Fatal Shot

Chapter 1143: Change!

"Lushi Group, may be finished..."

The people of the Jiuxing Guild team came to this side, but the first thing that came to the city that never sleeps was Lu Chen. Fiction.

Lu Chen’s look, led by the little demon, was decadent and looked at the complex look of the face of her husband.

"Lao Wu, let's talk about it..."

The wind that stood with the animal husbandry nodded to the animal husbandry and turned away.

Of course, he guessed what Lu Chen’s attitude of pulling down his face at this time should be.

Although the city that never sleeps is no longer the Lu's group, the relationship between the animal husbandry and the big boss is inseparable.

On the decision of the pastoralist, he will support it to a certain extent.

And leaving the space to the two is also because if the animal husbandry is really ready to make a choice.

You can also push the reason to him. After all, he is the "big boss" of the city that never sleeps.

However, the wind knows that it is estimated that the character of the animal husbandry will not really "see the death and not save."

After all, the big boss is very good for him. If the Lu’s group goes bankrupt, it also represents the life of a big boss who is still seriously ill at this time.

This is even what he doesn't want to see!


When the wind fell away, the eyes were unintentionally swept over the ring of the black ring in Lu Chen’s hand.

During the process, the line of sight was slightly unstoppable for a few tenths of a second.

Because this legendary ring jewel exudes colorful light, far more eye-catching than ordinary legendary equipment, obviously a lucky attribute equipment.

However, Lu Chen’s luck today is obviously good, and even the old nest is almost gone.

Of course, the reason why the wind fell will be noticed, mainly because this ring is too similar to the manufacturing style of his own "lucky ring".

The most important thing is that even the jewels inlaid on the ring are small, but with his sight, the complete details are observed in a flash.

It also has traces of cutting, so it is inevitable to pay more attention to it.

And although it is just a glimpse.

However, with the eyesight and memory ability of the wind, the shape of the gem has been completely recorded in the head.


"Since the people of Jiuxing want to join, we simply let them go out and test it!"

When the wind fell to a few high-end players around the city, the big pineapple was making a bad idea.

"Although I want to do this, but the relationship between Jiuxing and us is not bad, it is not worth the loss. If it is a September person, it can be considered..."

The night is like considering his advice.

"Don't be kidding, now you have to talk about what tactics to use quickly!"

Long Yuan frowned, and for the immediate situation, it is obviously a bit unpredictable.


At this time, in the eyes of everyone, a long list of garbled characters was refreshed.

"Right, I almost forgot, we are hanging!"

The big pineapple first smashed, then slammed his head and turned his head very much to look at the digital cat.

"This said let us not wait any longer, and immediately attack the base of the Terminator!"

The digital cat frowned slightly, seemingly confused, but then stared at the garbled on the tip and quickly translated.

"Because the Terminators in the Machinery City are now assembling their own chips and loading them onto some large, heavy mechanical units."

"Once completed, in the face of these high-end finishers with heavy armor and mechanical city protection, there are not many heavy weapons, and we will not be able to pose too much threat to them at that time."

And with her translation, an individual has changed his face.

"Rely, no wonder, I will say how these Terminators will open the door so much, not to defend, it really has a conspiracy!"

The big pineapple shouted with a big voice.

This situation is indeed unexpected, and there are some serious!

If the main enemy is the t-800, the small terminator of the evil-fire chariot, the light weapons in the player's hand can also cause good damage.

However, if all are the targets of Raytheon and even giant mechanical octopus.

With the player's weapon, if you do not open the original force skills, you can only be itchy!

"But, are all rushing into the base, will it be dangerous? In case the whole base city comes to a blast, everyone has finished playing."

Looking at the digital cat at night, I asked.

"There is an explanation above, let us not worry, this machine city is purely modified and manufacturing workshop, and there is no excessive defense method. Otherwise, there is no suitable weapon, and we are impossible to destroy even more people. ""

"However, from the structural maps they passed down, there are many ammunition bins in the entire machinery city. Once they are detonated in battle, the danger is definitely there!"

"As a result, in the process of destroying the Machinery City, the most powerful forces will receive double rewards!"

The digital cat translated everything.

After leaving the city that never sleeps for a while, I called the sister again.

In the end, I got an inevitable result, attack!

No way, double the reward, this trick is too embarrassing.

This means that if properly manipulated, it is likely that one is only in the tenth guild, because this battle directly rushed to the first place!

Not only the night-time city and the newly-joined nine-star guild team, but also the world group that also cracked the garbled information, and because the distance between them is very close, the other two can get the news directly through the public channel, or some secret hand. Big forces.

After all preparing for a while, they rushed to the still-quiet mechanical city!


"What happened, how did they rush to the Machinery City?"

Beyond the arena, the Death Desert, the underground city, and the s-class confidential "God" project research base.

The white hair has become messy because of the long absence of rest, and the yellow-haired old man np, who is wearing a professor of scientific glasses, points to the screen on the monitor screen and is roaring in his face.

"Don't let you send them a message, let them wait a minute?"

Next to it, a middle-aged np researcher rushed to a young np researcher.

"I don't know, I sent it according to what you said, but they don't know how to interpret it differently than we did. It's clear that there is no problem!"

Young np researchers are sweating all over their heads, and their fingers are constantly being manipulated on the instrument to keep sending messages.

However, the players on the screen, however, seem to have no information at all, continue to rush toward the Machinery City, and someone has entered the front!

"No, our main brain permissions are disturbed, and the information cannot be transmitted!"

At this time, another scientist looked at a series of data from the game service, and exclaimed loudly.

"Professor Brown, or else, let's stop the experiment!"

An older white np researcher is somewhat cautious about the old man of the yellow race.

"No, the spiritual link system is still running. At this time, at least three adults will die!"

The old professor's appearance of the yellow man np in the old man's mouth violently refused, anxiously paced back and forth in the same place.

"Bad, it is clear that the purpose of this invasion procedure should be to create a **** plan, but why did it create a wide range of spiritual links, but damnly not release the cohesive spirit through the links to these adventurers.

"In this case, what should I do with my god-making plan?!"

Np old man's heart is very puzzled, more worried about his future.

This time, using huge manpower and material resources, I have not done so much, but I have not been able to get any experimental results...

It is very likely that the God-making plan will be completely terminated.

I have worked hard for so long, and the road to promotion is ruined!

"It's over, it's all over!"

With the experimental base, the atmosphere of panic.

On the screen, the four major players, except for a few left outside, have all rushed to the Machinery City!

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