Fatal Shot

Chapter 813: Gorgeous results of mechanical winds (two in one)

The face of the past is really ugly, and the reason is not self-evident.

In particular, in fact, among the pedestrians of the Yuehuang Group, he was the first person to be attacked by mechanical wind.

Moreover, at the time, he had no time to react!

If it is not his legendary equipment with full body, the overall defense and even the blood volume are not inferior to the general heavy armored players.

Even, it is very likely that it was already killed by this mechanical wind to the second.

Because the sniper rifle's destructive ability and the attacking power of this mechanical wind are all terrible, and even the head of a full-fledged warrior player can be shot with one shot!

This makes the past feel really unbelievable.

Because compared to the rest of the players, they have a part of the hidden mission news as early as the World Group, they know the strength level of these "hunters" series of mechanical players.

These mechanical players are made with reference to the attack, basic attributes, and fighting styles that the player has shown in the test area!

In theory, their strength is similar to the real combat power of players.

However, in fact, because the mechanical unit is definitely not the original force, there is no skill, and the ability to respond is certainly not as good as the player.

So, really speaking, it is still inferior to the player himself, only about 80% of the strength!

"But, is this mechanical wind leaf really only 80% strong?"

"The extent of speed, attack power, the degree of shooting? Even ... is still weakened!"

The past whispered in the air, and the heart jumped twice.

He is more confident and knows that even after he has awakened the Force, his strength may not be able to be said to be enhanced to such an extent.

As one of the best guilds in the capital city, the Yuehuang Group is not a player who does not awaken the Force.

Therefore, he clearly understands how much the Force can lift himself.

From the circumstances of this war, even though he awakened the Force, he was able to beat the wind in the heads-up pk, and it is estimated that even 20% chance is not enough!

This probability is undoubtedly unacceptable to him who has always been conceited.

Because this is not only related to the title of "Aeolus", but also to the pride and ambition in his heart!

"In this case, there are two choices!"

"Either we continue to fight with him and risk the sniper to kill the leaves of this mechanical wind!"

"Either stay here and go out after dawn. He is a sniper, prevailing in this dark environment, but once in the day, the advantage will be biased towards us!"

On the other hand, the Yan Dance, which competes with the wind in the past, competes with the top players of the Moonlight Association. At this time, it does not show the gloating mood.

Instead, the face under the white mist is also somewhat serious.

"Go out! It's just a mechanical monster, but there are more than a dozen people. If you are really being alone, and you still have the imitation of the player, you can't dare to show up. If you pass it out, don't you lose face?"

"No, let's stay, if you die here, but there is no chance to re-enter. Even the points on the body will be emptied, or don't take risks, wait for the day!"

"Yes, I think it's better to stay better. This mechanical sniper's attack is too high. Even the light armor has an organic rate of seconds..."

"I think I still go out..."

If Yan Yan dances, all the players who have come back will talk about it.

However, the past has always been a word.

"We have no choice but to go out for a fight. Don't forget the purpose of our entry."

"In the past, I have found that the tracking devices installed on the death roaring of their party have not received any signals."

At this time, in the communicator connected to his headset, it was the sound of Yan Lan dance.

The communication instrument inside the Moonlight Association, in this a-level area, was not disturbed like other players.

Obviously, it is indeed a certain advantage.

"Death Roar!"

The past rises with the wind, and there is an angry color in the deep black eyes.

"He is absolutely deliberate, let the leaves of the wind join this action, this is not just counting me, but also counting our mission!"

"I suspect that even the leaves of this mechanical wind come here to delay us, and he has arranged it."

Later, there was a certain radiance in the eyes of the past.

“You mean, they have the ability to control these mechanical simulators? How is this possible?”

Listening to the sound of Yan dance, the face under the veil is frowning.

"No, of course there is this possibility!"

"There are too few people to qualify for the test and have to use these players to complete the task together, but they have long been able to get this hidden task to get so many people qualified."

"They have absolutely more information about this task than we do, and may not be able to do it... you don't forget what the publisher of this mission is!"

The past is with the wind but shaking his head, a sly expression.

"No, we really can't be trapped here!"

Next, what happened to the past, the face changed for a while, and finally showed a decisive look.

"Please listen to me first..."

Then, he looked up and his face was restored to his usual confidence and calmness.

"My opinion is to go out... Although this mechanical sniper has a high attack, I still have a light dance and there are still the original pharmacy and legendary equipment additional skills not used..."

"Our Yuehuang Group is willing to send people out to attract him, and then I and the light dance are responsible for the main attack. Everyone just needs to help him to contain him!"

"In addition, our scouts got a message. This mechanical wind leaves, in theory, is absolutely capable of exposing a-level authority!"

"Everyone is here, the goal is definitely to be able to redeem the a-level authority of the legendary equipment? This mechanical wind leaves can burst a level of authority, and he is definitely better than the quasi-boss ..."

"We guys are enough to kill him, not as many bosses as the quasi-boss can handle."

"And I promise that if we have a class A privilege, we will give you some equipment compensation."

"Everyone think about it, just over a dozen people, on average, the chances of getting a-level authority can be said to be quite high. And if you wait until tomorrow, you may have been robbed by another team!"

When the past is in the wind, it is introduced into the ears of everyone.

