Fatal Shot

Chapter 833: Powerful base function (two in one)!

(This chapter is mainly for the introduction of base functions...so... everyone who doesn’t like it can jump over... well, some water...)

Under the desert, it turned out to be a Zerg base!

This news will undoubtedly make the wind fall inexplicably inexplicable.

What is the base of the Zerg?

Although there is not much mention in the interstellar background, everyone who has played the game knows the meaning of this thing for the Zerg.

In short, there are two of its most important features.

One is to "incubate" the Zerg units, and the other is to "upgrade" the Zerg units.

These two functions can be directly compared with the beetle group.

The first is the "incubation" function. The hatching function of the beetle arms is to consume the solace by 24k, and then use the nutrition in the monster body to incubate.

But this way is not limited.

Whether it is the incubation process or the cultivation of eggs, it takes a lot of ecstasy, and there are limits on the accumulation of eggs!

But the Zerg hatching process is different.

The wind fell from the previous research data of the "worm nest plan". Among the real Zerg ethnic groups, the queen was responsible for spawning, while the hatchery was completed by the Zerg base.

The Zerg base has a hatchery and breeding room for different arms, which can incubate a large number of different arms at the same time!

This is obviously much stronger than the beetle group.

Of course, the Zerg has its drawbacks compared to the beetle population.

It is the zerg unit that hatches, and the level is very low at the beginning, and it takes time to grow.

However, this shortcoming can be compensated for by another "upgrade" feature.

In the Zerg base, special culture fluids can be produced, so that the hatched zerg larvae can be quickly ascended, and a newborn worm can mature in just a few days!

This nutrient solution is obviously more useful than the nutrient solution produced by npc.

In fact, the nutrient solution used in the worm family plan itself is developed based on the nutrient solution produced in the zerg base.

In contrast, although the beetle group got a certain level at the beginning, the subsequent growth is undoubtedly not as rapid as the Zerg with the base.

If it weren't for the past two days, the black woman, Kelly, developed the zerg culture fluid. It is absolutely impossible for this group of jet beetles to have this kind of combat power.

This point, no doubt, the Zerg is much more advantageous than the beetle.

However, the Zerg base has a real advantage.

In fact, it is the same, it is the "assimilation" function!

If you look at the background of the interstellar, in fact, the Zerg base should have a role.

It is to encode and modify the genes of the Zerg units, and to fuse the genes of different organisms, so as to cultivate a new type of combat arms with such biological characteristics.

Then, let these new combat units choose through combat, for the most suitable part for production and violent.

Some of the combat units like "Murder" or "Flying Dragon" are obtained by merging the genes of some creatures and then through the harsh battles to survive the fittest!

The beetle group, to a certain extent, is undoubtedly the product of this kind.

This point, in the heart of the wind, actually feels that the Zerg is the most powerful place!

Regarding these functions of the Zerg base, the winds are all obtained from the "Crystal Nest" data of the a-2 underground laboratory.

However, according to the information contained therein.

The Sam Group’s army finally locked the Zerg base after the damage, and then, after catching the brain worm, destroyed the entire Zerg base with a nuclear bomb.

But now, there is another Zerg base that has appeared here?


The wind has been roughly guessed the reason.

The three caves of Rex Rabbit, the wisdom of brain worms, is no worse than humans!

"Well, wait... 24k, how do you know that it is the base of the Zerg?"

The wind suddenly thought of a little, and some curiosity in the spiritual link asked 24k.

"Hey, hey..."

The little guy flies while he is rowing six small claws.

"You mean, you don't know what's going on... just after seeing the scene under the carapace, something suddenly pops up in your head...you understand that this is a Zerg base!"

The wind is falling and the eyes are wide.

“Does it say that 24k also inherits part of the memory of the brain worm, or that it has obtained some memory fragments of the brainworm because it previously defeated the brain worm in the spiritual space?”

He guessed in his heart.

This guess, obviously, there is no way to get the exact answer.

After all, the spirit, consciousness... such settings have gone beyond the general scientific category.

However, there is a faint feeling in the wind, 24k was attacked by brain worms and then in the war of consciousness.

Perhaps it is not a coincidence of random deductions in the game, but in fact it is possible to design the system well.

Because of all kinds of signs and a series of tasks, the 24k will be pushed to the status of the "King worm" of the Zerg!

Perhaps this is a part of the system to open a certain important Zerg mission?

"Hey, hey..."

The wind fell in a slight brow.

24k did not come to his response, the little guy seemed a little anxious, so he called a few times.

["Does your pet share a picture of consciousness from the spiritual link, do you accept it?" 】

Then, the system suddenly popped up a hint in the spiritual link.

"Is the consciousness picture, even this can be transmitted?"

The wind fell back to God, but seeing this tip is another glimpse.

Is this the function of the "spiritual link" after the last evolution?

The wind is naturally accepted, and then the vision of the whole person is changed.

Next, it seems to be substituted into a certain perspective.

Seen in front of you, the background is a universe that doesn't know where it is.

Each one looks a bit flat, like a ball with additional structures and tentacles, floating slowly in the universe.

And among these balls, there are some black spots coming in and out from inside!

No, not a black spot!

When the wind fell carefully to look at these black spots, it turned out to be a Zerg fighting unit, worms, Hydralisks, flying dragons...

These units, which far exceed the size of the beetle, are only like small black spots in front of the ball, even large units such as the beast and the lair lord.

In contrast to this ball, it is only equivalent to a larger black spot.

These balls, each of which is full of asteroids in size, are absolutely more than two hundred kilometers in diameter!

