Fatal Shot

Chapter 1131: Powerful Terminator Army


A head-sized impact shell, with an oppressive wind, crashed into the ranks of the Terminator army.


First, a t-950 terminator was directly cut into two pieces, and then bounced up on its wreck, hitting another t-800.

Finally, the t-800, which was completely flattened by the metal skeleton of the chest, was slammed into the bottom of a z-990 behind it with a spark.


The wind fell on the side of a thunder, and the "windrunner-v" in the form of a sniper rifle was separated by more than a thousand meters.

A red light is emitted from the eyes of the skull of the metal skull on the side of the battlefield, rushing toward the melee team in front of the city that never sleeps, and the core of the t-800 is ready to be destroyed.

With a sniper bullet that destroys the solstice, it also penetrates the head of another Terminator behind it.

Leaving a bullet that was swept by the high speed, the red hole was rubbed!


This battlefield is only five kilometers away from the Machinery City.

Even if you stand on the shoulders of five Thors over 20 meters, you can completely cross the middle of the woods and hills to see that under the already west sunset, full of metal feeling, is constantly moving in all directions. The "mechanical city" of the Terminator army that has been assembled in a hurry.

The guild joint team that the night city belongs to has encountered the most stubborn blockade since the game and fell into the first truly extremely difficult battle.


A final terminator model of a quasi-boss-class red missile launcher from the Terminator camp. The incendiary bomb with a white flame that is shot in the air passes over the front line of the front fighters and squats directly from the air. Got a bunch of obstacles made up of off-road vehicles.

Then, turn the area within about 20 meters into a tumultuous sea of ​​fire!

"-7293, -6049, -5384, -6079..."

"-2000, -2000, -2000..."

The place that was hit was the position of a guild controller.

In the case of this range of attack attacks in the scope of the quasi-boss level, a series of death white light emerges directly.

Even three of the fire control divisions who are good at "playing with fire" rely on their own high-fire resistance to attack this scorpion. In the face of this kind of explosion, the damage caused by burning is also full of blood and only blood. skin.

"Porphyrin, porphyrin, porphyrin, 咻..."

"-534, -546, -523, -550..."

And they rushed out of the sea of ​​fire, but they had not had time to make up the blood, they were hit by a series of blue energy bullets, all of them fell to the ground!

"Zizi, nourish..."

The Terminator t-950, which holds two technical-style machine guns at the same time, after killing the fire controllers, held two new-type weapon machine guns in their hands that did not need to consider heating problems.

In one second, he shot more than 500 rounds of bright blue energy bullets, directly driving a legendary machine gun, trying to make a bunch of penetrations with the legendary tactical vests of the machine gunners. Sexual bullet holes.

Combat uniforms, gloves, and boots are torn into pieces by the impact of bullets, and the blood volume drops like a flood.


Before the player's blood volume was cleared, the pet had already dropped its pet one step ahead, one flying creature with a bat like an enlarged version.

The reason why it is a bit like this is because this wing has a large bat that is more than two meters wide. The whole body is like a thing that has been cut into two halves by what, and the internal organs are scattered for the next moment. One body.


A high-speed sound broke through the sky, from the position of the sky where the big bat pet fell, and hit another lead-like mutant flying pet that looked like a pterosaur, which was over ten meters in diameter and covered with a layer. The top of the small scales of the meat wings!


The pterosaur was hard enough to smash the flesh of the submachine gun bullet and was torn out of a wound that was more than a meter long.

Blood rushes out like rain, and these blood, also a vaguely fuss-shaped flight unit, about a line of more than a meter of flying units to outline a little.

This is a new one on the battlefield, a light-speed terminator "k-550 (elite)" with complete invisibility.

Although it is only an elite, and the level is only 55, this kind of terminator has a high-frequency vibration mechanical blade, with a flight structure that can be greatly deformed, can easily cut off the wings of a flying pet or even the neck!


After seeing the k-550, which was visualized by his own blood, the injured pterosaur roared angrily.

Shaking up the body and chasing it up, the fleshy wing with the claws growing in the middle of the roll, directly holding the k-550 and holding it on the body.

In spite of this, he fell down and tried to use his claws to directly tear the things that hurt him into pieces.


However, the k-550, which was immediately wrapped in its flesh, flashed red.

The next moment, the angry pterosaurs were directly blasted at close range to completely smash the meat wings, and even the abdomen was blown out by a piece of a penetrating blood hole.

There was a pile of debris on the body, falling from the air and screaming down!

This is the trouble of this k-550, even if it encounters a target that it can not directly cut, the close-range self-explosion can completely kill a pet unit almost full of blood.

Originally under the five Raytheon Javelin missiles, there were already a few flying pets of the participating players. Under these assassin-type flying units, which are also devastating and self-destructive, they are close to the whole army!


When the huge body of the pterosaur fell to the ground with a lot of blood, the one on the grass on the edge of the battlefield below, the luxury off-road vehicle that did not know who was thrown away, almost collapsed.


Next to this luxury off-road vehicle, another defensive off-road vehicle with a larger player structure is carrying several injured players and retreating towards the back of the battlefield around the grass at the edge of the road.

Under the interference of various things, there was no notice that there was something under the ground in the grass next to it that was moving at high speed.

The grass is shaking, and the soil is arched out.


The arch line finally broke straight into the underside of the off-road vehicle, and then slammed the ground onto the chassis of the off-road vehicle.

The next moment, a loud bang banged under the bulletproof off-road vehicle that was driving.


A lot of mud flew, and the black smoke and the burning grass clippings floated into the sky.

As well, the fragile chassis broke open an exaggerated hole, which is more fierce than the body of a pterosaur that has died from excessive blood loss. The above-mentioned several blood-slaughter players have already lost their lives in the off-road vehicles, becoming the battlefield of this moment. A very common corner on the screen.

This is a kind of d-600 elite "mine" terminator who has the ability to drill the earth and can move like a torpedo in the water.

More than ten new Terminator units have appeared on this battlefield.

Because many of them have never been seen before, in the case of insufficient data and preparation, an elite Terminator can replace a full set of legendary equipment players.

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