Fatal Shot

Chapter 894: Rebel army spy

"It's okay. But the situation doesn't seem very optimistic now."

The wind fell.

"I have learned from the information provided by the Intelligence Agency from above."

"President Lovsky was assassinated, and things have indeed been somewhat out of control. After the urgent deliberation, I decided to release a new assessment task."

Said the eyes.

“New assessment task?”

The wind is in tone with doubt.

"The President of the Republic of Raf has now entered the base under the presidential palace after the assassination. He is now out of danger."

"So, now decided to let you rescue a few people first."

"Protect them for about two hours, wait for a private rescue plane to arrive and board them on board!"

"Protect people? Who!"

The brow of the wind fell.

"This is the list!"

The eyes reached out and some virtual figure images and simple information appeared around her.

"Elizabeth, Wang Siwei, William Bush, Ichiro Ichiro... Kim Il-en, the three-day group continues to be..."

"Jin Rien... These people on the list are some rich second generation or official second generation?"

Seeing this name, the wind fell sharply and looked at the eyes.

"It seems that you already know... yes, they are the consortiums or even the heirs of some consortia or political families."

The eyes saw the expression of the wind, sighed, then nodded.

“The situation in the Republic of RAF during this time is very tense, but as a tourist and casino sanctuary, there are still some people who travel regardless of the government’s warnings.”

"Because Tatrina has acted as the president, she has issued a statement not allowing the military of either side to enter the Republic of RAF and opening the control of air entry."

"And the federal government and the rebel forces are now in a state of intense confrontation. Once the military intervenes, the battle will definitely erupt."

"So you will not have any support in a short time."

"However, some people have already reached a condition with the rebel army and the Republic of Raf to allow an unarmed private jet to enter the White City to pick them up."

The face of the eyes has been very calm.

But in the tone, it is with some irony.

"And the new task assigned to you is to protect the people on this list and bring them to a suitable place to board the plane before the plane arrives."

"If you can't protect it?"

The wind fell and asked, and asked.

"This rescue and protection mission is one of the assessment tasks. Moreover, the performance in this mission will largely determine the admission of the last new round of agents!"

Said the eyes.

This sentence, of course, is not what she said, but on behalf of the so-called high-level executives.

"These people’s homes are afraid to give very rich conditions."

When the wind fell to hear this, there was actually no feeling of anger in my heart.

Not to mention that this is just a game, even if it is not in the game, this situation is very common.

People and people, there will be no equality, what is the private use of the public...

“The total donation of 1 billion credits, and the other proposal to pass a proposal to increase the expenditure of the special department and update the equipment of the special department in parliament.

The eyes of the eyes with some sneer.


"My dad has already sent a private jet and can come here for up to two hours."

"I only need to protect me for two hours, I can get 10 million credits, and I can take the plane and leave the place with me. Have you considered it? I really want to miss this opportunity!"

In the hall, it was protected by ten special soldiers and two players holding the loader.

The rich second generation of young people occupying a corner, this time also wants to pull a few more people to protect his safety.

"There is a private jet to pick up, and there is money to take."

"Jin Shao, Jin Shao, I protect you, I can protect you, as long as you let me leave with you!"

When I heard the words of the rich second generation of young people, there were no more people who were tempted by the special soldiers.

However, those npc tourists who are concentrated in the hall, but many people have bright eyes.

A burly body, but the npc tourists with the bruises on the eyelids, even stood up from the state of squatting, yelling in the mouth and rushing to the side of the rich second generation npc youth.

"If you don't move, you will stand for Laozi!"

And his movements are all embarrassing to all the tourists.

The remaining special npc soldiers, hurriedly holding guns at those who stood up, even beaten and suppressed.

"Rely, what do you mean by tm?"

"You are a federal soldier, holding the money of our taxpayers. The result is a danger. Don't deal with the monsters, but point the guns and fists at your own citizens?"

After standing up, he was stopped in the middle of the burly npc tourists who smashed the hits of Songto, an angry look.

"Not bad."

"You are the soldiers of the Federation, and they are pointing at us with guns!"

"Do you have this ability to go out and fight monsters? I only know that there is a prestige in my own people."

His troubles have made other federal tourists too noisy, even the residents of the White City have some temptations.


A dull shot.

A sniper bullet hit the front end of the nose of the burrowing np visitor c, and directly smashed a huge decorative vase next to the corner of the hotel, and the debris flew everywhere.

Even a piece of debris crossed the cheek of the npc tourist and directly marked a wound.

The bullets flew in close proximity, and the blood from the wound on the cheeks directly changed the face of the npc, and the right hand subconsciously went to the waist.

"Do you really really do it for yourself?"

The rich second generation of young people heard the gunshots and saw the blood on the face of the burly npc who wanted to rely on themselves.

The calm face was suddenly white, and he hurriedly retracted his body to the newly recruited heavy armored warrior player, only revealing some of his head and shouting at the wind.

"Own people..."

The wind fell and smiled at him, and the words seemed to mean something.

"Do you know who made the monsters outside?"

Then, instead of waiting for the rich second generation of youth to return, the wind suddenly said a word.

In a word, I immediately quieted up the situation that might have been chaotic immediately.

"Who made it?"

The rich second generation of youth immediately did not care about the fear, and hurriedly asked.

This is obviously the presence of these npcs all want to know.

"It is a rebel army!"

“They use the mutant creatures made in the sewers to spread biochemical viruses that can turn people into zombies throughout the city.”

“In addition, the variegated leeches are used to cultivate a large number of parasites that can parasitize in the human body and control human consciousness and action.”

The wind fell flat.

As soon as he heard the news, these npcs were all white.

In contrast to the scenes they personally experienced before, they naturally know that the wind is not true.

In particular, some residents of the White City, many people are shaking after knowing the truth.

"Do you mean that he was parasitized?"

When I heard this, the rich second-generation youth with a more blushing face seemed to realize what it was.

I hurriedly stepped back to the body, away from the burly npc who was shot by the wind and stopped.

"I haven't been parasitized... I don't have any mouth on my body, everyone can see..."

The burly npc tourists heard the words, and a "squeaky" in their hearts, hurriedly abruptly defended.

"Of course you have not been parasitized... How can the rebels make their own people infected with parasites?"

The wind fell back and looked at him.


The burly npc visitors’ face changed suddenly.

Not only him, but also the same face of the shorter npc dressed by another resident of the White City.

"What, there are really rebel spies and we are coming in together!"

The npcs of the three intelligence agencies heard this and their faces changed.

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