Fatal Shot

Chapter 887: Legendary sniper rifle


A six-tube electromagnetic machine bullet hit a body infected with parasitic npc.

The bullet flew out of his eyes with a large blood, exploding his entire head like a watermelon.

However, the npc that had been exploding in the head did not fall down, and even the footsteps did not stop. There were a few waves on the head and they continued to move toward the hotel.

"All, attack, the current infections below!"

"It's all noted that these npcs are different from the zombies in the previous Resident Evil mission."

"They are parasitic because they are parasitic, so simply smashing their heads can't make them die, and they have to blast their hearts at the same time."

Above the platform, looking at the infected parasitic npc with a rush of blood on the face, the eyes of the **** of death in the wind fell from the position of the tyrant's otter to these elite monsters.

All players are notified in the mouth.

This is the problem he had discovered from the cleaner in the hospital.

These npcs infected by the t-v virus are obviously more difficult to deal with than the zombies infected by the t virus!

If you want to kill an infected body, even if it is windy, you need to continuously explode its head and parasites occupying the heart.

Of course, if you master the teacher, you don't need to be so troublesome.


After the command of the wind fell, the players who were ready to go, immediately attacked the infected npcs underneath.


There is a sea of ​​fire that is more than ten meters wide and appears directly on the street.

More than a dozen infected npcs in the sea of ​​fire, immediately screamed in the mouth, want to rush out of the fire.

"Puff puff……"

However, immediately there were more than a dozen spiral wind blades, hitting two of the legs that infected npc.

Sharp and sharp energy blades, the muscles on their legs were cut off, and the heel cut off, so that the feeling of running in the original npc suddenly lost power, and suddenly fell into the sea of ​​fire.

"-890, -931, -944..."

The clothes on the body are quickly ignited by the flame, giving off a roasting taste, and a lot of damage is on the top of the head!


The other two infected npcs that had just rushed out of the sea of ​​fire were also given a huge energy stone to the shackles. If they were hit by a car, they would fall back into the fire.

"Zizi, nourish..."

Somewhere next to it, the ground quickly spreads out with a transparent smooth ice layer.

Let these infected npcs, one of them caught off guard, fell to the ice!

"Hey, hey..."

In the process of their fall, a series of ice thorns that are more than half a meter long stretched out on the front ice.

Just put these inverted infection npc, directly from the forebrain to the back, revealing a piece of original crystal clear and now is the **** ice tip!


For the controller, they don't have to pursue precise attacks.

Because the huge range of attacks and the combination of various skills, enough for them to make a horrible output!

In contrast, in general, only the single-attack sniper, the output in this battle is far worse.

Of course, there are always exceptions!


A 14.5mm large-caliber sniper bullet flew out of the platform at a speed of more than 1500m/s, hitting a forehead of a parasitic npc that was running from a slightly tilted angle.


After the high-speed rotation of the large-caliber sniper bullet, after hitting the head of the npc, the powerful force directly flies the hard skull and explodes most of the head.

The next sniper bullet was almost no slowdown.


Then, I interrupted the neck of an infected npc behind me, and then, it was the third infected npc chest.


Still high-speed bullets, directly from the front chest, broke the heart position and left a mouth-like bullet hole in the chest.

The bullets still haven't stopped, and the speed is at least half.

Moving on, I will break the fist-sized hole in the belly of the fourth infected npc.


The speed of sniping bullets has slowed by 70%.

But still the last fifth infected npc's calf was directly interrupted, so that the running npc fell to the ground.



Finally, this hole pierced the sniper bullets of five parasitic zombies before they hit the ground and crashed.


The eyes of the **** of death in the wind, the high temperature after the shooting.

A bullet passed through five targets, resulting in a total output of nearly 30,000 points. Even if it is the best equipped master in the team, the output is definitely not as good.

Is this kind of special b-class bullet?

It is not that there are several special bullets in the magazine of the eyes of the **** of death in the wind, but just sent an e-class armor-piercing project with a price of 20 credits.

The amazing effect can be achieved, all because of the attack power and attributes of the Eye of Death.

This 60-level legendary sniper rifle, after the wind was collected, was first used in the mission.

And just the shot was because the first rare attribute of the Eye of Death was opened. "The fatal damage caused by the attack is +100% (consuming 10 points of force)!"

There are three rare attributes in the Eye of Death.

The properties of the magazine and the **** are independent (elastic: the special special effect of the loaded special bullet +25%, buttstock: the impact force is eliminated when shooting).

The scope, the barrel and the additional attributes of the main parts belong to the first article.

This attribute, the wind fell at first thought, just as the description, just increase the damage bonus.

However, wait until you get the main part of the Eye of Death.

In actual combat, it was discovered that this kind of attack that consumed the Force was actually accompanied by a part of the hidden effect.

First, after consuming the original force, the bullet can actually hit a high amount of penetrating damage.

Second, when the bullet hits the player, it actually carries a certain degree of the original damage effect (can cause injury)!

This is undoubtedly very useful for snipers.

The biggest problem with snipers is that they only have single damage, but with a complete eye of death.

The wind is undoubtedly equivalent to a certain degree, with the means of group attack!


"-9045, -6054, -4270..."

Above the platform, the eyes of the **** of death in the wind, continuously shot the bullets that consumed the original force.

Every time you send a bullet, you can infect npc through two or three people!

Although, in addition to the first goal, there is no guarantee that the attack will be critical.

However, with the powerful destructive ability of the large-caliber sniper bullet in the eyes of the **** of death, even if it is hit on the shoulder, it can tear off the npc half body.

Therefore, under the muzzle of the Eye of Death, the infected npcs that rushed to the hotel on the street fell to the ground one by one.

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