Fatal Shot

Chapter 1145: Close the door and throw a bomb!


The black 10-meter mechanical crab in high-speed movement hit a yellow energy earth wall with almost the same height. Fiction.

The next moment, the yellow earth's energy earth wall, was directly hit by a huge gap, and then the mechanical big crab's figure almost did not slow down, and continued to approach the position of everyone in the city!

"Hey, hey!"

"Da da da……"

In the no-night city team, the attack initiated by the player fell to this level 50 quasi-boss-class mechanical big crab, but it did not react much!


The scouts and even the bullets fired by the machine gunners using legendary weapons, all without the incidental force, are directly splashed by the flat, but convex, bionic shell on the mechanical crab. Raise a bunch of Mars to express it.

Even if the original force is launched to shoot the special seed bomb, it is only embedded in the metal carapace, and it is only a few centimeters away.

And this is undoubtedly not enough for the quasi-boss mechanical crab with at least 50 cm thickness of "shell" under the night talent detection!


Suddenly, a fierce shooting sound rang on the battlefield.

A large-caliber sniper bullet shrouded in golden light, such as the same heavy hammer, hit the abdomen position of the front of the mechanical big crab.


The legendary sniper rifle in the hands of watermelon rind was sold at the expense of his talents. With the a-level armored bullet, it was the first time in the abdomen position of the boss mechanical crab, which made a full bowl size. The hole!

However, this is also the limit of these weapons in the hands of players.

However, even with the destructive ability of the watermelon skin, it is only a heavy metal "shell" that runs through the large mechanical crabs, and it is barely damaged to a surface structure of about the size of the fist.

However, compared to the quasi-boss unit, that is a much larger volume than a large off-road vehicle. This small piece of damage is obviously insignificant.


On the contrary, the sharp attack of watermelon rind immediately increased the threat level in the quasi-boss mechanical crab computing program that was attacked.

"Zizi, nourish, nourish..."

In the next moment, the head position of the mechanical big crab rushed out a large number of pure energy bullets in red with a short column, flying towards the position of the watermelon rind.

"-1139, -1098, -1140, -1154..."

The killing power of these pure energy bullets after a distance of 100 meters is still very good.

Even if the watermelon rind is full of legendary equipment, and it is expected that the defensive skills will be activated during the attack, the few hits in the instant are still killing thousands of damage.

If it wasn't for him, he would immediately be hidden behind the legendary shield that was responsible for protecting his heavy armored warrior. It would probably be directly killed.


The heavy armored warrior opened the original force of his legendary shield. The shield was covered with a layer of substantial golden light. When it was shot by the red energy bullet, it radiated like a water, violently fluctuation!

Fortunately, these attacks are pure energy attacks, which are greatly weakened by the force field.

Otherwise, he is absolutely unable to eat.

While the quasi-boss mechanical crabs launched a remote energy attack in the upper main structure, the eight metal legs below did not stop.

With a variety of ineffective bullets and energy attacks, continue to rush to the night city team.

"You have to stop them!"

This is undoubtedly a crisis.

You should know that this kind of mechanical crab is in the evaluation of reconnaissance, but specifically mentioned "high melee attack."

The remote ability that has not been mentioned at all is so powerful that it is really close to the player team to launch a melee attack, and that's it!

Just, how to stop it?

Even Zhao Yun’s single-person strength can be regarded as the earth wall created by the top earthen controllers of super-masters. Is there no blocking ability for these heavy-duty quasi-boss?

As a quasi-boss unit of level 50, this performance seems to be too strong.


Suddenly, in front of the first boss mechanical big crab, there is another energy earth wall on the ground.

The translucent earthy energy wall exudes the fluctuations of the Force, completely blocking the angle of the mechanical big crab energy weapon.

In the no-night city team, Zhao Yun’s face is dignified, and the three-dimensional projection on the interface of the energy converter in the hand reveals several skill models being constructed.

"Zizi, nourish, nourish..."

It seems that the program has judged the defensive ability of the energy earth wall through the first collision.

The large mechanical large crab of the quasi-boss does not decelerate at all, and the tall mechanical body in motion continues to collide with the energy earth wall in front!


In the next moment, the surface of the earth wall formed by energy is extinguished for a while.

However, this time it is not moving at all!

On the contrary, the quasi-boss mechanical crab in the impact, but it seems to be subject to strong anti-shock strength, more than ten tons of heavyweight body, and some of them have set foot on the ground.


Not only that, but behind the four quasi-boss mechanical crabs, the earthen energy wall that was continuously knocked out of the gap was restored in an instant.

In conjunction with the relatively tall metal buildings on both sides of the Machinery City, a four-sided cage was formed at once, and four quasi-boss mechanical units were all enclosed.


Subsequently, between the two front and rear soil energy walls, there was a sense of resonance on the original force.

A strong back force field was formed in the area, so that the speed of the three quasi-boss mechanical units that were still running was suddenly reduced.

Being able to compete with Jianhe’s long river, how could Zhao Yun be simple.

This hand-level "energy condensing" skill, in conjunction with the equipment bonus, even trapped four high-speed moving quasi-boss-class mechanical crabs all at once.


There is no need for several commanders to say more.

All the rest are masters of the night city who are masters, and immediately realize that they can't be lost.


Behind the digital cat, the one-of-a-kind Raytheon and the other 80% repaired Raytheon released eight Javelin missiles in a flash and crossed a slightly curved path in the air. Over the energy earth wall, directly bombarded several large quasi-boss terminator units trapped.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

Followed by a few large electromagnetic bombs, they were thrown into the energy earth wall by the players of the city that never sleeped.

I have to say that using the t-1000 to control Raytheon is indeed the most correct choice.

The conventional attack method of the player at the current stage is really difficult to damage the quasi-boss terminator unit of this large thick armor.

In the absence of damage, even electromagnetic bombs will not produce too good results, after all, their large body is enough to place protection against electromagnetic attacks.

In fact, even the small t-800 terminators themselves have electromagnetic protection.

For example, the layer of camouflaged artificial skin on the surface is the best means of isolation.

The ability to directly use electromagnetic bombs has affected the “latent” human-type terminators, also because they are semi-finished products.

However, in the case of being "smashed" by the javelin missile, the electromagnetic bomb was hit again in succession, but the effect was completely different by the impact of the electromagnetic bomb.


The powerful current generated by the electromagnetic bomb that broke into several mechanical crabs turned the player's vision into a blue and white.

After the light beam of the electromagnetic explosion, the first bullet-sized mechanical crab that was hit by four rounds of javelin missiles was in a state of paralysis, and several holes were bombarded by javelin missiles. There is a constant flash of light, and it is black smoke outside!

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