Fatal Shot

Chapter 884: Death of the head of the diplomatic

"That side... what happened?"

Among the independent hotels, Lyon has stood up in surprise and looked out the window through the window.

In that direction, you can see that some people are running away.

At the same time, someone suddenly fell to the ground!

“It’s a variegated otter. Someone has transported ten mutated water to the most crowded place. At this time, the whole city is chaotic...”

Wind down the road.

"Is the rebel army?"

Lyon's eyes became dignified.

"It should be. But, to be precise, it is a umbrella company!"

Wind down the road.

"Umbrella companies? They are really connected to the rebels!"

Lyon's gaze reveals some surprises.

“It seems that you have some internal news?”

The wind looked at him.

"The last time the top ten border virus outbreaks occurred, the police station inside thought that it must be related to the umbrella company, but could not catch the exact evidence."

"This time, I must remove the face of the umbrella company."

Lyon has a strong tone.

"You are not a policeman now... or let us focus on our mission."

"Since the rebel forces use this method, then the Republic of Raf is afraid of danger!"

The wind fell and stood up and looked out.


Outside the hotel, on the other side of the street, some shooting sounds have been made.

The White City does not ban firearms for ordinary people.

Therefore, after the first time of panic, some people also took out their weapons and tried to attack the quasi-boss tyrants who stood tall on the top of the truck.

However, the result is of course meaningless.

The commander-level tyrant's blood has reached 300,000, and the powerful recovery ability completely ignores the small-scale damage of bullets.

Not to mention that these evolutions have become quasi-tyrants.

"Ah, ah..."

Instead, these attackers are either drilled into the stomach by infected parasites that fall from the sky, or they are sucked into the direct volley by the suckers of the tyrant's leeches and twisted into pieces!

"What happened?"

"Fast, look at the past!"

However, these gunshots and chaos also attracted the attention of the soldiers of the Republic of Raf who guarded the hotel.

Several reloading chariots and energy military vehicles drove over there.

"Everyone, check weapons, be ready to fight!"

The wind saw this situation, through the agent channel, issued instructions.

Now that the rebel forces have already started, it will not be long before the battle will come.

However, before this, the wind still needs to determine one thing.

Is the player on the rebel side now where they are, and what role do they play this evening?

The rebels are the same as the agents who evaluate the players. This time they are disguised as np.

Especially because their biotechnology is better and not as exposed as the appraisers, it is almost impossible for the wind to find the people by scouting the beetle.

However, fortunately, he already has clues.

"I am ready, but those people will really come?"

Near the square in District b, in a room of a dozen-story hotel, the driver who used to drive a lorry wearing a helmet and a mask.

At this time, I walked into the room, and then I removed all my clothes and took out a suit from the backpack.

Then, took out a sniper rifle and pointed the gun at the chaotic square below.

"They will definitely come... The tyrant's otter can burst out of intermediate-level potentiating agents, and the value is several times higher than that of rare equipment. If I can't blow things if I don't kill, I want to kill one myself. ""

From his communicator, another person’s voice was heard.

"Yes, don't blow the cowhide!"

"These tyrants are not allowed to talk about you, even the two guys who are awakened by the Force's eyes are not afraid to say to kill it..."

This sniper player disguised as an np driver, without hesitation, debunked.

"You still safely protect these tyrants from being killed by those np, and by the way, the players who do the work of several federal camps are no less rewarding than killing the tyrant."

"Standing and speaking, no pain, you are a sniper, of course, a good yin, Laozi is a warrior..."

The sound in the communicator, with some slamming.

The sniper player chatted with people through the communicator, but apparently did not notice that a small bug lying on his window sill would listen to the conversation without fail.

"That is to say, the rebel camp players' mission is mainly to protect these tyrants and to deal with the players in the federal camp."

"In addition, that is... in their team, there are a total of two players who awaken the Force."

After the wind fell from these words, I got the message I wanted.

Then, switch the field of view to the side of King Ada.

At this time, this traffic jam section near the presidential palace is already blood into the river!

Because the sudden appearance of the tyrant's lorry's truck angle is somewhat high, many people in the car that are blocked on the road have not even reacted.

The infected parasite, which was jumped in from the window, was wrapped around the body and then sneaked into the mouth.

Only some people are a little farther away from the field. The field of vision saw this situation hurriedly opened the door, and the face of the underground car ran back.

The diplomatic team's team, four of the first two cars, are four of those who ran.


However, after they got off the bus, they didn't run a few steps, and they were immediately smothered by the tyrants and used a few suction cups to **** the volley and were swallowed in the screams.

"Save me, save me..."

The bald middle-aged diplomatic leader was in the third car of the team.

Originally, he also wanted to get off and escape immediately.

But as a head of the diplomatic team, he was protected in the middle of the entire team while driving.

At this time, the front, back, left and right were blocked by other cars, and even the door could not be fully opened. The narrow slit that was opened was not enough for his pampered big belly to pass.

Therefore, when the people in the first two cars got off and fled, he was shouted by the card and sweating.

Then, after seeing the horror of the four people being sucked back, they hurriedly retracted into the car, shut the door openly, and then completely shut the window.

"Hey, hey..."

However, evasion obviously cannot escape.

Several infected parasites fell to the top of his car.

Then, a bunch of tentacles wrap the car around.

"Hey, hey..."

The glass of the car with bulletproof function, under the tentacles of the fully mature infected parasite, quickly appeared a series of cracks.

Against the head of the bald diplomacy in the energy painting, there is no blood, a frightened face and a "water stain" under his arm.


King Ada’s car was at the end of the team, and at the same time, he was reminded of the windfall.

Therefore, she is the only one in the team who can have a back room.

However, at the moment of seeing the tyrant's otter, King Ada did not choose to fight.

Instead, go straight back and drive towards the luxury hotel where you stayed.

She didn't care at all. The infected parasite had crushed the glass and then went in and shouted a life-saving bald middle-aged diplomatic head.


"Discovering mutants!"

Just when the Aida king car went backwards and then detoured to the hotel.

The guard soldiers of the presidential palace not far away are obviously not aware of the situation here.

Soon, two energy military vehicles with six-barrel machine guns rushed over, and then crossed the crowd, madly facing the quasi-boss tyrants on the truck for long-range scanning.

"Da da da……"

"-890, -909, -917..."

As a heavy-duty electromagnetic six-barrel machine gun, the lethality is very powerful.

Even the tyrants of the quasi-boss level were directly hit by these bullets, and even penetrated its huge body with a width of a few meters, bringing out a spurt of blood column behind him. Rw

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