Fatal Shot

Chapter 863: Life protozoa exposed?

"Everyone, within fifteen minutes, to the c-zone... collection!"

In the hotel's room, the wind fell into the mouth of a large box with some enamel-like items in the mouth.

After the agent watch was adjusted to the instructor's channel and the collection command was issued, the wind fell out of the room door with this conspicuous box.

In the entire White City, the number of players still alive is 32, and these people are currently mainly distributed in the d zone and the a zone.

Because area a belongs to the most prosperous tourist area of ​​the White City, it is safe and secure, and it is suitable to be hidden as a tourist.

As for the d zone, it is the outermost and most chaotic area of ​​the city.

There is almost no monitoring, but at the same time, after encountering some situations, you can directly rush out of the city and enter the snowy mountains outside, avoiding the tracking of npc.

"Obviously, the npc president doesn't want to look like a sick state that even cries in a conversation. But when the cleanup area is allocated, it is already letting people themselves directly surround the entire federal force in the city... The old python."

"This point, the middle-aged head official is estimated to be unaware of... pig-like teammates!"

The wind has changed its appearance, and it is dressed as a npc citizen.

Even if the whole person is a person who goes to the white city to visit relatives, there is no flaw at all.

After leaving the hotel, he raised his hand to stop a taxi and went straight to the arranged meeting place.

When the taxi arrived at the c-zone, where the vehicle passed, three scouting beetles that fanned the winged wing fell from the bottom of the car and entered the sewer through the drain hole.

"Instructor is good!"

And when the wind fell to the scheduled collection of the building that was arranged by the Republic of Raf.

With a pleasing smile, put on a little fat man in the hands of the controller, already waiting under the building.

"This person is the npc instructor!"

“It looks a bit ordinary, there is nothing special about it.”

"What will be in that box..."

Except for the little fat man, the rest of the people who have reached the meeting place can't really be so passionate about a "npc".

Instead, they all stood on the top of the building, looking through the transparent floor-to-ceiling glass.

There is either curiosity in the mouth, or not much self-talking.

Only one person's face is a bit ugly, it is the light armored warrior who was previously given the "learning" by the wind.

If he could, he really didn't want to come.

But this task is a mandatory task and all assessors must participate.

He certainly can't give up the opportunity to become a secret agent to hide his career, especially in support of his forces demanding that he must go all out to succeed.

But even if it is coming.

Raised the situation of this npc instructor, his chances of success in transferring jobs are not expected to be large.

"But it's not completely impossible."

"I lost some face last night, but it is not necessarily a blessing in disguise!"

He glanced at a hint in his property bar that the progress had reached 95%, and his face became more beautiful.

"As long as you have enough strength, you will get the first point. He is just an instructor. Can it make me unable to transfer?"

"These npc instructors, all of them are said to be masters with legendary equipment and awakened the original force, just do not know, in the end how fighting!"

In the case where everyone is standing alone, two people in the crowd stand together.

Juvenile "Fei Ge" gaze with some challenges and playfulness, and lowered the voice against the black windbreaker player next to him.

"Well... what happened to you?"

However, for a long time, he did not get a response. Qin Fei turned his head strangely.

It was discovered that the man in the black trench coat was staring at his right hand.

The eyes locked on the ring worn on the finger, and the color suddenly turned into a deep black, and it was a strange gem in one direction.

"He has the fluctuations of life protozoa!"

There is a strong light in the eyes of the violent unparalleled.

Then he raised his head and looked at the direction indicated by the ring in his hand, squinting down.

"He? Who are you talking about..."

Qin Ge first had some doubts.

"Wait... are you talking about this npc agent instructor?"

But I immediately reacted and followed the violent unparalleled line of sight and fell to the wind that was coming to the side.

"The goal you are looking for is him?"

"Yes, it is him! I did not expect that I have no clues for two months, but I have encountered it here... I have captured the life of the original worm, but it is not a player, but an npc!"

