Fatal Shot

Chapter 869: Female Scout, No. 150!

Most of the players involved in an agent assessment task are male players. .

However, there are also five or six female players.

However, most female players are in charge of a career like a teacher or a doctor. There is only one female scout player in the entire team.

Actively open this female scout player.

Wearing a black and white combat uniform, the body is medium in height and looks neutral, and the wind does not even distinguish her **** at first glance.

Of course, because it is very likely to use camouflage medicine, this aspect is not necessarily her true face!

Compared with the appearance, the dress of this female scout player is more noticeable.

Unlike a general scout player who uses a submachine gun or an assault rifle, the weapon on her back is not a submachine gun, but two guns that are cross-shaped with some shotguns!

In addition, on the side of her waist, there is a large-caliber large-caliber pistol resembling a sand eagle, and a dagger is attached to the thigh.

This style will undoubtedly make her neutral appearance more difficult to distinguish.

In particular, she clearly belongs to the wheat color that often performs activities on outdoor maps, and the skin color is quite healthy.

Although not tall, but the body is very well-proportioned, giving a cheetah like a body with explosive power in general.

Her assessment code is, number 150!


The wind nodded and agreed.

Next, continue to designate a male scout.

"No. 44, you are with them!"

"it is good!"

Player No. 44 did not show a hesitant expression like the Scout No. 73 before, but the answer was very simple.

Obviously, these players understand one thing from the way the previous winds were the opposite of the previous group.

Although it is dangerous to seduce the tyrant's leeches, there are rewards for doing well.

More importantly, I can still leave a face in front of this "np" that masters the power of killing!

Then, if you continue, you may get more benefits.

The importance of doing a good relationship with np in "War of War" is the more elite players, the more they understand.

"Take action!"

After taking out some things from the backpack, the four players held weapons in their hands and walked into Channel 3.

However, after walking into the channel about a dozen meters away.

The female scout player of No. 299 suddenly raised her head and glanced at a position above the head, gazing slightly.

Then, lower his head and continue to follow the three teammates.

"Some meanings!"

On the side of the passage, the mouth of the wind whispered,

This temperament is like a female scout player in the cheetah. In the direction that the eyes swept, an elite reconnaissance beetle was floating.

Obviously, she has discovered the existence of scout beetles!

The scouting beetle has a strong camouflage ability and also possesses anti-reconnaissance capabilities. These reconnaissance beetles have reached the full level of 50, or elite units.

However, this kind of anti-reconnaissance is not absolute.

A talented bonus with reconnaissance skills, or a reconnaissance reconnaissance device, can detect the position of the reconnaissance beetle under certain circumstances.

Therefore, in fact, the player discovered the existence of the scout beetle.

The wind is not very unexpected.

After all, these players can go to this last step in the professional mission of the agent, and definitely have their own superiority.

The wind fell unexpectedly, this female scout player, after discovering the scouting beetle.

There was no attack, and there was no such thing as a reconnaissance beetle.

Instead, after the action has been found to have found the scout beetle, continue to do his own thing.

"very smart!"

The heart is really praised.

Obviously, the average player must have thought that the wind is relying on the agent equipment on them to track and monitor them.

However, this female scout player is obviously already guessing that the scouting beetle is the means by which the wind falls through a few hundred meters of passage and knows what happened all the way.

Therefore, she has such a reaction.

This is the best way to show your strength to the “instructor”!

"Da da……"

Among the four players, the No. 19 light armor and the violent unparalleled are all thoughtful, so they are not said in the middle of the road.

The No. 44 scout player, first of all, wanted to take a look at the female scout, but did not get a response.

Therefore, in the entire sewer branch, only the footsteps sounded on the way, which seemed quite dull.


Until a group of people, after five minutes of exploration in the vigilance, the silence was broken by the alarm sound of the high-energy creatures sent by the reconnaissance.

"Finally found out!"

The scout player of the 44th was shocked and said in the mouth.

However, when he received the projection on the reconnaissance device through the agent glasses, his face changed.

On the reconnaissance screen, in the position where they turned two turns with this passage, two orange highlights representing the leading creatures appeared directly.

"Rely, so unlucky! There are really two. And, the two are actually close together!"

"What to do? Two tyrants are together, how do we lead!"

Because the team has some distance from the location of the tyrant's otter, they have already found their tracks.

Therefore, it did not cause the discovery of two tyrants.

However, this unexpected situation clearly caused several people in the team to frown.

The four people were hiding in the same place and thought about several ways in succession. As a result, they found that there was no guarantee that they would only attract one past.

"Why is it so troublesome, let's take it together, we have more than 20 people, and we can definitely solve the two blame!"

The violence was unparalleled, and there was a flash of light in one pair of eyes.

"This is a 60-level leader, and there are parasites and viruses on the body. It is too dangerous to lead two in the past!"

"And, the command given to us by the instructor is only to ask for a past."

"And it's a sewer environment, and the interference is too big, can't communication be connected?"

The scout player No. 44 shook his head. Although he did not know the intention of the violent unparalleled heart, he expressed disapproval.

"A np only, what do you really think of him as an instructor?"

"If you can't think of a good way, then you can lead two pasts. It's hard to be a risk. Let us risk our lives and separate the two leaders!"

On the 19th, the light armored soldier was uncomfortable.

He is not worried about being "listened" by the wind, because player terms like np will be masked by the system.

So, this time vented two sentences in the player channel.

"I will divide it!"

But I don't want to, his voice just fell.

The cheetah is generally a female scout player of the 150th, but it is already alone, and goes quickly to the position where the tyrant's otter is in front.

Leaving behind the 19th light armored soldier's face is not very good-looking expression.

"In order to score, in front of an np, face is not needed..."

After a good moment, he spoke.

"Hey, hey..."

However, as he spoke, several gunshots had been heard in the front channel.

Then, a woman figure who is as healthy as a cheetah has quickly returned to their field of vision.

Behind this high-speed running figure, the turbid underground waterway has already been in front of the other, and there are two waves in the distance of ten meters!

"Damn, she brought both of them, retreat!"

On the 19th, the light armored soldier changed his face and shouted in his mouth.

However, when he had not run yet, the female scout player behind, already had an action, took a "shotgun" directly from his back, and then pulled the trigger.


Behind the barrel, a huge shell with a full length of 40mm was ejected.

From the muzzle, it was shot of an equally large red bullet that fell between the two tyrants.

The two tyrants, the otters, are themselves ten meters apart, chasing this side.

But when the first tyrant squid rushed through the corner, the bullet shot from the rifle was suddenly under the water, exploding into a large group of flame balls, and even the entire corner of the road. Ignition.

The tyrant's otter is more afraid of fire, and this has been confirmed in previous battles.

Because her gun caused a sea of ​​fire in the water and on the water, it directly led to a tyrant in the back, and slowed down for a while.

Thus, the two tyrants were smashed and instantly opened for a distance.

What's even more amazing is that the recoil of this gun seems to be a little bigger.

The female scout player was directly shocked, but she actually used the impact of the shotgun to accelerate the whole body and turned back to run!

The whole process, in one go!

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