Fatal Shot

Chapter 823: Unlucky to go with the wind

"Monkey, you kid, you don't have a mess!"

At the same time, on the other side of the map, there are also five players appearing.

As soon as the body enters the map, a full-scale scout player is equipped with red short hair and smoky makeup, but looks like a girl player who is only seventeen or eight years old, and has some swearing tone in her mouth!

"Yes, monkey! If it wasn't for you in the last game, how could we lose with our current equipment?"

A professional young girl who looks like a young doctor is complaining.

"You can't worry about this, I don't want to wave this game!"

A light-weight trench with a full set of silver glitter, a silver sword on his shoulders, and a light-skinned warrior who looks quite a bit screaming!

"Monkey, your guarantee can be no one believes, but you really can't wave in this game, you have been pitted in three games. I took the Arena mission today, and then lost without playing!"

A heavy-aged warrior of the same age, but tall, stood next to the female doctor's player, with a thick tower shield in front of him.

"I am going... I really can't wave. And, this game, even if it is my wave, I can't lose. If there is a flying brother, how can we lose?"

Sao Bao’s light armored teenager, laughing and laughing at the last machine gunner in the team.

Known as Feige is a machine gunner, medium-sized, age is not much better than these people, but the temperament is more calm than the other three!

He is taking out an eight-barrel black machine gun from his backpack and assembling it directly with a single hand!

"Oh, this is nature! There is a flying brother, even if it is a full team of ten people, it can't be our opponent!"

When you hear the word "monkey", the rest of the people are full of approval and smug expression!

"Hey? There are still people..."

At this time, the brows of the girl, known as the long red hair and the smoky makeup, wrinkled and looked to the side again to become clear.

"Halo... How do you match a group of minors?"

A look is quite handsome, a full set of rare and rare equipment, absolutely small face temperament wind system master.

After entering, I saw five teenager girls slightly frowning.

"What do you mean! Do you look down on minors?"

The girl with the smoky makeup picked up her eyes and stared at the wind system.

"...I am going, really a minor!"

"Yes, you can rest assured that if you listen to my command in this game, then the problem is not big!"

"My name is to go with the wind!"

The expression on the face that went with the wind showed some impatience, but the tone was very confident.

He has this temperament, except that he himself is a star player, and more importantly, he completed the Force Awakening just half an hour ago.

This is a message that is very gratifying to him, because there are currently no more than fifty people in the entire storm city.

Among them, the veteran star player awakens the original force, he is currently the first person in Stormwind City.

If you can't wait to test your strength, he should have gone to the boss to talk about his own treatment improvement.

Of course, winning this battle and then taking the video of the battle to the boss is undoubtedly more convincing!

"Go with the wind? Hey, you are going with the wind!"

The girl doctor player, but the eyes are bright.

"Moody, do you know him?"

The heavy armored soldier looked at the wind with some doubts and vigilance.

"He is a star player, often on the forum topic!"

The girl doctor's eyes are a little shiny.

"What happened to the star player...not the equipment!"

The tone of the monkey is somewhat uncomfortable.

"I have already awakened the Force!"

When I went to see the wind and went to see the fans, the expression became a little bit stunned, and the mouth was softly coughing, as if it was very casual.

"Hey... wake up the Force!"

Sure enough, several young boys and girls across the street were given to him.

Star players may not be considered top players, but the awakening of the Force is definitely a symbol of strength!

"Cut, what is the great strength of the awakening force? Our flying brother is definitely awakening the Force earlier than you!"

The monkey saw the expression of burning more than himself with the wind, and sneered at it, pointing to the machine gunner next to him.


Xiaobai face went to the wind to hear the news, obviously a glimpse.

First, I immediately looked at the machine gunner who had never spoken. I found that the other person only looked at herself with a faint look, and there was nothing to dodge.

I know that this should not be the light armored warrior of the Saobao, who is looking for a bragging, but this machine gunner is indeed a player who has awakened the Force.

"Mom, this battle is not good!"

And after getting this news.

It’s the first time that I’m not going to be forced to give a slightly smashed face, and my face is a glimpse.

As a person who often hangs in the arena, he is very aware of the balance system after the game is updated.

In the case of a player team with two Force players, there are more people in the opposite team, or the same players.

And the number of people in their team is already seven.

So in theory, even if the other party has ten people, it is estimated that at least one of the Force players.

This is a big problem!

And if there are fewer people than they are?

Then the problem is even bigger.

This shows that the opponent's average player strength is higher in the system than in their evaluation.

That opponent is likely to have more than three Force players...

"No... there should be no such possibility!"

Gently shake your head with the wind.

The current awakening of the Force in the war is not much, and now the game is in the daytime, playing the arena is even less.

Counting the players who have entered the pk, it is almost impossible for the five or six original players to be assigned to one group.

In that case, the odds of one side are still bigger.


"Oh, there are only three people in our team... but this is really rare."

Opposite the top platform, the water system among the couple players controls the female player.

I was looking at the preparation area that no one had appeared strangely!

In the arena free group battle, under normal circumstances, there will be more than five people. This situation of the minimum limit of only three people is undoubtedly very rare.

"Well, husband, what's wrong with you?"

Later, she looked strangely at the male player who seemed to repeat something in her mouth.

"The leaves of the wind, the leaves of the wind, this name is really familiar..."

"Ah! I know, you are the leaves of the wind... oh God, the leaves of the wind!"

At this time, the scout player who was always familiar with the name of the wind suddenly raised his head and looked at the wind with excitement and screamed.

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