Fatal Shot

Chapter 798: Electromagnetic rolling

[z-382 test model combat machine, level 38 · elite...]

These red metal trenches are all below level 40. Although they are all elite units, their attack and destruction capabilities are far less powerful than those of advanced units.

Therefore, the command of death roaring is undoubtedly correct.

However, it is clear that the test area monitors the management npc of everyone through the tracking instrument.

Obviously it is impossible to prepare for such a game, but it is impossible to pose a threat to the player. Instead, it is a battle to send points and permissions!

"Puff puff……"

Just as the team did not slow down, or even the group accelerated, trying to quickly break through the slopes on both sides.

On the edge of the low slopes on both sides, the sand also suddenly flew, and then jumped out of the black discs, about twenty centimeters in diameter and five centimeters in height.

Subsequently, the discs flew directly into the air and then fell, and all of them erected on the middle road, and then quickly rolled onto the path of the team.


In the case of the first few cars, there was no way to avoid them in time, and they rushed straight up.

Even if it is too late to avoid the estimation, it is useless, because the discs are like magnets attracted by off-road vehicles, all of which are sucked toward the vehicle body and chassis when the off-road vehicle passes by!

"Boom, boom ......"

Then, the discs that were attached to the body actually exploded directly, bursting into metal fragments of numerous bullets and a blue-and-white electromagnetic field that affected the energy engine.

"It's everyone's caution, this is electromagnetic rolling. They have an energy engine sensing system, don't get them sucked into the engine!"

A Scout player of the World Group, shouting in a hurry.

These discs are attracted by the energy-guided energy field and are automatically sucked toward the off-road vehicle.

It’s good luck to get these discs in the middle of the car, and it’s a hole.

However, if it is sucked up on the engine and then blasted, then the consequences...


In front of the wind, blue and black smoke appeared on the off-road engine that was moving at high speed.

Then suddenly lost control, chaotic movements left and right, and even the other off-road vehicle next to it, but naturally the speed suddenly dropped to the extreme.

"I rely, be careful!"

Zhao Yun’s eyes have been rushing to set up a soil energy shield on his body. The name of the shell **** is not a name.

Even if it hits, he can definitely protect himself with his defense!

"Sit steady!"

The wind and the eyes are equally condensed.

This distance, even if he is very good at manipulating the silver sword, it is impossible to stop the car from hitting it in time.

What's more, even if it is a brake, it is not safe, because his car is in the middle of the team, the car behind it may not be able to stop, and there are still many rolling mines on the road.

Therefore, the wind does not consider parking.

Instead, after yelling to remind Zhao Yun, the arm and the body directly exerted their strength.

Burst point, trigger!


A powerful force that is definitely not a player of the Gunners will drive the "Silver Sword Vi" with a weight of more than one ton.

The next moment, under the high speed, the sci-fi style "Silver Sword iv" directly rose from the ground, crossed the unsold off-road vehicle in front, and fell over a dozen meters to the side of a heavy armored vehicle.

"Mr. Feng?"

This one has been modified and thickened, even if it is continuously bombed by electromagnetic rolling, the heavy armored off-road vehicle has nothing to do with it. It is the death roar that sits on the back seat.

At this time, he was under the protection of two heavy armored soldiers with shields, and the machine guns from the off-road vehicle were used to control the red machine.

Suddenly, I felt a gust of wind passing by. The wind and Zhao Yun were riding in front of him with an energy motorcycle.

Then the face smiled and nodded with the wind.

The wind fell on the helmet and couldn't see the expression, but he still nodded to death roar.


And just in this disc, it was attracted by the energy engine of Silver Sword, rolling and rushing from behind.

The wind fell but the head did not return. He took out a huge pistol with a large gun at the tip of the cannon and pulled it in the direction of the disc.


The original rolling disc, like being hit by a car, flew straight away.

Bounced on the ground several times and directly rolled back into the mud pit on the edge of the steep slope.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

Next, the wind's hand did not stop.

The single-handed hand manipulated the silver sword, and the other hand held the "warhammer 30k", continuously shooting against the rolling disc.

The close-range impact of "Trenches 30k" is super powerful, and it is not an energy weapon. Naturally, it is impossible to fear to attract these discs!

Individual discs are directly repelled when they are not close to the silver sword.

As for whether it was hit in the process of being knocked back to other people's car, in this case, it is naturally impossible to consider so much.


At this time, a normal off-road vehicle in front of the energy motorcycle suddenly burst into a blue-white electromagnetic group on the chassis.

Then the tires on one side were also blown off at the same time, and the off-road vehicle was on the road.


The wind shook his head.

The Silver Sword Vi had to vacate again and slammed over the off-road vehicle, which was more than two meters high, and rushed from the middle to the front of the team.

However, at this time, the front of the team has already rushed out of the canyon.

Although it ran to the front, the attack of the red 战斗-type fighting machine did not need to worry.

However, because it ran to the front.

The discs in the center of the road are attracted by the energy engine of the silver sword, and they are rushing toward the energy motorcycle.

At this time, relying on a "warhammer 30k" in the hand, it is completely impossible to defend all directions!

"Zhao Yun!"

The wind shouted.


Zhao Yunkou immediately replied that the energy converter in his hand had already illuminated.

Since the system was updated, the difficulty of releasing the skills of the controller in the mobile state has increased, and many guiding skills have even failed continuously.

However, Zhao Yun's technology is naturally top-notch, even in this state, the skills are absolutely guaranteed.


Strong energy fluctuations occurred. A huge high-speed strip of earthen energy stone stuck to the ground suddenly appeared in front of the energy motorcycle side. Like the shells that were ejected, they directly smashed or knocked down some of the disks that were washed.

Then, when you look at the off-road vehicle that you want to hit a side player, it is a kind of earth energy that is scattered directly from the air!

The signature skills of the soil control division, the energy shaping, is also the masterpiece of Zhao Yun.


Under the combination of Feng Li and Zhao Yun, the only energy motorcycle in this team was the first to rush out of this test ambush zone.

Then, it is a heavy-duty modified armored off-road vehicle that can not be bombed by electromagnetic rolling thunder, represented by Tianxia Group and Yuehuang Group.

Then, it is a counterattack!

After rushing through the blockade, the red scorpion fighting machine is still continually attacking.

However, it is obvious that in the case of only one side of the enemy, there is no need to worry too much, in the case of having a pile of off-road vehicles.

One by one players began to turn off the firepower, counterattack and take the points and permissions of these combat machines.

So many red dragon fighting machines, although low in level, can definitely provide a lot of test points.


The wind fell off the Death Wing from the stopped "Silver Vi" and turned to prepare for the attack.

"Try this!"

At this time, Zhao Yun’s energy converter flashed.

In front of the wind, there was a translucent yellow wall formed by the earth's energy, which completely protected him.

In front of the wall, it is left a square shooting position, the height is just enough to smash the sniper.

"This is... bunker?"

The wind looked at the energy shaping products that Zhao Yun made in two seconds, and put the wings of death on it. I feel that this skill is really quite interesting.

This is indeed a bit like a bunker, although it only has the first half, but it has the defensive capabilities of the bunker.

Even the energy ray and bullets fired from the opposite red mechanical trenches were only slightly faint after the hit, apparently full of defense.

Thus, the wind can easily attack!


The wind fell, and the bomb of the Deathwing was turned into a legendary magazine with a new type of bullet from Old John!

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