The violent unparalleled face has some excitement.

The one who had previously robbed Qin Fei of the task was the leaves of the wind. He didn’t believe much.

Because, it is obvious that all kinds of speeches before Qin Fei have shown some hatred for the leaves of the wind. How can he completely believe that?

However, those are not important now.

In the case of the powerful and terrifying npc, leaving him with a period of less than half a month, he finally found the "culprit."

As long as he finds it, his heart can already be loosened.

At least, he doesn't have to worry, he will lose his "life worm" to gain the status and star player's strength!

Hear the words of violence and unparalleled.

Qin Fei’s face is very ugly.

After all, I had promised before that it was absolutely the destruction of the leaves of the wind in the withered desert.

Now, there is a bit of a taste of being beaten by myself.

More importantly, it is precisely because of the conditions that help to find the people who undermine the task, through the behind-the-shoulders, the violence is brought to its own camp, and the agreement is reached in this mission. .

But now, the situation has undoubtedly changed.

Because these two people are together in the past few days, he clearly knows that in the violent unparalleled heart, the importance of the "life parasite" mission is even above the task of the agent transfer.

The reason is very simple, even if you transfer to a special occupation, you can't add too much strength, and there is no additional bonus on the attribute.

However, the life protozoa is able to directly increase the individual's combat power!

More importantly, only the violent unparalleled player in the entire "Eleventh Executive Star" has a life-like worm, which is a unique advantage.

This point, even his heart is extremely embarrassing!

He used to think that he awakened the Force, and it was a very powerful defensive force, so that the gap between the players and the ordinary players is as big as the gap between the elite and the leader.

However, in a previous discussion between the two, he found that he was not the violent unparalleled opponent with the life protozoa without using the original force skills.

Although, in the end, he still won by defending the original force and legendary equipment.

However, it is clear that until the violence has unanimously awakened the Force, the strength between the two will definitely reverse.

After all, he can't have a "life bug"!

This makes the heart quite conceited, and since the awakening of the original force, in addition to encountering the wind, the "flying brother" has been going smoothly.

I feel embarrassed and unwilling.

Two people, at this time, ignored one possibility at the same time.

That is, this npc instructor was disguised by the wind that was suspected of robbing the boss of the last blow.

After all, no one can think that the system will allow a player to act as an examiner who checks other players to hide career assignments.

In addition, there are also advanced camouflage pharmacies that far exceed the ordinary camouflage pharmacy, completely changing the face of the wind, and the wind has always been hidden from the characteristics of the player.

"I want the detailed information of this special agent instructor!"

At this point, the wind downstairs and the little fat man have come outside their field of vision.

The violence has turned over and turned to Qin Feidao.


"The intelligence of this special agent instructor has no way to obtain it. After all, people are engaged in intelligence work, and the npc's agent department is not so well-informed, and the organization has no way."

Qin Fei suppressed the irritability in his heart and shook his head.

"Wait, you don't want to do this npc?"

"No, absolutely not!"

Then, as if I thought of something, Qin Fei’s face changed and stared at the violent unparalleled face.

Just kidding.

If the violence is unparalleled for the mission of the life protozoan, the npc instructor is shot in this mission.

Whether or not they are killed, there is no doubt that the task of transferring the agents of the two of them is absolutely ruined.

It is even more likely that it will be permanently wanted by the federal government and the military, and even the deaths cannot be eliminated.

By then, he estimated that they would only join the rebel camp as a retreat!

Only by relying on the rebel army's attitude toward the player's high level, he will definitely not want to join the rebel army.

Therefore, he definitely can't make violence unparalleled.

"Yes, during this mission, I will not move him for the time being."

"But they hound dogs have to help me collect his intelligence. Before the end of this transfer, I need the most detailed information of this npc."

After the violence was unparalleled and Qin Fei looked at each other for a while, he finally nodded "compromise."

However, if you look closely, you can see that his eyes are blinking.

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