Fatal Shot

Chapter 827: Strong, but useless!


However, while the light armor warrior is not eager to retreat. .

The little white face that hasn’t been moving very much has gone with the wind, but suddenly it’s suddenly out of the way to launch an attack!

He quickly rushed out from behind the bunker of the stone column of the temple he was hiding. The energy converter in his hand quickly burst into a series of cyan rays.

The next moment, a lot of light cyan, about 20 centimeters of length of energy wind blade, floating in the vicinity of his surroundings!

Then the hand that went with the wind pointed at the position of the wind.

All of these wind blades flashed, and they instantly smashed the air and rushed toward the wind!


On this side of the temple, the heavy armored warrior was solved, and the line of sight was withdrawn from the sight, relocking the wind in the opposite position.

Some strange looks in the eyes again.

Because the speed of the wind blade that goes with the wind is a bit surprisingly fast.

Even in the eyes of the Super Hawk, the wind fell just to see the light flashing, it has already rushed to his front not far.

The wind blade itself is the fastest of all energy-based skills, and the speed is not much slower than that of a submachine gun.

The speed of these wind blades is at least five times faster than the speed of the average player's wind blade, which has even exceeded the speed of most sniper bullets.

As for the number of "wind blades" that are issued in an instant, the wind is not too strange.

Because the last time he was separated from the wind, he knew that his talent should speed up the release of energy skills.

However, the speed of this wind blade is so fast, but obviously it is not the speed of skill release.

"Accelerated Force or Awakening Accelerated Talent?"

In the head of the wind, a judgment has flashed in an instant.

If it is the former, then the wind has to say that this kind of force is actually a master, it is really a waste.

The power of the master's skill is not high by the speed. Even if the flight is too fast, it will have a negative impact, and maybe it will collapse in the middle!

Therefore, speed increase is not necessarily a good thing.

However, the power of the gunner's bullets is greatly affected by the speed.

If this force is present on a sniper.

That's definitely a very strong bug property.

Even, it is estimated that it will not be much worse than the destruction attribute!

However, it is estimated that it is not willing to give up the master to be a gunman with the ability to release energy and accelerate the talent.


Because the speed of these wind blades is too fast, the distance of a few hundred meters is almost instantaneous.

Even if the wind has a super eagle eye, it can be seen clearly, but it can't escape.

Because these wind blades are not only fast, but also a large number, almost all blocked an area!

However, if you can't avoid it, then don't avoid it!

"Life armor!"

On the body of the wind, a layer of dark red "Battle Armor" emerges instantly!

The next moment, except for more than twenty wind blades, all hit the dark red life armor and restored to a broken wind energy!


Only the first wind blade, before the life armor was able to form, had already rushed out of the deceleration of the original force field.

At a still slow pace, passing over the chest of the wind, a wound was rolled up.

More than 1,800 injuries are not low, and even for the defense of wind and fall equipment, it is already very high.

The attack of the Force player should not be underestimated.

However, there is still a cure for the 20,000 blood.

To be honest, it doesn't make much sense!

"Damn... sure enough, no!"

Behind the opposite bunker, see this result.

The hand that shakes the energy converter with the wind is shaking, and my heart is really completely unfeeling.

His wind blade has reached the master level, and it has been blessed by the Force!

Moreover, with the talent directly launched more than 20 wind blades at one time, at the speed of five times the bullet did not cause much damage to the wind.

Although the wind blade is the basic skill, it is actually the most important output means of the wind control division.

His burst of more than 20 master wind blades is actually a killer.

However, the other party actually resisted this attack directly, and did not lose blood at all!

"Rely, not good!"

And because the wind fell unexpectedly, this made the subsequent thoughts that went with the wind even more impossible to implement.

With the wind, I couldn’t help but have some pauses in the body, but in the next moment, he was shocked by the earthquake and hurriedly retracted his body to the back of the stone pillar bunker!


However, it is a bit late.

Because a black bullet has gone straight to his head!


"This... I really can't play anymore!"

The impact force of the bullet, which was almost hit in the head, was directly overturned.

After being shaken to the ground, I finally hid back to the wind behind the stone pillar bunker, looking at the direct drop to only 51% of the blood, feeling a bit bitter in the mouth!

Just this shot, if it is not because of the dual defense of the original force defensive hood and his own energy shield next to the "flying brother", he is absolutely impossible to just drop half the blood.

Now that the defensive shield has been broken, and only half of the blood is left, it is undoubted that I will not dare to show up again.

His original force is not a defensive type of force, it can only be regarded as an auxiliary attack type.

And because he belongs to the guild is not big, there is no legendary equipment on the body, in the case of the original force, there is no way to use the original force skills to turn over.

"If you know this, you should go to the boss first and ask him to get one or two legendary equipment. In that case, it will not be so passive."

"Even, maybe you can win this game, regret it..."

Suddenly with the wind, I suddenly felt sorry for myself.

I knew early, I was not in a hurry to enter the arena in the arena. Who knows that it would not be bucked by b...

One side of the mouth is sighing, and as the wind goes away, the sleeves are quickly rolled up and a blood-filling agent is injected.

After the second system update, the player's blood supplement must be injected, but the effect is a lot more than the previous one, which is a more realistic setting.

What I don’t know when I go with the wind is that even if he has legendary equipment, there will be no chance.

Instead, if the defense in front of him is weaker, or the wind is not in the hands of the death wing of all the legendary parts.

Then he has no chance to use skills at all.

Because, in the case of a fatal talent trigger, 50% of the blood volume and 0% are no different!

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