Fatal Shot

Chapter 836: Base insect, BOSS level unit!

Tens of thousands of eggs, which undoubtedly caused a fever in the heart after the reaction.

Although there were thousands of eggs in the spaceship before, there are more than a dozen beasts and a queen's eggs.

However, in fact, the use of those eggs is limited.

Because the eggs are not directly available in the backpack.

Therefore, although the wind and Muzi first discovered the eggs, they could not prevent the npc army that later entered the warships.

For the Zerg, the federal npc military is not as fearful as the Sam Group.

But obviously there is also a certain degree of attention.

Therefore, the wind has to reach an agreement with them.

Put all these eggs in the "Crystal Plan" laboratory built in the dungeon.

It is not possible to get outside when it is determined that 24k can completely control these bugs.

Of course, because 24k does not have the ability to directly hatch the Zerg.

Windfall also really needs to rely on those npc experts to hatch artificial hatchery, and continue the "worm nest plan" research, therefore, did not raise too much objection.

However, he definitely wants to completely control these zerg eggs in his own hands!

After all, he is sure that 24k has absolutely Zerg's mission, as long as the level is reached, it can control the Zerg.

But these obviously can't explain to those npc.

However, there is still a hidden Zerg base on the planet.

Moreover, it is more than a dozen times the number of eggs in the store!

This time, the wind is definitely doing confidential work.

"The worm egg, the dragon egg... Well, that should be the egg of the beast, the good guy, definitely more than a hundred, this is the 70-level leader..."

The reconnaissance beetle quickly flew toward the nest in the ground, making the wind and see the composition of the egg.

If the 100-level leader-level mine beast is completely hatched, I am afraid that the boss will be directly pushed horizontally, not to mention the various Zerg fighting units.

"Well... that one is..."

Then, after the sight crossed the beast's egg, the wind found a very huge guy.

In the center of the egg area, just below the "pillar" above, there is a particularly striking giant egg, which appears to have some sarcoma on the surface of the purple-red shell.

The two-meter-high egg of the Thunder beast is already amazing.

But in front of this giant egg, it is completely inadequate.

The size of this giant egg, which is definitely more than 20 meters in diameter, is comparable to a house.


The 24k message came out of the spiritual link.

"This is... the dormant egg of the base insect?"

After hearing this news, the wind suddenly suddenly felt again.

Is this an egg too small?

The area of ​​the entire underground base is at least three kilometers. As a result, after the base insects enter dormancy, they become just such a "small" group.

Even one-tenth of the volume is not occupied, and I want to fill the rest of the space.

How big is the cost of this?

This base, will not be a game company to see that they make too much money, so prepare to pit him?

"But even if it's a pit, you have to jump..."


Ten minutes later.

Put on a gas mask and compressed oxygen, and with 24k jumped into the potholes that were led by the reconnaissance beetle to "unify" the bottom of the ring dune.

This hole, the wind is estimated to be left to the inside of the collection beetle that sees the situation should be natural death.

Although this hole is not too big, it is good enough for him to reluctantly drill in!

After entering the underground Zerg base.

The wind fell under the lighting equipment, and it really felt the empty inside.

The glare of the lighting equipment that can reach the distance of kilometers can not illuminate the darkness of the underground, which makes him more sure how many credit points need to be accumulated in these dark places!

After another ten minutes, the 24k wind fell on the shoulder and went to the area where the eggs were stored.

Looking at the front, this is under the illumination of strong light, and it emits various colors, which makes people think that there will be some nausea eggs.

The mood of the wind is quite satisfactory.

These things, each one, are an elite Zerg unit of level 50 or above!

Together, the combat power is estimated to be comparable to a medium-sized player guild.

Of course, one thing that needs to be done now is to let 24k wake up the "base bug."

If the wake-up fails, then obviously everything that was planned before is just a fantasy.

However, there is no doubt that 24k can succeed in the wind.

Because, the signs are enough to show that there is absolutely a skeptical line of zerg in the 24k.

Just, for the time being, I don’t know how important this line is!

