.

In the woods in front, I don't know when all the trees are covered with a black flame.

Surprisingly, these black flames, like the souls that devour the soul, do not have any temperature. It seems that these burning trees do not cause any harm.

"-3000, -3000, -3000..."

However, he rushed into the black flame, but found that his head had a terrible high damage value.

In order to prevent the strange invisible attack from the outside and open the original force skills, the super high physical and energy defenses are given, as if there is no effect!


And before I even waited in my heart, the heavy armored soldier turned and quit.

A black and red sword burning with black flames has already rushed out of the field of vision obscured by the black flame.

With an icy impact, it runs directly through his head!


The light emitted by the various legendary equipment on the heavy armor who fell to the ground with death seemed to be blackened by these black flames.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

A figure shrouded in a black women's armor, holding a burning red-black sword in his hand, surrounded by a black flaming flame that distort the air and walked out of the woods.

"Hey, come back so fast?"

At the side of the scout player, the figure was revealed, and he reached out and picked up a canned young man from the ground.

Looking at this female player who can't see the appearance, but whose identity is obvious, the expression has some irritability and coldness!

"I have said, my goal is not you, but the leaves of the wind, you are still chasing me for half a month. It seems that the rumors of the forum are really not fake, and the relationship between you and the leaves of the wind is not normal. ""

While quickly lifting up the long and narrow knife, he blocked the black-red sword that swayed down toward the black woman who rushed over, and the young man said in his mouth.


The long sword and the knives collide with each other, and the speed is too fast to see clearly.

In the air, only a burst of intensive metal crossfire was heard.

"Call... Your strength is not under the leaves of the wind. You can also pass the hound, and it’s really a big worry for the city that never sleeps!"

"It looks like you want to occupy the top two in this competition!"

However, from the clash of the confrontation, it was more than a dozen meters away, and the youth in the voice was slightly breathing.

You can know who this round of confrontation is.

"Hey, if it’s not for you to have a range of attack capabilities, you’ve already died ten times!”

Then, with the last blow back, the figure of the Taidao youth who just jumped off the steep **** dissipated in the air.

In the air, there is only one sound that goes away.


The woman shrouded in the black armor did not speak out from beginning to end.

The toe picks up a nutrient that the machine gunner bursts out and picks it up in the hand. The figure also jumps downhill and chases away in the direction of the sound.

The speed of the two is very fast, not at all!

From the beginning of the machine gunners to the death, to the final black armor woman, the whole process is not even more than half a minute.

Just behind him, a few look quite miserable, with straight eyes in front of him with unconfirmed players.

These people obviously didn't think that they just wanted to come out and kill a Terminator. The result was that they were killed by two people who suddenly popped out like cutting vegetables.

Originally thought that everyone is awakening the original force, and now is also a legendary equipment, in the absence of any pets, the combat power will not have much difference.

However, the fact is like telling them about their faces, how big the gap between real top players and them is!

I am looking forward to the idea that those people and the Terminator will lose both sides and then go to the cheaper champions. It is estimated that they are no better than the frogs who are sitting on the ground.

"No, it's the Terminator!"

Even after a few minutes, the small forces they belonged to automatically passed through the reinforcement signals from the guild channel before they died.

Instead, it was encountered with the same terminator team that was also "reinforced".

As a result, after twenty minutes, the people in the station after the one-on-one were all wiped out.

"Call... hateful, every one of these imprints can't be dispelled, and completely stealth and sorrow can be consumed very much. There is no way to keep it all the time. Although it can run away, it is not long after she is caught up by her. ""

"The woman's experience is also terrible. For half a month, she didn't reveal any flaws, so I didn't even have the chance to kill her in stealth."

At that time, the young man who had moved to a distance of ten kilometers from here and stopped on a hill to reveal his figure was slightly pale and tired.

The black armor woman is a warrior, and he is an assassin. The frontal confrontation itself is not the opponent of the other party.

And for half a month's time to fight, even if the original force is restored, the state of physical and mental strength has already had some exhaustion.

"Call... It’s really annoying. If it’s not this woman who has been entangled, I can definitely brush the score to the top three or even the first!”

"Which is like now, even the first 100 are not... no, you have to think of a way, even if you don't get the first, you have to complete the task."

The face of the Taidao youth is heavy and his eyes are cold.

"Well? The information of the public channel... the base of the attacking terminator, and the coordinates of the base... It is called by the people of the night city!"

"Good, so to say, the leaves of the wind will definitely go..."

"Everyone's solitude is different. My secluded energy is limited by the phoenix, but it is impossible for the leaves of the wind to have this range of solitude!"

“The ability to be completely invisible, without any real attack and volatility revealing the true 'invisible' solitude, with the ‘artifact’ level epic weapon that increases power with stealth time!”

"The leaves of the wind, can you hold it?"

On the face of the Taidao youth, the triangular eyes flashed a bit.

"Finally, do you do something right!"

Outside the arena, through some means, has been separated from the virtual cabin of the wood, is sitting in the North City sk guild headquarters that has not been affected by the war, through the floating screen to watch the game.

"Mu Shao, the people of the Longyan Mercenary Group have sent information. They have cleared all the stagnation sites on the west side of the city that never sleeps. Now they have arranged for people to march toward Oasis Town!"

At this time, on the communication screen that was transmitted by the "Skynet" system in front of him, the head of the middle-aged person appeared.

"Tell them that the game is about to end."

"If I can get the Oasis Town before I can finish, I will give them another 200 million!"

Wood looked at the game screen on the screen that had switched to the perspective of the team that never sleeps, and said calmly.

More than 4,000 words, um, don’t open it, barely be a double...

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