"A level of authority? Can actually burst a level of authority."

"Really? If it really can explode a-level authority, it is actually much simpler than playing a mechanical quasi-boss!"

"Go out! I agree, just fight with him now!"

"I agree!"


I have to say that the past is actually more powerful in this kind of leadership team than the first goddess who is so cold and cold.

He said something like this, the original group of players who were entangled in the entanglement, the eyes of each one are getting light.


In the past, the past was inaudible and sighed, and then over the head, in the internal channel, the voice of the elite players of the two-month guild.

"You two, go out and lure the enemy!"

The only remaining Yuehuang guild elite players face a look and look at each other.

At the end of the tooth bite, turned and rushed out, but after facing the past with the wind, the two faces did not look very good.



After more than ten minutes, the mechanical winds that were attached to the ice by the legendary equipment add-on skills, and finally destroyed the energy core under the alloy sword of a light armor warrior!

However, the price is the team of the Yuehuang Group, leaving only the last three people.

In addition to this light armored warrior, only the players who have swallowed the light and danced with the wind and the two legendary equipment survived.

This means that the mechanical version of the wind, with a total of one person, in this battle solved a full 18 elite players!

This is a group of real elite players, each of whom has at least most of the rare equipment in the body. Among them, there are four elite members of the Moonlight Group's four rare and rare equipments, and Yan Chao Dance and the past two superstar players.

Such a gorgeous "war", although the final mechanical wind is a failure.

But at this time, the past is going on with the wind, and it becomes more ugly on the face, but it is more like a complete loser.

"How could there be such a big gap... I have already used the original potion!"

In the past, the legendary energy robe of the chest touched the chest, and the heart position was smashed by a bullet, and the mouth was gnashing.

"His true strength is definitely beyond the information of the hound dog. The ranking on the strength list should not be in the top three positions among the top ten players!"

"I even think that he may be even stronger than death roar!"

Yan light dance chest slightly suffocating, the tone is also somewhat dignified.

She recalled the previous battle and felt completely unbelievable.

Especially according to the plan, an attacking talented light armored soldier of Yuehuang Group finally used the terrain and the restraint to rush to the side of the mechanical wind, everyone thought that it was already in the grip.

As a result, the light armored soldier with a full set of rare equipment was directly punched by the "mechanical wind" and was thrown back more than ten meters away. After hitting a wall, he directly vomited blood and was almost killed by a blow!

"How is it possible? The long-range attack will be fine. How can his melee be so strong?"

As a result, the players left at the time were immediately exclaimed again.

They don't know that the data collected by the "Terminator" simulators that make these players is based on the player's battle data today.

Today, when the wind fell on the road, although there was no real melee, there was a place where it showed power!

When the off-road vehicle is turned over, the energy motorcycle is lifted directly by the “burst point”, and the volley flies more than ten meters away!

The npc of the base naturally uses this power data as the latest battle data of the wind, and the battle style created in the previous test has generated the "Terminator Wind"!

As a result, the power and speed of this mechanical wind is even stronger than that of a full set of rare armored warriors.

Even, in fact, to some extent, it can be said that there are some "enhanced versions" of the taste of the wind!

Of course, it is only said that in terms of conventional strength and speed, it is true that there is no mechanical wind that destroys the solace and cures the original force. The strength is actually not as good as the wind.


"However, it is still solved!"

"We continue... well, first go to the team to find some teams and join them!"

The past has recovered from the ugly face with the wind, and then looked confidently at the team in addition to the Yan light dance, leaving only the last one to join the light armor warrior.

"That... with the wind... I don't want to continue!"

However, I just managed to get the final blow and got a light armor with a level of authority.

After a little hesitation, he shook his head in the past.

"what did you say?"

The face of the past was slightly changed, and he stared at him and asked.

"I have already got a level of authority and can redeem a legendary piece of equipment. Just wait for a while to get out of the battle and I can call the helicopter to leave with the tester!"

"And if you continue to act with you, if you die, you will lose your eligibility for redemption."

"The value of a legendary equipment, I really can't carelessly deal with... So, sorry, I am not prepared to continue."

The light armored warrior looked up at him, and then said sorry with the Yan dance, then turned and quickly ran to the depths of the building.

"tm... really a white-eyed wolf!"

This made the star player's expression in the past irresistible, and even sweared in the back.


At the same time, they are about two kilometers away from their location.

The wind fell on the top of an abandoned building, with a wing of death in the hand, and what the eye was observing through the aiming mirror.

"Old wind, you are sure, death roaring, are they really having problems?"

Behind him, Zhao Yun and the sniper players are both confused.

"Can't say completely ok, but at least 80% of it... um, find it!"

The wing of death in the wind fell suddenly and looked into the building at a distance from the edge of the city.

At this time, in the quasi-heart of the legendary sniper mirror of the Death Wing, there is a striking red dot that flashes somewhere in the building.

At the beginning of the wind, the reason for choosing this one is similar to that of the Tianxia Group. Of course, there are reasons.

Because after he was grouped, he secretly released a "death mark" on a person in the death roaring team.

As an additional skill in legendary equipment, the death mark can be clearly seen by the sniper mirror even when it is separated by a few walls, compared to the mark that can be occluded!

Moreover, it cannot be detected by ordinary reconnaissance means!

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