Fatal Shot

Chapter 860: More interesting

"I am going, good insurance..."

After looking at the area of ​​the tyrant's otter, he quickly rushed toward the surrounding buildings.

Directly violently broke the door, blocked this area, and also with a few npc soldiers who could not run in time, blocked by the evaluation players.

Already falling from that area, the little fat man hidden in the wind fell on his face and said thankfully.

Although with his strength, even if he is blocked, he is confident that he is also very likely to escape.

With the gunming method around him, even the two together, may be able to solve these npc soldiers of up to 50 elite units.

However, being able to avoid one step ahead of time clearly avoids too much trouble.

"However, it is obvious that a row of buildings is added across a street, and it is possible to find out the proximity of these soldiers in advance... This npc definitely has some unusual means of reconnaissance, or because there are ways to get some information from the system."

"In this case, following him should really be a good choice, and you can definitely get intelligence before others!"

"However, what is his fighting power? Just a shot, is it really a mistake?"

The little fat man’s eyes flashed and there were some embarrassments in his heart.

With him, the wind that hides in the dark shadows.

At this time, a pair of eyes has become hollow.

And over the b area about one kilometer away from them.

A reconnaissance beetle is flying silently at a height of minus ten degrees from the ground in the night of the White City.

Then it flies to a position.

It began to fall, and finally fell on the snow layer of a single-family villa-like building roof!

Next, drill down and climb to the room where the window of the villa was completely sealed and dead.

"You are hurt?"

When the scouting beetle approached the closed room to about five meters, there was a vaguely familiar sound in the room.

"Cough... was shot."

"You are right, the other sniper is really a master!"

"Fortunately, I have prevention, and his second shot was wrong, so he was only hurt!"

Another slightly hoarse voice started.

While talking, I gasped, and I couldn't help but cough a few times.

"Have he made a mistake?"

However, the familiar voice did not comfort him.

Instead, it aggravated the tone with some doubts.

"Can't be said to be a mistake!"

"In fact, his judgment on my position is quite accurate!"

"But, I know the speed, although not as good as you, but a sniper wants to hit me is not so easy... cough..."

"Cough... If it's not because of the importance of this thing, I will definitely not come back directly, but will cut off his neck after a round!"

The sound of coughing and dumbness, with some cold voice.

"Cough... It’s really a plan to keep up with the changes."

"It was originally expected to start tomorrow after the maturity of the maturity."

"But I didn't think that someone would enter the sewer, and even brought a tyrant to him and killed it, which caused the mother to fail to fully mature and waste a lot of effort."

"However, even if it is not mature, it will not fall into the hands of the federal people. Otherwise it will seriously affect our plan... cough!"

I couldn't see the inner room, and the hoarse voice continued.

"This lung is really not hurt... It seems that I need to be treated for a while before I can solve the sniper!"

Then, in the hoarse voice, there are some unhappy feelings.

At this time, the elite reconnaissance beetle was silent.

Already going through the entire room, the only remaining a small, ventilated hole into the room.

"You want to solve him?"

"If you are still here for a while, I think... he should come to you soon."

At this time, the wind that had been silent for a while was familiar with the sound, and suddenly there was some fun.


The next moment, just crossed the gap in the door.

Only barely see the elite reconnaissance beetles in the lower body of the two figures inside, suddenly the link was interrupted.

The view of the wind is dark, and when it is lit again, it has become the face of the little fat man.

"Instructor, instructor, are you okay?"

The little fat man is holding out a hand and shaking in front of the wind.

Turning around in the eyes, I don’t know what to think about.

"Nothing. Hand... take it away!"

The wind is falling.

Then, turned and poked his head and looked at the tyrant's otter area that had been controlled.

The battle there is over, but one of the appraisers has been caught by the npc soldiers.

Being pointed by a bunch of guns to a newly opened police car.

"Instructor, what to do, do we want to save him?"

The little fat man asked tentatively.

"No need to……"

The wind fell frowning and just had to talk.

But at this time, when the agent received a message in the headset, he shook his head.

"Hey, what are we going to do next?"

The little fat man himself does not really want to save him for the player who is caught by npc. He just wants to express his "care" for his companions.

Seeing this "npc instructor" did not save people's ideas, naturally it feels better.

"Go back, sleep!"

The wind fell with the box and turned to go in the direction of area a.

"go back?"

Little fat man really does not understand this.

What the hell, this is going back?

In today's situation, there are definitely some problems in how to say...

He followed the road tonight, just want to see if he can get a hidden mission.

The result has been busy for so long, and no tasks or gains have been harvested...


For this "characteristic" npc instructor, the little fat man really has some teeth.

But the face is still a very sacred look.


The two put away all the weapons and equipment and walked on the street as npc.

It is estimated that because of the chaos, this piece of the d-zone that has been filled with the poor has been restored to calm. There are several hurried figures on the street, and the two people who walked toward the a area are not too awkward.

And after ten minutes, after passing through the Santa Maria Hospital.

The wind that carried the box looked up and glanced up.

The door of the hospital that had been blocked by a group of police officers was just carried out by several police officers. The two were loaded into a corpse bag and it seemed that they should be ready to be sent to somewhere.

This time, the task is really more and more interesting.

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