Fatal Shot

Chapter 820: Intensive skills: Super Hawkeye

Stormwind City, the No. 1 player trading building!

The wind has not come to the exchange for a long time.

Look at the players who are either ones that are exploding or that are good for sale, or who are excited about the good things.

Suddenly there was a little emotion in his heart.

If you remember correctly, you came to the trading floor last time. It seems that you still sold the "Hurricane Dominator" to the Black Rose at the 39th level.

Unexpectedly, since then, there has not been a trading place for ordinary low-end players, but has become an advanced player in the VIP box of the auction house.


The wind fell to the exchange to buy some skill chips.

Star company also has skill chips, but a large part of those chips are commissioned by the guests to be auctioned at the auction. Private purchases are more troublesome, and the number is obviously not much in the exchange.

The most important thing is that the skills that the wind is looking for are not the rarer the better, but the best for you!

Therefore, he chose to go directly to the exchange.

"Sir, do you want to sell something? Our company can be more expensive than the exchange!"

Of course, the wind fell into the trading floor, and the people who had the intermediary company got together.

The wind shook his head and declined. In this player's eyes, he went to the paid VIP area and found an empty self-service trader to sit down and enter the search local interface.

The exchange is able to trade equipment items that are hanged by players in all cities, but only the city can quickly get it, and the rest of the city needs to wait for time to ship.

"Search, 20-level gunner skill chip!"

So, of course, I don’t want to wait for the wind to choose and search locally.

Stormwind City has more than 10 million players, even if it is only the local sales of skill chips, it is absolutely in the order of hundreds of thousands, which already includes most of the chips in the war.

However, for the gunner skills, the wind is temporarily only ready to replace the 20-level "fast shooting" skills.

Therefore, the scope of the search is naturally reduced in size!

“The search was completed and a total of 13,662 eligible results were found, sorted by rarity!”

The wind fell again and then began browsing the page.

There are a lot of skill chips in the 20th grade, and the price is simply low, and even some chips even have a few dozen credit points.

Mainly the level of the player is now full of people, the level is not low, the level 20 skills are naturally more and more no market, only to give some ordinary players to brush low-level strange to provide a small income Now!

This is the case in the game. People who are at the top of the version can always lead and the credit points roll more and more.

The person who lags behind the last one can only use time to change credit points.

However, if the rare skills of level 20 are the same, the price is still relatively high.

[Limited hit], 9999999 credits!

[Off-road attitude], the current price: 100677 credits, a price: 120000 credits!


The wind falls on a line of ten lines, first excluding some items that want money and want to be crazy, and then quickly browse through the skill attributes.

After about a minute, the sight of the wind fell on a skill.

【Enhanced eyesight】

Consumes 100mp, after opening, boosts 100% dynamic vision (continued consumption of 10mp per second)!

Current price: 4350 credits, a price: 10,000 credits!

"Enhance dynamic vision!"

The heart of the wind fell.

His visual perception is naturally very strong. After all, after two evolutions, there is a special agent badge bonus.

Even among the sniper players, it is estimated that it is the strongest group of people. In general, it is definitely enough.

However, when more and more people are awakened by the current force, the wind still feels that there may be a short board on this item.

Because it was the assassin-type force npc that was encountered in the night of the construction of the city, in the night environment, some of the eyesight of the wind could not fully see the other side's movements.

This also caused him to be unable to keep up with the other side's movements, so he has been passive in the battle. If it is not by healing the original force and hurting the injury, he is almost difficult to solve the npc!

And if you have this skill, it will definitely be a little different.

His eyesight is strong in itself, if you add 100% dynamic vision.

Perhaps even the trajectory of the bullets can be seen clearly!

At that time, if you match the "atomic force field" skills, you can even do something very interesting.

In addition, the wind fell in the face of this intensive eyesight skills, in fact, there is another expectation.

That is, he feels that it is possible to better achieve the judgment of the timing of shooting by improving his eyesight.

Then there is a greater grasp, once again reproduce the shot of last night, find the feeling of breakthrough!


However, whether you really decide to use this skill instead of other visual skills, you need to go through the final verification before deciding.

The wind fell and reached out and took out something from the backpack.

A transparent chip-like thing.

Force skill fusion to enhance the chip!

The previous two Force Lifting Chips were used in the skills of the Light Armor Warrior.

The rest of the Force skill upgrades the chip, but he wants to use it on the gunner skill.

However, the fit of the remaining gunners' skills is not high, and the skills obtained after using them can be imagined not too good.

So, if you really want to choose this skill, you still need to look at the fit.

If the skill and fit are not very high, then the wind will consider replacing another one.

As for the credit points of the purchased skill chip that was wasted?

As a billionaire, I obviously don't need to care about this.


"Enhanced eyesight fit: 92%!"

Choose a price to buy, and then in just a dozen seconds, the dealer's shipping port will automatically spit out the rare skill chips that are packaged.

After the wind fell, I chose to study, and then I saw a conspicuous value.

"It is so high!"

There are some surprises and surprises in the wind.

Unexpectedly, the first skill, I encountered a high degree of fit.

Is this not a comfort to the low fit of his other gunners' professional skills?

Or the legendary necklace with the lucky character is really lucky!

92%, this fit is definitely high enough.

After all, the previous "violent charge" skills, in fact, only reached 93%.

The evolutionary "burst point" skills are definitely super magical skills!

"Good, just this skill!"

The wind fell.

He actually has a choice to improve the "environmental mimicry" skills.

This 45-level rare skill that played a super good effect on the mechanics yesterday. If it is strengthened by the Force, it is theoretically possible to greatly increase his hiding ability, and with the various functions of death gaze, it is definitely super power.

However, the fit of this skill is currently not high.

So, this skill is waiting for a while.

["You have acquired the skill Super Hawkeye!"]

[Super Hawkeye]

After the skill is turned on, the visual perception, the maximum recognizable distance and the anti-interference recovery ability are greatly improved, and the dynamic vision is additionally increased by 300% (the consumption of 20 points is consumed, and the subsequent consumption of 5 points per second).

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