"These are... Zerg bases?"

With this contrast, it is undoubtedly surprised to notice the wind in this situation.

The base of the Zerg was so large that it was beyond his expectations and was quite shocking.

“However, the Zerg base seems to be more like a creature with some structures like tentacles and sharp corners.”

At this time, the wind fell and found another interesting place.

"Hey, hey..."

24k slammed his little head, saying that the wind is correct.

Then, in the spiritual link, another message was sent to the wind.

The ability of the Zerg to sail in the universe captures and assimilates a giant galaxy that can survive and travel in the universe.

After encoding the genes of the Galaxy Beast into the Zerg unit, this base that can sail in the universe is formed, so that the Zerg originates from the parent star and is gradually distributed to the universe.

This base, in addition to providing the Zerg with an environment in which the universe survives and transporting the Zerg arms.

At the same time, it is also the largest combat unit of the Zerg. It has very strong defense and combat power, and can even fight against the spaceship of the Star River Empire!

"Star River Beast? Zerg Base? Space Battleship..."

This continuous series of messages also carries pictures.

Undoubtedly let the wind fall more surprised.

He knows why, before, there is no guess at all that this is the Zerg base.

In the background of the interstellar game, there is a saying that the Zerg catches the giant beast of the Galaxy, but there is no saying that the base is the living body.

And the direction of his thinking, but also did not rely on it, just concentrated in the regular arms of the game, so I can not think of it.

In addition, the wind is also understandable.

Why can't even damage the carapace?

Because of the strong defense ability of this Zerg base, it can even resist the shooting of the auxiliary gun of the Star Wars Empire Advanced Space Battleship.

This level of defense, even if this base is already "sleeping", is obviously not a weapon that the player is still in the stage of the planet, and can be easily destroyed.

Yes, just dormant!

Follow the information given in the 24k head.

This base is indeed the one that was captured by the captured brain worm.

This is a sub-base that is separated from the main base, and deep underground to enter a dormant state, avoiding various kinds of detection.

Just, obviously it didn't come to mind.

He will be caught and then detained and will be isolated from the command of the Zerg.

Moreover, the newly-created Zerg ruler and the remaining Zerg are also killed and trapped in the space battleship!

As a result, only the dormant Zerg base is left on the entire planet.

This is undoubtedly a tragedy for this aggressive race.

However, in the heart of the wind, it is more felt that this base should obviously be the system for the task of 24k.

"Can you wake up this base?"

The wind fell to ask 24k.

"Hey, hey..."

"You don't know if you can, but it should be... but you have to see the sleeping eggs of this base insect!"

"Sleeping eggs?"


24k transmitted a picture to the wind.

This picture is seen in the field of reconnaissance beetles that are underground.

The situation under the entire carapace is not filled with all kinds of Zerg "buildings" as imagined, but it is even more like an empty shell supported by some pillars.

"In the process of dormancy, in order to prevent the consumption of too much energy, the base insects hidden in the ground will enter the state of egg."

"Only after finding a dormant egg can it be tried to wake up."

"In addition, even if you wake up, you need to provide a lot of energy and nutrients, so that the base worm can re-live the entire base to control this base!"

The wind fell from a message in 24k.

I saw a taste called "system limitation."

“Need a lot of energy and nutrients...”

In addition, I also smelled a kind of "taste of credit"!


Sure enough, the message from 24k made the wind feel that the credit was flying outside.

For recovery, it takes 24k to determine the energy spar.

However, it says that the zerg base insects are theoretically very digestive, and that they need to provide a lot of energy and nutrients if they want to hatch.

Therefore, probably with the nutrients that the scorpion can provide, it is necessary to fill the entire base, and it should be able to restore the state of dormancy.

"... Sure enough, this is to burn money!"

The wind fell directly by this number.

A Zerg base with an absolute diameter of more than three kilometers, to fill it completely, how many monster corpses do you need?

Of course, the Zerg's recipes are very wide and do not necessarily require the body of a monster. Plants and even minerals can also supplement a part.

But here is the desert, not the rich jungle of death.

In this area, the wind has only encountered five monsters on the road.

Although, this is due to the fact that most of the monsters in the withered desert are hidden under the sand and do not come out during the day.

However, if you want to fill this Zerg base, it is definitely a matter of not knowing how much time!

All, the only way.

Obviously, it is only possible to transport nutrients and other things from other places to supplement the nutrients it needs!

This is obviously a super-burning thing!

The wind completely predicted that the account of his credit would be reduced rapidly.

Even with the degree of consumption of the "War of War" system, the winds are suspected of taking most of their accounts to the city that never sleeps, and the remaining credits are not enough.

However, this Zerg base must be cultivated.

The importance of the Zerg base for the Zerg is not mentioned.

To put it alone, it is the material of the carapace and the "pillar" on the base insect.

If you make a power armor or shield, then I am afraid that the general legendary equipment is impossible to wear. Even, or can create something more advanced than legendary equipment!

Also, don't forget.

The Zerg base is the same level as the space warship!

That spaceship is a thing that belongs to npc, and the player doesn't want to touch it.

But this Zerg base is something that belongs to him.

A private bio space warship?

In the cosmic era, which is bound to come, this will be another big move!

Therefore, no matter how much the price, the base must be raised.

"Hey, hey..."

When the wind fell into the heart and the smile was the heart, the 24k suddenly called out again.


The face of the wind fell slightly.

Because, at this time flying in the sky, a reconnaissance beetle, this time came an unexpected news.

A player's team appeared near the "pillar" dune position with the crystals below.

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