24k flew over the shoulders of the wind.

It falls on the huge "base egg", and then it is like standing still with the idea of ​​communication!

One minute, three minutes...

A little bit past, the huge base egg is no movement.

The wind is not very anxious.

Even he observed the situation of the surrounding zerg eggs.

It was found that these eggs looked even better than those in the spaceship, and it was estimated that the hatching was completely fine.


After ten minutes, the huge egg suddenly made a noise.

Under the glare, there was a distinct crack on the huge purple egg.

Then, from this gap, some brown liquid like a nutrient solution emerged, and then the whole egg was completely broken.

From it, a wet scorpion is seen as if it were a newborn ball with some tentacles!

[base insect · Leviathan (special type boss)]

Rating: 25


Youneng: 25000

Talent: Species Assimilation (s)



When the wind saw the attribute of this "succulent ball", the first eye immediately fell on the word "boss".

The base insect of the Zerg is actually a boss unit!

Instead of a quasi-boss, it is a real boss unit.

However, it is normal to think about this.

The wind fell back to the scene that I could see through the 24k memory picture, which was a huge volume of more than two hundred kilometers in space.

If this is not a boss-level creature, then it is unscientific.

However, if it is a boss, this should still be considered in the wind.

Then the next attribute will make the wind unconsciously open your eyes.

One, two, three, four... five zeros!

The wind is very sure that he is not mistaken.

This zerg base insect has a full blood volume of 2.5 million!

2.5 million!

This blood volume is the highest among the creatures that the wind has seen so far.

What he had encountered before, only the two boss-level bloods encountered at the time of the sea exceeded one million.

But the problem is that the level of the quasi-boss at both ends is more than 50.

In contrast, the level of this base insect is only 25, even half of the two quasi-boss!

Moreover, the 25-level boss, this is definitely the only one in the whole game, because the lowest level of boss level that players have found so far is also above level 35.

This is estimated to be due to the special circumstances caused by the long-term dormancy of this base insect.

"But the value of this solitude is too high!"

In addition to this amazing blood volume.

The attention of the wind is concentrated on its "noisy value"!

This base insect has the "Noble" attribute, which is not surprising!

Because according to the information of the "worm nest plan" seen before the wind fell, the advanced units of the Zerg are all capable.

Even in fact, the low-level units of the Zerg also have solitude, but because there are too few, it does not reflect much.

However, this base insect is only 25, and the value of the solitude exceeds 20,000 points!

You must know that the current level of 24k of 24k is still only in the thousand digits. As for the wind, it is even less, even five hundred points are not there!

More than 20,000 points of solitude, this in terms of the use of skills, it is absolutely possible to directly bomb without bombing!

However, because the base worm is actually a wild monster.

Even if it is accepted by 24k, he can only see simple information without reconnaissance, and can't directly get the skill data of this base insect!

The only thing that can be seen is its talent.

[species assimilation (s)]

Although I can't see the specific attributes, but just seeing this name, the wind has already been fixed.

This Zerg base obviously has the strongest function he expected.

"Hey, hey!"

When the wind fell to observe the base insect, 24k was already excited to scream.

Because, after the dormant egg of the base insect splits.

Drilled from the inside, in addition to the base insects.

There are also a lot of faint blue, crystal clear crystal crystal!

And 24k has already patted the golden wings, and plunged into a secluded crystal pile that can fill half of the room.

Ps, the following does not count words!

Well, this little plot in the middle is also finished.

In fact, the existence of the original Zerg base will be revealed later, but because some book friends mentioned that they should not continue to fight the plot, so plug it in (so, the Zerg base will not be put into use immediately). Don't expect too fast.)

The next step is to enter the middle of the book. I think the next story will be more interesting.

Of course, it may not necessarily be written to produce the expected effect.

Just like today, this chapter actually set up a battle. The hole is actually a foreshadowing. There should be a quasi-boss monster in the base.

However, that is too much to be written...so, it was deleted.

Well, it means that... there is only one more today.

Well, I still remember that the owed to make up... will make up... will make up... make up...


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