Fatal Shot

Chapter 1136: Spades A, matrix!

"Is it wrong?"

The wind's thinking is running at high speed, and I guess what happened in a flash.

“The president is careful, there are some accidents in the plan.”

"The fire of just ten seconds really succeeded in destroying its key position support, but the interior of this mechanical octopus has been modified and not directly damaged."

"Plus that it has a lot of ground computing and energy cores, there should be a big counterattack before the metal liquid melts its own 'visceral'!"

Because of the protection of the demon armor, it is still not destroyed in the communicator under the power of the cloud bomb.

There was some anxious voice from Muzi.

However, this reminder has come a little late.

Before the explosion of the cloud bomb, the perception of the wind was greatly affected, and the mastery of the entire battle was reduced to a minimum.

Therefore, there is no first time to feel the attack of these "metal magma bombs"!

I have to say that he used a shot from the "Stunning Sniper Gun" and the destructive power of the performance was a bit too strong.

In the operational program of the mechanical octopus that is about to be destroyed.

Obviously, his threat sequence is even ranked above the thunder of the fire that destroyed its key parts!


"be careful!"

Seeing this situation, many people in the audience felt their heart beat to the eyes of the blind.

"This time, can you still die?"

The people of the joint forces are more complex and feel a certain hope again.

If it is said, the missiles issued by the quasi-boss-class mechanical units cannot kill the wind. So what about boss-level attacks?

This is the attack of the top boss of level 79!


These things are slow to say, in fact, the whole process is only two or three seconds.

Among the gaze of the participants and the players watching the game, the five shots of the magma bombs that have become more red due to the high temperature molten metal inside have already rushed to the position of about 150 meters away from the wind.

Even with the wind force's original force field and the "eye of the true god", combined with the "field" formed by the life of the original worm, facing this kind of weight, it will definitely reach a few tons of super cannonballs, and it is absolutely impossible to stop. under.

This distance is too close, even if it is his physical spirituality, it is not enough to react to avoid.

Moreover, the wings formed by the devil's life protozoa were also destroyed by the cloud bomb.

At this time, even though he is fully moving speed, he wants to completely avoid the five inventions. The mechanical octopus boss has undergone meticulous calculations, and there is not much possibility of blocking the huge "cannonballs" of all his moving paths!

However, although the body is somewhat slow, the mental strength is still working.


Two mysterious playing cards instantly appeared on the chest of the wind, and one of the cards on the left flew directly toward the metal magma at the speed of the bullet.

At the same time, the wind directly dissipates the floating ability of the demon wings, allowing the body to fall freely.


The speed that was driven by the mental power was instantly raised to the extreme, and the playing cards that flew in the air quickly became transparent and showed a **** pattern occupying one-third of the poker.

"Spades a!"

At the beginning, Xiaoluo Shui was seeking the "Eternal Life Project" cooperation, and he found the mysterious poker "a card" of the wind system!

This wind-based playing card exudes a rapidly expanding force fluctuation during the flight.

At the same time, the translucent light blue color of the body, the emerging wind energy condenses some horizontal and vertical lines.

Then, these lines vibrate at high frequency in the fluctuation of the original force, and actually rushed out from the poker, forming a nearly transparent rectangular cube structure in the air.


This process is completed in just a fraction of a second.

In the case of relative flight between each other, almost at the moment of the three-dimensional "momentary cube" molding, the first "metal magma bomb" of the spades a on the head is about 30 meters. The position hits.


The next moment, the **** a was drilled from the “metal magma bomb” and the rectangular structure was drilled.

The "metal magma bomb" continues to rush toward the wind, and the trajectory of the ballistics is clearly intersected with the falling wind!

[Spades a]

Additional skill matrix!

This "matrix" is certainly not the one in the mathematical sense, but the real "matrix" in physics.

The "rectangular" structure consisting of high-frequency vibrational wind energy particles similar to waterjets and lasers can easily cut through the advanced alloys that reach the b-level.

While the "metal magma bomb" is amazing, the surface of the shell is obviously impossible to use the rare high-grade alloys that make legendary equipment.

Therefore, when "Spades a" rushed through the force fluctuations, the "metal magma bomb" was covered with dozens of neat lines, and it began to exude strong heat and brightening white. "Light marks"!

Because the brightness is too high, it looks like a "flare" on the surface of the sun on a scientific model.

Of course, this "flare" is very neat and full of the neat beauty of mathematics.



The wind falling during the falling process was directly hit by the "metal magma bomb" with the lowest angle to the chest and abdomen.

On the surface, a "metal magma" that has appeared more than a centimeter of "light marks" hits the wind and shroud in the stun shield and the demon armor. It looks like when the meteorite hits the ground. , fried into countless parts.

What's more, on the surface of the black armor, a smouldering flame!


"-12, -11, -14..."

However, if the complete "metal magma bomb" is hit, the wind may indeed be injured.

However, in the face of these attacks, which are actually equivalent to a pile of scattered liquid after being cut by the "matrix", this level of attack, with the demon armor's flame and high temperature resistance and physical defense ability, obviously does not have Too big a problem.

"It's okay?"

While looking at the attack by the top boss, I hit a positive front, and even a lot of flames on the surface of the body, the damage on the head only a few thousand points.

And when there is no more meaningful temperature burning value, some of the players who are full of hope, can not help but feel disappointed again.


However, although the direct attack on the mechanical octopus boss, but the wind fell, but did not escape the danger.

Because, just after he appeared from the cloud bombing area, the terminator with long-range attack capability on the battlefield, even more than one-tenth suddenly abandoned the opponent, and turned the target of the attack into the air. The wind is falling during the process of falling.

The flight terminator units in the sky were once again shooting toward him and carrying out a second round of firepower strikes.

"Hey, hey!"

Even the opposite is already on the verge of destruction. Most of the internal structure has been melted by its own magma. Only the mechanical octopus x-999, which is only the last turret, is completely discarded. For the rest and only one is left. The attack of the thunder god, the gun is aimed at the direction of the falling wind.

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